Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 2.djvu/864

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2026 IN DEX. Norris, Joseph H., Y'°·Z°· North German Lloyd Steamship Line, Pageappropriation for salary, etc., supervisor of appropriation for refund to 325 Indian schools . . ... 158 Ncrrt P atte Irrigation Project, Nebr.- Wyo., Nomlv, Silas W, appropriation for maintenance, etc.; use pension increased ... . ..,. 1244 of balance . 305 Norris, Theodore B., North Rwer (see Hudson River, N. Y.). pension increased .. . ...,. 1518 Northeast Permanent Building and Savings Nvrnls, Walter P., Assomhtion, Baltimore, Md., Vpension increased ... . .. . . 1590 refund of excise corporation tax .. 1494 1 ormkrtoum, Pa., Northeast River, N. C'., condemned cannon granted to . . . 840 appropriation for improvement of . . . . 395 North Alton, Ill., · Nort end, Mary E. (widow), a;;£•ro4printion for Confederate eemete . . . 237 pension increased .. .. 1450 Nor venue Permavwnt Building and ian Northern and Northwestern Lakes, Assomhtion, Baltimore, Md., ap£;o71>riation for survey of 292 refund of excise corporation tax. . 1494 Ncrt Cheyenne and Arapahoe Indians, North Baltimore Permanent Building Amo- Mont., cakztion, Baltimore, Md., appropriation for support, etc., of . . 139, 980 refund of excise corporation tax . . 1494 or ‘Ime riders" . 139, 980 North Bend, Orefq., Northern Minnesota Conference, Methodist granted use 0 Coos Bay Military Reserva» Episcopal Church, tion as public ark; conditions 516 grant of land on Nett Lake Indian Reser- North Brand; ofIZS'usq1u:£an1uz River, Vation, Minn., to . .. 135 bridge authorized mess, Wilkes-Barre, Pa- 751 Nvrthvm Pwjic Railroad Grant, North Carolina, deficiency appropriation for classifying, appropriation for relief of sufferers from etc.,_l=mds in, 1917 817 floods in ..,,,.,,,,,,,,,,,_,,__ 434 Northern Panic Ratlway Company, Pigah N ntionnl Forest., get apart, __,______ 13]] settlers _0n unsurveyed odd-numbered sec- Pisgah National Game Preserve, set aside., 1311 tmns of grant to, in Washmgton, resident of Guilford County, to be chair. _ accorded patent, etc ... 946 man, gte, of Gui_1{0yd_(}nuyg1;nnnn lieu lands to, on rehnqmshment. ... . 946 National Park commmsion; pay, N9'”•P0'€» W¤8h·, _ _ _ etc ____,_,_____________ _ __________ 997 1m.mBdl3t8 transportation entry pnvileges statue of Zebulon Baird Vance, accepted extended $0- · ·_ --------- _ ---------- 354 from, for Statuayy Hal] _____________ 16g3 Northumberland and Umzm Countus, Pa,, zverm cdmzenn Eastern Jndimz anew, may bridge west branch of Susquehanna additional terms of cguyi; at Raleigh ______ 55 R1ver, Watsontown to `Vb.1t€ Deer, Mm-th Dakota, _ Pa., . 513 bridge nnnenzed new Red River of the Nvrtfwtiltc Jlwh., North, between ljinngggfa and ____ _ 924 condemned cannon granted to . . . . . 832, 836 Devils Lake Indian Reservation, me er N¤r¢hw¤S; Rwen Va- _¢md_N· 0-, ugdjgpgggd of lands ________________ 1776 prehmmary exammation. etc., of, to be exchange of lands with, for dry land agri- made -··--------- · -----·------·»-- 407 cultural station 344 N<»·¢<m_. Laforvst A- (stm), _ Fort Berthold Indian Reservation, coal Pemmn -·-· - ··---·-··-----·-—-------—-- NO3 lands opened to nnrdee homestead N<¤¢<>n, Mary (daughter), entry ______ _ ______________________ 1748 pension . . . . ._ ... .., 1210 school seenens of ceded Fort nen;1de1d Res- »V<>~<m, Mw E· (Mw), 7 ervatxon, containing gon], to bg P9¤S10I1 1{1<?1'€8B€d··; -... . .--.-----.-- 13**9 _appm.ised, sold: em ,,,,_,_________ _ 113; Norton, Pigtlem 0. ( uruiow), Standing Rong Indmn R€Snw,,n0n_ g_ pension increased .. . .,... 1277 Dak., and, disposal of ceded lands. . 1721 N°"w¤”°y {kim-» _ .\'m-1}; Dakota Agnymlguml (joggege, appropriation for improvement of harbor. . 391 appropriation for Bax straw tests for making ·V°"w“!/» , , _ , _ _ paper in cooperation with _______ 454, 1142 Tnppropmmon for mmnster to ... 2o2, 1048 .v»m1» Dakota Jonny; onine -’1¤~v¤¢h,N· YT, counties cgngtitufjgg gudjwxfaru div; condemned cannriggranted to . . . 842 sion ___,_, , ____________ _ ____,______ 386 Norwood, Elzza L. ( ow), southeantem divinnn __________ _ ________ 386 Vpension increased. .: . 1378 northeastern division .. . ..1._,__ 386 » <>¢¢m<1Mm,A¤£·;1·M¤#~), northwestern division _,_______ _ ________ 355 pension mcté . ... 1375 western diwieiou ·.. . ... ssc Nottoway, Va., ‘3€¤U'¤l diV!B10¤} ·---·.-. . . . 386 condemned cannon granted to Confederate terms of court, Brsmarck- .,., 386 Monument Association at .. 843 Devils Lake . . 386 N,,u,·,,,, N,,g_,,m LW F°‘rg°· ·; ·····‘·•‘········ - ·-~···-·---- 386 pension increased .,. . ..,. 1507 Grandrorks... . .. .,... 386 N Oh 7 W (wh I u' B _ Jamestown-··-·~-.-inn--··---.1-... 0y68,' (ETB.! .,lILll8., (ITFS . EVIZOT1, MjD0t_ ____ _______________ ' _ l 386 pension increased . . »..,.. 1434 North Dakota Pumping Project, N. Dak., N7!/68, mn"-, _ _ _ _ appro rintion for maintenance, ctc. . . 305 ¤¤¤m¢d¤¤t¤ u`°—“~"P°"t*m°¤ faculties 9* " North %akota, “U. S. S., tended to ... . .. 435 aPtP1`0P¤§ii0¤ fo1' FGPEHS --··..-... . . . 605 Null. Arthur C., O? GT-1g!-068 ff)! ---- - --.».. . ... . 607 pension increased .. . . . . 1.373