Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 2.djvu/873

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INDEX. 2035 Oxley, Milford W, Paso- Palmer, Fmmig, Paso. P€¤·Si¤¤ i¤¢1‘€¤¤€d ·-·- - --·-···------.- 1363 pension increased ..,, 1514 Oyster Creek, Tex., Palmer, Lewis Hq approgriation for improvement of ..,,,_,___ 398 pension increased ___________ _ ___________ , 1543 0y¤¢¢n_ owl, Palmer, Luther H., PGDSIGH 111¢1'€¤S€d ··...-... . 1562 pension increased ,,.,._,,,,...,,___,, 1266 Oysters, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Palmer, Nellie R. (widow), ¤PP¤>P¤¤¤¤¤ for 1¤V¤¤¤g=m¤g Sh-lppmg, pension increased 1256 0 k A6£C., of ... - . 463, 1152 Palmer, Samuel zur! T') - · ¤•¤•·--»---·¤••·---··.-· IFV6 condemned cannon granted to . 840 Pellemllettoigexgialafglawidnw), 00 Ozark National Forest, Ark., pension incpenged _______________________ _ 1340 appropriation for maintenance, etc., of. . 459, 1148 Palmer, William H., proclamatwn . 1765 pension increased 1328 excluded lands resto to settlement 1765 Pamlico River, N. C. , appropriation for improvement of 395 Q, preliminary examination, etc., of, to be 40 Pace James W . made ‘‘‘··‘‘‘‘·‘‘‘‘‘‘··‘‘·‘······· 7 ’ · · ’ Pamlwo Sound, N. C., P,,l::1§g}?ntu°r°°°°d `'`''°°``'°’`'‘‘‘ 1421 appropriatigp ion; imprpviment of waterkudp“wBtt0_______H_________H_______ 1336 wayto eauortlnet rom . . 395 Pwfe 1*,,;*;,*** Naeigagm, , ,C,;m ,,P·"·, 11;,,,,,,, ,3, "‘I.@$.,,"";,%£12§'·r0‘f%;ipmV2m,.t of 394 mgy C gc mma 0 P K G"' Pan American Conference, Fifth, I · - l I I - - Pzcpjgcmgtlgaftion for surveys of ... 318 P "·P&’°P't°ti°’;,,f°' §°Fti°iP“'*i”g '‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘ 259’ 1055 aviation egfe saving, etc., stations author- 601 ';:v_ited"""tO°"1%U';§‘g1}pr;‘f; in Texas Biceuwm nz on ... . . . · · - · mal xposiuon. . . 217 °°mm‘“‘,d,‘§i‘;,',f;,§;,‘j°’,Q‘,§‘jt‘° 0’}“‘;s{,?§§§,,§'g Pan Amwn ygeponmm, Tenn, Bamm. ·;*;**¤~¤g* ¤;vv wd OH; dem" to 5,, mein nikon to no mn. 217 cons: ere . . . . ‘‘‘······ submarine and aviation bases .. 571 P *:17* A"'“’"°“'”’ F"‘f"""“l C°'"f“"”°‘?· . · · elegates authorized to Intemational High Pacific Coast TorrpedoStatwn,Keyport, Wash., C0 . . to act on I dar P apfi>cro1pr·i:;1t:ion for public works 570, 1179 uozzlflm 8 am at road: . ‘. ‘‘‘‘‘ . ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ · - ’ · Pan American Fmancml Conference, Second, =¤v~r;¤·*·¤··z fm upmsw °f muh mm 313 invitation to Central and South Pack J ‘‘‘‘‘‘' ‘°‘'‘'‘‘'’‘ Govemmp Centstoatfsnd, at Wasbmg· 1052 ’ · · " ton, . .. . ... P,*,§°,,§§},°“J,§‘;,§’,'°l,‘§°°d ‘‘`‘‘‘`‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘’‘‘°’‘ 1514 P ¤§>pr¤pri:¤;_¤: ¤ ·-—·-------· 1052 . ’ - " an , Pal;°,;%°?g;;1;}:€°:S§d '‘‘‘'’'`'‘'``'``'`'`' 1583 internatioéialtracdonventlison of, for protection .· . ‘* - o e mar .. 1675 Pp? um? ¥,°f°“?°d, ‘) ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘`‘° M55 Pan Ammh n Sc¤?m¢@‘ic_Oor¤¢ress, Second, ` ·. ". 1 ’ 1254 deficiency appropriation for expenses . 3 Pg;°“é‘;;;;°W ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘'‘'`‘‘ ° ‘ for printin%proceedings, etc .. . . . 802 · . . ‘* Pan Asnunban nion, P increased 1224 apfmprisqon for cxpeupes · _ U · _ e - · O · · 257, 1052 apimp ·. An for, Home of RePmSent_B_ 07 P or printing and binding for 331 { govwéé -······-·--·- · ············ Q; {0,2 appropriation nn ministcrto 252,1048 P . °’Z,u;I“A ···· si · ·) ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘’ ' ‘ ’ En- annual paymentto .. 259, 1055 “""·. . ‘ ( I "' ’ 1498 deiiciency appropriation for annual psy- Prilligmidllliil (mane) `'````` ```````'`````' b }“f§§ “’ ········· gg ········ ······· I 5 · . · · ill o ing; restric 'on agai issuing P£‘°’n‘;“*°,m“ ······· · ·········‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ ’ 1490 8 in parts, not applicable to ship- 3 ·. · mont to. ... . .. 5 9 P,g’:t;m$F;l;‘;:‘°°°t’°°d punt °°°£m°d m' 990 nor requirement for marking "dup1i- ,,¤¤¤¤¤b·;,i·;,;~·$¤¤ ------------——-------·-- ml ee,,m°“‘f .,§2"£‘€°§‘.:e1;ea4;;,"e¤¤.¤ ‘‘‘‘‘‘ 5* ‘"”m”l .· . y·· . . . 267 and, to be agreed upon 528 appropnatum for public building .· Pammm_CalV0mm Exposition condemned cannon grantedtoG1-and Army 842 foreign exhibits at Pmm;8 Pacific Ex_ nm at ····· 1 ···· ‘'‘‘‘' '’‘‘ ’ position may be transferred to. . 2 Pal'] I '”· B””'”fuw”· a " appropriation for transfer,- . . .. 2 ¤l>P*°P**¤¤°¤ ‘°' °°“’°’ “>"*°m ‘°’· ······· 125 transfer ot Government exhibit, exc., P“l“”‘“· El"'? . . · 267 from, to Misisippi Centennial Exappropriation for pnbhc blllldlng-_ . ;··· position ___ ___ _ _____ _ ____ 854 "°"°i°"°’ “"*"`°*"“"“°“ ‘°‘ "“b1‘° b'”M` 18 pmm cm: (el Qi;.} Elie.; hone) ing ... . · · . . _ · . Palisade NeziomzlFm·e.s¢, Idaho and Wwommy, _ ¤PP¥<>P5¤¤§1°¥;dfoF 311 °XP°¤¤°”» °b1°°*“ 332 appropriation for m¤.i.¤f£D8I1C€, Bm-, of ···- 4°9 Bmgu : ‘•’‘‘ ’‘‘‘‘ ’ ‘'‘‘' '`’ 332 Palme,. Ahab K pay of 0mC1&lS and employees ? · ’ ______ _ ______ 1223 contingent expenses . : ~.· 332 pension increased ... _ Perm Belle (widow), dem? *0 **=S¤°l¤ Pm“3 ‘h’°“gh pemgon ____ _ ________________ _ ________ _, 1450 loc .. . ..·.-.- 333