Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 2.djvu/783

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INDEX. 1945 Hours of Sermbq, Railroarl Employees, P¤s¤· House of Represmta¢·ives—C0ntinued. Pagepenalty firi vwlaitiing hnumtxon of . deficiency appropriation for 0E<:ia1 re- 2 prosecp 10118; `ll!11t8.t10l1B, etc ... porters .,,_,_,_,,,,,_ . ,..._,., 82 unavondable accidents, etg., excepted: . 61 for horses and mail wagons . 822 not apphcable to wrecking and rehef delivery of plates of lportraits of deceased QWWS.: 61 Members of,t0 eirs,etc.,authorized 275 pending quits not affected .. 61 digest, etc.`, of contested election cases, Housetomp Rwcr, Conn., 1901-1917, ordered printed . 1606 Happroyxzation for gxpéovement of . 392 five melmbers t0Nbe zappointed on Board of ouse 0 elmtiem, . ., iaitors, ava Academ ,,,,,_,_... 608 Happrolpréation for expenses . 701, 1028 chairma1;H of Navag) AffairsyCommitt»ec, mae 0 epresentatives, ex o cio mem cr. 608 appropriation for compensation of Mem- fimeral exgmenses of Admiral Dewey to be bers, Delegates, and Resident Com- 0 3 gui fronii contingent expenses of missioners ... 69, 1 7 enate an ,. . ..,..,... 16(W _ for mileage, etc ... 70.1074 joint meeti of Senate and, ordered for §o1·(§J£;a1§er’a office; D1g€Bt of Rules,. . ;O, 1034 f Decgu er 7, 1915 .. 1599 or ain . 0, 10 4 or Apri 9, 1916 .. 1600 for Clear; of the House, clerks, etc . 70. 1074 for August 29, 1916 . 1604 for chief engineer, assistants, etc .. 70, 1074 for December 5, 1916 .. 1605 for clerks,_ measengems;1 and janitors too 1074 ger gelgmary 3, 1917 ... 1606 c0mmm;ees,annu ... . .. , or e mary 14 1917 .. 1606 appointment and duties of janitors. . 71, 1074 for FebruaBy 26; 1917 .. 1608 for c erks to committees, session .. 71, 1075 salaries for ecember, 1915, to be paid for Sergeant at Arms, deputy, eyc . 71, 1075 December 17 ... . . 3 for gilice force, House Office Building. 71, 1075 for Scéptember, 1916, to be paid on day for oorkeeper. special employees. etc. 71, 1075 0 adjournment ,.,,...,,.,,,... 853 messengers, laborers. etc. .. 71, 1075 for December, 1916, to be paid Decemsuperintendent folding room, etc 71, 1075 ber 22 .. 5 ...,.. 861 pages . 71, 1075 six members, to serve on Public Buildings superintendent document room, etc. 71, 1075 Commision ..., 328 for minority employees ... 72. 1075 three Members to be designated on comfor special employees, etc..._ .. 72,1076 mission to investigate, etc., pneufor c erk, etc., conference . I 72, 1076 _ matic tribe mail service ..,..,,,_,.. 1064 for messengers, majority and mmonty2 1076 joint comlnittoe B2 space required by caucus rooms 7 . Afdc tural partment ... 1158 for postmaster, asdstant, etc - . 72, 1076 mstten _ burial services of Admiral Dewey. 1605 horses and mail wagons 72, 1076 two Resident Commissioners to be elected for official regonem .. 72, §iJ6 by the Philippine Legislature, term, for stenograp ers to committees ... 72, 6 pay, etc ,..,.. 552 "during the session" to mean 118 use of mupe of Member of, in advertising days ...,.. 72 busmess before departments, etc., “dl1I'1Dg the session); to l60?l1 210 daysé 1076 H Oixinlagvflik . 54 for clerk hire, Mem rs, e egates, an cruse cc ui ing, ' Resident Commissioners . 72, 1076 appropriation for elevumrconductpm for. 70,1074 placed on roll of employees; appointét) 1076 for police force . ..,,, 71, 1375 ment, etc. ... -. or trees, etc., groun s 0 . . 90 for contingent expenses, materials for d for maintenance . . . 327 folding ... . .. 73. 1077 eticicncyz•;>propx·iat,ion formainwnance. . 26 for furniture and n=pa.iru .. 73. 1077 for <·onstruct.ion, etc ... 4 30 for packing boxes . . . 73. 1077 H0ux¢·,_St<·phcn, fm n1js<·ell;1ncuusit•-ms. . .i ... 73, l077 I pens10;;.F. ... - ... ig'; ,.. 1371 f r expenses, s eviul nm select com- Iouxoho r rlrlumv, D. C., Slo _ 0 mitteos ... . 73. 1077 revocation of dealer 's license bxiying, withfor stationery . . . 73. I077 out reasonable inquiry, etc . 1046 for postage stamps .. . ... 73. 1077 I IIOu.sI0·n Ship Chmmrl, Tu., for automobile for Speaker ..,. 73.1077 appwpmmon for improvement of, mainfor session emgloyws until Gnd of first 94 um§€D8DC€ ... . . 398 session 64( ( mgress ... .. 3 pre mary examination. etc., of, to e for session employees for entire month of made, to secure greater width and September, 1916. .. _. . - 853 depth. ... 408 for expenses of inaugural ceremomes, 874 I Hout.s,_Da(nvl, 1985 1917 ,__,__,,,,,.,, . ... penswn increased .,.. .. deficiency %propriation1§or11‘Et11aintenance, 26 00] Houyde, Janus? d th f 1351 t __ Omce ui ing . ,° payment to, or ea. o son .,,. - for fglgingfilfi? .. 26, 822 { Hovey, Martha J. (widow), for widow of Joseph A, Goulden 822 ; pension . . ... . .. 1371 for widow of Samuel A. Witherspoon 822 ¤ H0z·ey,_Savjah F. (widow), for widow of\Vl1lj,am G, Brown. jr .. 822 [ pensxonincreaaed ...,.,.. 1247 for widow of Hunter H. Moss. jr 822 i HO‘l'23. L`lz,_ §or congested election expenses . Hpeni1io%?creased ,.,,.,., 1443 or stationery ...,,,,... . .. ..- 1 0u:a . ristian, for miscellaneous items . .,... 822 Z pension increased ,., . 1309 · for expenses, special and select com- { Howard. George A.. mittees ... S22 pension increased ... . 1452