Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 2.djvu/835

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INDEX. 1997 Milimh, C., P•¢¤- Idler, Jerome L, P¤£¤· apgaropnation for expenses . ... 712, 1039 pension ., 1581 or camps, etq .. _ ... _ . 712, 1039 Miller,_ Jesse, · for commutamon of subsastencc, enhshed pengmn increased ..,,.,.,...,,.,...· . . 12 65 men on special detail . . 712, 1039 Miller, John, Ohio Volunteers, for rent of armories .. 712, 1039 nsion increased 1544 five-year leases authorized; Cavalry, 1040 Mgleler, John, Vemumt Volunteers, etc. , use ., nsion increased 1435 renewal of lose of armory for mounted 040 Mgleler, John K., d troops, etc . 1 nsion increase 1526 for pay of troops other than G0vernmcn{:2 Mgger, Joseph A,, Maryland Volunteers, employces .. 7 , 1040 nsion increased 1483 deficiency_ appr0priat:i011 for expenses M5€ler,_J0{eph A., Pennsylvania Volunteers, _ _ _ In0}J111z1ng-_ 808 Mpenmou mcrcased .. . ,. ... 1343 Mzlma D·w1.sw·n, Chu f 0 f Stag, ·1,ller, Kate M. (wvdow),

  • 00 be known hereafter as Bureau, pension increased ,... 1404

War Department; status, etc ... 203 Maller, Lwnhart, Milihkz, Organized (see also National Guard), pension increased 1273 deficiency appropriation for encampment Miller, Margaret L. (wrklow), and maneuvers 29, 828 pension .. 1412 appointments as cadets to MLl1tary_Aca.d- Maller, Martha M (widow), emy from, authorized; c0nd1tions--. 62 pension .. . . . . 1400 drafted into military service with Army-.. 340 Miller, Man; (unlow), Naval Militia provisions .. 593 pension .. 1449 oflicers and enlisted men exempt from Miller, Mary A. (wahiow), restriction against paying double pension increased · . . -. 1461 VU D szgaries to Government employees. . 120 Milkr,_Mary L. (unliow), 1425 . z ·, . ., penmon .. appropriation for inspection of dairy Miller, Matilda A. whom), farms, etc., by health officials. . . 703, 1030 pension increased ... . 1530 Milk River In·igat1km Project, Mwst., Miller, Morris E., appropriation for maintenance, etc ... 305 pension increased. .. . 1383 for maintenance, Fort Belknap Indian 139 Miller, Nancy (daughter), 1259 Reservation union . . lands sold in Great. Northam Railway ° Mgleler, Nathan H., within, subject to construction, etc., Mpenuinn increased .. . . 1345 Mum . _ .. 941 zll¢r,_Nzl:um B., 1526 1 , 0 ., unouxncmued vpension increased- ... 1424 Mya-, Oh}, . zllard, William A., nsion increased 1422 Mpeusion increased 1552 llgfler, Peter M., {llc Lac Indwkms, Minn., nsion increased 1205 deEciency apgzropriatiou for paying judg- Jlggler, Samuel, ment 0 Court of Claims . 823 Mpension increased . . .. 1229 allowance of interest, etc . 823 zllcr, Sarah J. (widow), Milled eville, Ga., Mpension increased ... . 1242 COD(£ cagnfin granted to Georgia 83 zller, Solomon 1277 ' 0 egg ...,,... 9 nsion incre . ... Miller, Climotzfy Mszr, Stephen J, . pension increased 1514 nsion mcrcased 1218 Miller, Duma R., ma, Willakrm A., Ohio Voluntena, pension increased 1254 nsion increased 1416 Millar, Ezra A., Mgger, Wdlehm A., Pennsylvania Volunteers, pension increased 1458 upension increased 1434 Mil/er, Jlrs. George A., . 2lIer,_Zaqha1y, payment to .. 1299 Mpensmn mcgeased: ... 1421 Mzller, George W., New York Volunteers, nlhgan, Samlla (undow), pension increased 1545 Mpemion incyetlsed ·-. - .·-- 1324 Jliller, George W, One Hundred and Exyhty- zlliken, Davu S., _ seventh Ohzb Volunteers, Mpepsion incresssd ... . .. Z. . . 1335 pcnsmn increased . : .. 1260 zllmgum Buzldzng and Loan Assomaturn, Maller, George W, $66071/10h'L0 Volunteers, 1399 hmdB¢;lt1m:0re, Md., ti mx MM .nsion increased re 0 cxcmecorpom on ... }I§?;e•r, George WY, PWM Volunteers, Milk, M[;*;¤8i? i1¤<¥1'6¤S€d -·---··---····--·-- - ---· 1565 interstate, etci; iugipmcxps of by, '”"· 67*71/, usi cireno r0`i , p¢·nsi9n increased . ... 1540 formden _________ _________ , 675 ·vlll€7'. HZWUI L- y punishment fo]_·_____ _ _ _ _ _ ____ _ __,_ , ___, 675 pension increased . ... 1254 yi", Bordm H Maller. Howard, a ’m€nt to " _ _____ ___ 1352 psnsion increased . . .. 1318 MP ky . ‘‘’'’ '‘’’'‘' ' mrzpr. Imc, - d ·H<¤Tw¢A- (mo >. 1269 pension increased .,,.,.,.. . . . 1428 f Emo? mc!`€“°*`¥ ·-··---······· · ··‘·‘·‘'‘ Miller, Jacob. ; Malls, Hvam J., alum James H. Thamas, pension increased . ,.. 1431 » pcnswn xncreaaed ... . --.. 1228 •