Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 2.djvu/850

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2012 INDEX. National Guard-Fontinued. P¤·8¤· Natiovml Museum, Pam- Naval Militia provisions .. . ... 593 approgriation for salaries, fixtures, etc 280 officers and enlisted men exempt from re- for eating, Iighti.n$, etc . . .. 280 strictiou against paying double sal- for preserving col ection , employees, aries to Government. emplofees. . . 120, 582 etc ... 280 payment authorized of men en isted by for books, repairs, etc ... . . . 280 States to complete organizations for for printing and binding for 330 muster into service 624 deficiency appropriation for preservation sergeants to be enlisted in Arms; for duty of collections ., 31, 826, 829 with organizations of; nd `tionsl. . . 189 Natmml Naval Volumeers, travel pay on discharge from military serv- appropriation for arming, equipping, pay, 1ce, allowed from Army transporta- etc ... 1172 tion 1917 ... .. .. 810 for retainer gay . ... 1172 National Guard, D. C. (wz also Militia, D. C.), composition; y volunteer enrollment of double pay restriction not applicable to. 120, 582 Naval .. 595 drafted mto military service with Army. . . 340 draft from Naval Militia; rank, etc .. 596 National Guard Reserve. imue of commissions, etc., by the Presiorganization authorized under National De- dent . . 596 fense Ac:3 coénatitueiziion afi . 202 subject todNavy laws, etc 596 pay, etc. o y ow w e u—umng' to serve uring existence 0 emergency, _vrit.b liational Guard .. . . 202 etc.; age limit .. 596 drafted into mi1 ce with Army. . . 340 resignation or discharge from, on request. . 596 National Home for led Voluntzer Sol- term of enrollment; reenrollmenta 596 diers. f Da Ohm 29 relieged fromNNavail- duty .. appro tion oroxpenses, yton, . _ 3 su jectto avy ws etc ... lglvggukee, Wis . . 294 to receive Navy or Corps pay 596 Togus, Me.`} . . 2235 service with Navy, or separately. ... .. {li 596 Ham ton, a 5 mnkigmdoa otcwtoconespondwi Leavgnworth, Kaus . ...,., 295 svy or Shrine Corps , .,... 597 Santa. Monica, Cal 295 determination of command over com- Marion Ind . . ... 296 bined fume .. . ... . . 5W Danville, Ill 296 basis of precedence . 597 Johnson City, Tenn ... . ... 296 courts martial duties, etc 597 Battle Mountain Sauitarium, S. Da.k. . 296 pension laws applicable ... 597 for clothing, all branches ... 297 release from active service by the President 597 for salaries and expenses, board of man- recognition of distinguished service, etc. . . 597 agen-s ... 297 Natvkmal Negro Exposition, headquarters, to be at Central Branch. 297 proclamation commending, to the active deficiency appropriation for Dayton, Ohio - 29, 825 interest of the nation 1734 for Leavenworth, Knns . . ... 29 Natakmal Park Commissioners, for Mm-ion, Ind . ... 29, 812 appropriation for, specified 1120 for Hampton, Vo. .. 812 Nahkma Park Service, for Battle Mountain Sanitarium, S. Dak. 812 created in Interior Department .. 535 for Johnson City, Tenn ... . . 825 director, existant, etc., authorized; pay, for salaries and expenses ... 825 etc ... 535 appointed members of Board of Managers, limit of employees in District of Colum- John W. West, James W. Wadsworth, bis. 535 H. H. Markham and Geogge Black. 1134 regulation of national parks, monuments, Natimuzl Lz“bran{{for the lilind, D. ., etc., under 535 appropriation or ... . .. 710, 1038 director to supervise, etc., parks, monu- Natwna 1l{cKmI¢y Birthplace Mernorakzl Asn- ments, reservations, etc 535 _ mation. cooperate w1t.h Secretary of Agriculture delivery of McKinley souvenir gold dollar over monuments near nsuonal for- _ 8?I'.tD ..,..,.,,,, , ,,,._,_,_,, 12 eats .. . . 535 Natwnyzl alma Bogrd, regulations, etc., to be prepared .. 535 algolmhed by Nauonal Defense Act 203 punishment for violations .. 535 Nalwnal yonuwwnu, sale of timber, etc . 535 appropnguon for preservation, etc., Navajo permits, etc., for accommodating . 535 Ariz. -_ 132 grazing live stock ... . ... 535 fonpmtecuon, etc: . .: .. 309 Yellowstone Park excepted 536 deficiency agpropmmon for Mukuntu- rights of way not affected . 536 wegtp, tab, 1917 .,. 818 Natumal Parka, urea mod; ed, Mount Olymgusl Wash 1726 ap rognxk tion for commissioners in . 1120 placed under control of atxons.1 Park En hickamauga and Chattanooga ... 288 _ SGTVICG -··- _ -··-·--. . . . . 535 for Shiloh .. 288 set asxde, Bandeher, N. Mex .,,_ _ 1764 for Ggttygbuxg ._.,,,,..,..., , . , 288 Cqpulm, N. Mex .. . 1792 for Vicksburg ... 288 D1¤0S=1u1’, Utah --··.--... . .. 1752 for Yellowstone ... . .. 288, 307 Nature! Bndgee, Utah ..,._____ 1764 50,- Cram- Lake _,_,_____,,._,,____ 288, 308 Qld K3S8&D, . . ..,., _ ____ _ 18] for Glacier, ,,,________,_.,,.,.________ 307 Slim! d8 MGDB, MTOUINZ DBSGI1 Island, for Yosemite .,,.,, 308 M9 -----··-···· _ ·--···-·-~ . 1785 for Sequoia . . .. 308 Y _W=¤hmt Canyon, Anz ,.. 1761 for General Grant ... 308 A“h°¤¢}l IWW Cvmpafiy, for Mount Rainier . 308 deikwncy apxwpmuon for ... 817 ter Mesa Verde . . . 308