Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 2.djvu/748

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1910 INDEX. Farr, Kitty E. (widow), RF- Federal Farm Loan Act-Continued. Page- F pensigvxi . . 1333 Federal Farm L0$]1B031‘d légtgtgmelnstof load; arm, amas ., associations an an to 1; to, for homestead, transmitted to . 361 Paymeghennan Count , Oreg . ... 1355 bulletins of information, etc., to be pre- Farrell, Mary A. (widmug; pared and distributed by ... 361 pension increased 1221 pa ent of expenses for, etc .. 362 Fawcett, Man; I. (widow), Fedcruvaland bank districts to be apporpension .. . ...,. 1212 tioncdg boundaries, ctc 362 Fayette, Mo,, Federal land banks; one for each district gpproptgation Eorspublic building 265 to be established ... 362 " Gyviie Town, MMU, rcI1mmary° orgam`za.tion rovisions . 362 name of "Cha.r1cs L. Hutchinson" changed gxcorporationg powers in gharter . . . 363 Feaglcs "f.m ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ M6 £§L”%““??£I2’g“mm““§‘f£LZ€p‘iL¥$2“““°d S3 7 1 0 . ; ° ‘ ‘ ‘ ° pension increased 1277 local, to be choécn by loan associations 363 Fegter! Wilber, 1362 district,B1£r gw appointed by Farm 363 Feather - · Sa-cram. i ~ Enizo n0mma' tion anrlglorrizron 363 _ Fgather Rivers, Ga.1.). chairman to be designated from dis- Feathewjmggll, Alfred, M65 ggdru of each . gg; pensmn increased me ,,,,,,,,.,,,.,,,., , ,.,,,, Fedmer, Saint Claire, qurrigcations; resuichionon otherem- Fxm“*““m““;°.#; ················ · ···· ‘“’ p¤§°»1°$r€Z1q°:b§6§£fK¤k ·············· $3 ` investigaition, fic., claim as attorney for 147 Npitgi ¤¢•¢i¤, ¤:3\¤1$;¤q¤i!'¤d}¤¤b¤¤iI* 364 mmm djalns ____________________ ons; par _ uc.-:.-: .. Famazxwdjw vmamzmmm (sccalao *1*** bgrfgdfn *¤°°°*°¤°¤¤ **0* *° b° 364 VQC8ti0l]§l Education), di .d d ’ j` ` if ' ‘°’'° 364 creatmf; composition, cx officio; appoint,. 932 Opgljgig of mbsc!<;1;i0;0b1;¤•$k£?";_i;•;3; Ive _,,,,,,,,._,,,.,... . . ’ _ term of service and pay of appointive gggm msubsmud b°1’m°°· 364 p0wcrsu;$11<gl:l€1;'?:{en;::::::1::::::;:::::::: gg *°**i*¤mB¤* °*f¤’igi¤jQ ¤ub¤gig“°¤j*°- 365 recommendations to be made by C0mmis— P°r°°m€°‘%? ° qmc gse °m mm 365 sioncr of Education to . 933 . °·8s°°“"’ l°n‘p§Ym°u ‘ ‘ ·t‘: · ‘‘‘‘·‘ €m@§YeBS authOdZ€d·.·.__.···.---`·U-. 933 1]1VO£tH1§Ilt/3 NG PGI CGD 111 0V€l'Il· ann appropriation for administration ment qu S ··‘*··‘··‘‘‘ , ·‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ expenses ____________ _ _____________ 933 may bq dqsxgnnted as Gjowemment doannual report to Congress; reports of State p°°}t°·n€S @*1 (gnauml “g?°t§ ‘‘‘·‘

  • ><·=¤·*¤ *0 be mcludcd ··——-···---··· 936 mds;;;1?;r);;(iggnI€as;0:J1§:;il;;%1ist{lLtr€i>vrnionn

Fedzml CQ"'? REPOTB an'? Di9€·**$» 0 for organizing; . . . . . 365 appropérgtron ior couunuamon of Federal 312 bmrdofdimcmm; Omccéxpayraggdsuom 365 P°"° -························· —tr¤ ; *5 ; ; M- Fedzral Courts (see United States Courts). _ _ _,,_ ,,,, il _,,,,, 366 mam: Fam Lam Ace. Faymept of ¤¤1>¢¤¤¤e- · ·; ------·· ; - - z- - - 366 title de2§;;¢ed; administration by Fed- 360 ormatmon of ; orgamzamon; apphcauon, 366 1,0;;; Board ______________ etc ... definitgons; yfglrst mortgage " "farm loam issue of charter by Farm Loan Board. .- 367 bonds " ...,_.,.,,.,,, ,,_,,,,,_,_,, 360 corporate powcm; subscription for ‘l¤.nd Federal Farm Ian Bureau established in sticky 9% ···--- ·-·-·-·· 367 Treasury purmmnt ..., . 360 espn oc , par uc· vo powers; Federal Fqrm Loan Board; composition, limit. -nt-·.· ..-·· , ·-·····.-·---·· 367 quah.iica.tion¤, py, eu; ,__.,_,,,_,, 360 share; resmctec} to borrowers; subterm of service; executive officer to be ¤€¤Pt1°¤ mqu¤‘€m°¤*¤ -~······~···· 368 designated Farm Lum Cqjmmjg- iuireasc tc} seciure loans ... 368 sioner ,.,.,..,,, , _,,,,,,_,_ 350 a 'cation or cans on mortgages first meeting; restriction on other em- PP by ngembcrs; payment for Stock 368 ployment; vwmcieg ,.,,_,._,,,___, 360 commrssmns allowed; use of ... . 368 to a%go1nt £arm_loan regrsuzrs, and land loans frgrn banks to 368 nk SPFHLISGTB an exaxniners . 361 msponmbxlxty of syoclgholders - . 369 other emdp oyment by, restrrcted . 361 muon of, on aplphcatxons for loans. - . t . 369 salarrgjes an expenses to be paid from the appraisal Wydogn iommxttee; submm- 369 reasury . . ,. , .,,,,,,,. 361 sion to an an .. from land banks and aasodmtions- 361 report of loan bank appraisers on apemplgyggg authogized, not gubject to pljcatioug, ,,__ _ _ __________________ 369 civil service laws . . 361 forms; general duties of appraisers. . . 369 may be placed in classified service. . . 361 borrowers not eligible as appraisers, etc. . 369 land banks to submit schedules of sal- designated powers; indorsement of mort- 369 aries to . .., 361 Enges . report of operanions to Congress - 361 de 'very of funds to borrowers . . . 370 examinations of banks by; appraissh of property rights ... 370 farm lands; preparation of amcrti- xmue 0 certificates against deposits; z3[jgnt3b]g3__, ,,,..,,,,_, ,,,.,_,, 361 djgpqgalgf, __________ ____, _____ ____ 370