Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 2.djvu/744

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1906 INDEX. Enlisted Men, Navg—Ccntinued. _ _ Pm- Equipnumt and Supplies Divimbn, Post Opie; P•z•- ratings established, of storekeepcr m arti- Deparmwnt, ticer branch; grades and pay 575 appropriation for supmintendent, assist.- mtings for aircraft duty .. 585 ant, clerkp, etc .. 107, 1110 appointment as student Byers .. . 586 kuipment Divimbn, Postal Service, Enlisted Reserve Corps, Amy, apgropriatiou for rent fur repair shops, etp. . 412 composition of,u11dcr Nauonnl DefenseAct. 195 r construction of new building; mte. enlistment period j qualifications . 195 etc ... 412 certificates to be xssued to; privileges cou- for power and light 412 {erred . . ... 195 Equipmmt Shops, Post Office Department, ggference when called into active service. 195 appropriation for light, power, repairs to ' tinctive rosettes to be issued to . 195 machinery . 1059 nay ones, if unavcidnbg lqst, etc z .- . 195 Equipment Supplzea, Navy, _ pumsliment for unau onzed wesrmg, apfprcgriation for Bureau of Navigatwn. 561, 1172 etc ... 195 or ureau of Supplies and Accounts. 603, 1183 assignment to Army as reserves 195 for Bureau of Construction and 605, 1184 as sefpuxte units, ctc.; details at uiiicem for Bureau of Steam Eugineenng 606, 1185 _0d 0;  : .. _ .: R .. : .. 195 Ddrmp, Sarah JZ (widow), 1450 pen 0 active tzmmng, 0 .,serv1cc; ex- pensum . .

 ... _ ..-a. - . ,. . 195 Erick, Emp HK, 1277

y, e ., w on active u ;-110 mute- uswnmcmued . - .. pa ment ... . fist .. 196 Egbesaon, John, uniform same an Army ... 196 memmial authorized in Washington, D. C., clothing, etc., to be issued to .. 196 to; cost ... 671 remams United States property 196 commmiou designated for o . ... 671 replaced if umvcidably lost, etc 196 subject to approval of Gommision of uuserviceable . . . 196 Fine Axis .. . ... 672 return when discharged . Z . . 196 Erie, Pa., _ subject to Army regulations when in nctnve smpdatiou for xmprovemeut of harbor. . 393 dmc service]; .. . .1; ... 196 Er: , James B., 1542 ` lmgeswenno nger uimd; pensionincreased . ... misconduct T . 1 96 .Erwin,_Ji>Ign W., penalty for noncoxczggllisnce with cndem 196 pension mcmased 1457 grade, etc., when od into active service Ervgin, Tenn., in time of war . . 196 nght of way granted through Bah hatchery, muster aa volunteers; pay, etc . 196 for pu lic highway . 928 no vested right to muster into volunteers. . 197 Escambia Rwer, Fla., Enrollment of Vessels, preliminary examination, etc., of, to be purchases, etc., by Shipping Board en- made ... . . 408 titled to benefits of 730 Emu, J., Entomology Bureau, Department of AgnZcul— E;-znsxon increased . ... 1525 ture, " parta/’ Steamship, appropria.tion for salaries . . 465, 1153 clsum of owners 0 , may be submitted to or general euépemses; investigations. - 465, 1154 district court .. . 1474 for msects a ecting fruits, nuts, cereals, Eapy, Pa., _ forage, etc . 465, 1154 condemned cannon granted to Almodm Eecan investigations . . 1154 Cemetery st. . . ... 836 essian dy and chinch bug- .. 465, 1154 Estate Tax, lntemal Revenue, _ for southern field cmp insects; forests; appmpriatmn for expenses, collecting . 1091 truck crops; bee culture . 465, 1154 construction of terms psed 777 for citrus fruit, etc., insects ... . . . 466, 1154 estates of persons dying hereafter subject for Mediterranean and otherfmit dies. 466, 1154 to; rates ... 777, 1002 for investigating insects affecting health determination of value of gms estate., 777 of man and animals .. . .. 466, 1154 gifts, etc., in anticipation of death m— for administrative ex , 466, 1154 cluded . .. 777 for preventing ... 466, 1154 joint interests . . ... 778 Erwehzpea, Postal 0%:,1}:1 and Registry, domestic stock, etc., held by nonresiappropriation for . 421 dents . 778 Envoy: E.cb·aordim·ry and Ministers Plenipo- net value determined .. . .. 778 ‘€”“?”`?/· deductions, administration allowances, approprmmon for salaries .. 252, 1048 etc ... 778 Enyart, Hzpvey, exemption of $50,000 778 pension increased . , .. 1564 proportionate share of nonresident iu; Epvklemics, returns re uixed . . . - 778 appropriation for prevention of ...,... 279 time when due· %.i5COH11t for prepayment. . 778 deficiency appropriation for prevention cf. 28 interest if dela ed; allowances, etc . 778 Epilepties, _ _ returns to be mage by exomtor after qualialien, excluded admxmum 875 fying; requirements ... 778 Eppens, Margaret (widow), if gross estate exceeds $60,000 .. 779 pension increased . . .. 1569 partial returns 779 EPM, Doctor WZ, assessment by collector 779 pension inuemed . . .. 1524 by collecmrif no administration granted. 779 Eqldpage, Army Camp and Garrigm, payment; receipts to be given ..,. .. . . 779 appropriation for . s . .. 634 sale of property for nonpsyment, etc 779 defiuency appropriation for L .. 46 lien mf unpaid . 780