Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 2.djvu/859

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INDEX. 2021 Na r·y—<"onrinued. P¤8¢· Navy-Continued. Pagepromotions to commander. captain, and officers for engineering duty only; probarenr admiral of the line to be by tionary period; commission as lieuselection . 578 tenant, junior grade, on completion hoard of reg; admirgls {9 recommend ____ 578 etc ______ _ _ ___,___ _ ____ _ _ ________ 3 580 yearly appointinont; oatlr. I .. 578 acting ensigns of the line to be appointed; hse c·r_ vacancies and elrgibles to be duties required; promotions 580 i\11‘l'l1811€d.· .. Z . I . _ . . 578 punishment for forging, etc., certificates of cgmmlyngqatlgug from g]_]g]bl@; r@tr|_(_·- ____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _______ _ ______ 1182 tion ... 578 retired officers restored to active list Rear grade service required of eligibles. . . . 578 Ad IT E k D W'tt V, d . 602 engineering duty only, etc., to be Rear A¢]11rii.i&1a.l 'tigemggn Liam; Pogtifi. 602 =¤1<l¤¤<»¤¤}¤¤mb<=r¤- ----------··--- 578 Captain John Henry Gibbons ... 602 recommendations by board; concurrence Captain Frank Kinsey Hill . 602 re,};i;i‘»l“`¥§‘$i¤’33§§*$§m““¤’°?§l¥ie 579 °°"°“““ ?'i’.?i”é°“?nR`”é ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ “°2 _ ; R Captain o ar er uimby . 602

 __________ _ ________ ___ ____   C     __ ____ ________

substitution for unaeceptables 579 qgglmgnder Allen M? (3%%% _____ _ _______ gg <>¤i¤<>·$ recommended. eligible for pro- Commander Emmet R. Pollock . 602 motion; examinations required; ef- Captain washjugton Irving Chamb6rs___ 602 fe<·t._ etc .. 579 Commander George N. Hayward 603 sea, service requireti for C&pt3j11S, 00!!r I examinations required; to be Addimanders._ and lieutenant command- tional numbers; no back pa _ etc___ 603 n0‘;’S;“€?i3_;1;)’;g· -·-· 579 special preparedness fund create<i' for ex- 0,,,,Pp · “‘='“°°'“‘g “Y 579 ‘ · *’°“°$“ °‘·i, ·············· - ····· 5,;;,3 1322 wired bay- if not eligible for. by age- -· 579 217 retirement age at 64 established . . . . 579 Naw Depammm no reduction of present rank, pay. etc. . . 579 appropriation ’for Secretary Assistant details fygm lkfgdjcal Dgpagimgnt to assist clerks €tc______•______ _; ______ _ _ _ 54 1098 Republic ¤f Haiti. ¤¤th¤¤·i¤¢d —----- 224 for soucnér cierks em .. 94' 1098 c0mP9¤59·ti0¤» GUY ·----··---···--···--· 224 for clerks etc. office Of NSW} Re¢01'dS l ggrvjge pay, gtcq cgntinugd _____ __,____ 224 and ]’:ibrar3y_________ _____ _______ 94 1098 1<>¤g¤vit>’· ew-, ¤<>¤ affecwd -·-·--···-—- H4 Judge Advocate eeumiw once g4’ 109:; doub g pay ygsgyigtigu not, applicable to Naval] Opmgtiom Ogicg _______ _ ____ 95, 1093 retired Omcgrg and slgjsgsd mem _ 120, 582 Bmum of Navigadou ______________ Q5, mgg ¤¤·v*¤v·¤¢¤* ·>f. =a¤¤¤¤ri¤¤d ¤> ¤¤f¤¤=e> we umn newseme one ... sr! 1099 visions agmnst unfair c¤¤¤pe’¤i¤¤¤ i¤ for Hydmgmplnc Office . . 9511099 _ f°"?g“ "°mm°""’·_ ········ _ ········ 800 for Naval Observatory 96, 1100 examinations for promotions applicable to for assistants, etc., Nautical Almanac regular advanggulgnt 0 staff Qm- OmC€,,... . .. 96, cars ______,,, , .,,,,_,,,... 1182 for clerks,_ etc., Bureau of Steam ED- Status of Dental Cgrpg appointments not gmécnng ·--•···-· ;• ·······•' ‘ ‘ ‘,' ‘ 96* 1100 affected ____________________________ mz gureau oi g<;3¤¤r¤¤*~¤¤¤ wd R¤1¤¤*- 3;. Eg? extension of New York and Mare Island umau ° napce ‘····‘·‘‘·‘·‘·· · navy yards for building bauloshipm gllfeeu of Supplies and Acc0unts.. . 97, 1101 , · · ae ureau ofMed1cme and Surgery 97, 1101 an " {Wm appmpmmop Inclgam of Bureau of Yards and Docks 97 1101 f};‘i..é§;‘?¥’}91%‘?f“?’ff‘}?€i‘i'i.?.-."f’f‘i 10 fgg,;=giIg¤g;¢g;;¤;g_gsm¤¤»¤ ----»- gg-gg; marines embarked as separate organization ous, of lgavy 8p%9mpri&i6;]' ` "" 'mval "6‘”°l“ ““bj°"l* to ““t’h°mY ment offices etc. forbidden .. 98.1102 of ofncers of organization ... 586 for rent . ... 98, 1102 MednllofhH·i>nor Roll for Army and, estab- 53 for blue-printing plant . -1102 is H ______________ _ _____________ tricf n on use of Na appropriapersons entitled, ctw .. . .. . . 53 reiionsuior personal sertiyces I;u€.h0r· rnidshiprnen allotment increased. . 9. 576 ized in bureaus ... . ... 98. 1102 fyqym p·nli,atp4l meg __,_____________., . , . . 1182 for printing gud binding fm-, , ,_,,,___,, 330 Naval Rf·S€·r’\‘0 Fo!'<*€ &?S[l1h1iSh€><l . 587 for 0 grating fgrgg and supplies, 3nugx_ 94, 1098 |·`l<·¢>t Naw! Reewve --.-.····---·------ 589 for the naval service 556, 1168 Nzivail }{r>sr·rve ... . . 591 ng pm-; of "incy-ease of the Ngvy" to Nnvnl Auxiliary Reserve . . 591 bg used [0;- clgricgll gtcq ggrvicgg in Naval 4`onet Defense Reserve . . . 592 Department . . .. 619, 1195 Voluntrw Naval Reserve ..----·--- 592 { no sums for, to be used for expenses of Navnl Reeerve Flying (`orps ..., . .. 592 Department unless specifically gu. Mnrine Forpe Reserve ..,.. 593 thorized .. . .. . .. 619, 1195 oflivere for engineering duty only; assign- forfreight _. .:  :. . 604.1183 ments from the line. ,... . . 580 deficiency appropriation for contingent duty when below grade of commanders. 580 GXPGHSGS-T; ·---···-···- - --··--··· 22 commcmrlers as Hee: or squadron en- 580 gor rent_ofa¢·1dit1o1;a.I <;:iuarters..é;(;tK..(;l. 22 izineew . . .. or pgying c arms or amsies c - ~¢.m1:s in line retained; promotions .. 580 hsions with naval veese . . 22. 814 limit on assignments ..., . . 580 ; for Navy. .. 22. 29,_42. 339. S14. 825, 828 iu tina enaiqnn of the line to be appointed I for junigments, Court Of C bums, Undef; · 27, 823 irom ¤~ivi1 life for; requirements 580 ‘ for ireight ...,.. . .. 30, 33. Slo, 825, 828