Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 2.djvu/932

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2094 INDEX. Page. President of the United States-Continued. duties for enforcing provisions against un- fair competition.. 799 .... President of the United States-Continued. appropriation for purchase of radiody- namic torpedo control inventions of John Hays Hammond, jr.. upon approval of.... board of Army and Navy officers to examine and report.... ..........…….. 347 joint committee of Congress to arrange in- augural ceremonies of.............. 1605 joint meeting of the two Houses of Congress to receive communication from, ord- ered for December 7, 1915. 347 ....... for inauguration expenses, 1917, at the Capitol. 1599 1600 874 for April 19, 1916.. for August 29, 1916... 1604 1192 1605 .…...... for naval emergency fund under; ex- penditures specified. deficiency appropriation for administra- tion of customs iaws..... 1606 31 1608 action on selection of naval officers recom- mended for promotion by board of admirals........ for December 5, 1916. for February 3, 1917. for February 26, 1917. may add designated public lands to Colo- rado and Pike Nations Forests, Colo. may appoint Leonard G. Hoffman, assist- ant paymaster, Navy. James Jackson, brigadier general, retired. as brigadier general, retired, any colonel 848 579 1184 627 authority in time of war, or emergency prior to March 1, 1918, to procure ships or war material from any person...... 1193 on retired list having specified service record........... 627 527

628 authority over Canal Zone specifically designated........ authorized to abolish duplication of work, by departments, etc., reported by Efficiency Bureau....... 1122 to accept gift of birthplace of Abraham Lincoln........ 385 to appoint Bernard A. Schaaf, master signal electrician, retired............ 900 commission of Navy officers to investi- 628

as major general any brigadier general having specified service....... 628 any brigadier general, retired having specified Civil War record.... any retired officer with specified Civil War and Army record.......... may call international conference for regu- lating immigration of aliens, etc.... may detail officers and enlisted men from Navy and Marine Corps to serve Republic of Haiti..... may direct investment of postal savings 894 223 gate, etc., necessity for additional navy yards, stations, etc.......….... advisability, etc., of abolishing any present yards.... 571 571 deposits in Government bonds........ 160 Philippine Islands; authority of, over acts delegates to World's Purity Federa- tion Congress.... 1134 representative to celebration of land- ing of Sir Francis Drake on coast of California......... of legislature relating to tariff, immi- gration, currency, or coinage.. approval, etc., of acts of legislature... appointment of Governor General, etc.. vice governor... 548 551 60 552

553 to asume exclusive control of transpor- tation systems, for military traffic, etc., in time of war.... auditor....... 553 645 555 951 chief and justices of supreme court... Porto Rico, civil government provisions.. proceedings in Congress for counting electoral votes for, and Vice Presi- dent......

                      • .

1606 919 8 to designate game, etc., reserves on lands purchased under conservation Act.. 476 to draft National Guard, etc., into mili- tary service with Army........ 339 to fill vacancies in United States section of International High Commission.. to invite delegates from other nations to International Farm Congress......... 475 foreign nations to send delegates to International Farm Congress, 1918.. 1168 Governments of Central and South America to second Pan American Financial Conference........... 1052 great Governments to a conference for punishing for mailing, etc., threats against. requested to designate a day for contri- 1602 butions to relieve Armenians in belligerent countries........ to receive funds for relief of Ruthenians (Ukrainians)..... 999 requested to return bill providing for Aque- duct Bridge, D. C... Bayou Bartholomew bridge. 1601 1602 peaceful settlements of disputes, etc.... 618 649 appoint representatives of the United States.... to appoint advisory commission for Council of National Defense... Board on Mobilizing Industries Essential for Military Preparedness... 214 commissioners of United States Shipping Board..... ..…....... 618 may suspend construction of new vessels if tribunal established, etc. 618 Spain and Pan American countries to Texas Bicentennial, etc., Expoei- tion...... 729 members of Tariff Commission. 795 796 217 ........ information from, to be at disposal of.. Governor of Porto Rico...... auditor; authority, etc. 955 957 to procure military supplies in time of war; means provided for............ 213 to raise maximum strength of Army supreme and district court judges, etc... 965 seven members of Board of Visitors, Naval Academy.... 608 enlisted men.......... 36 to secure equal facilities, etc., to Ameri- can vessels by foreign governments. 737 Congress to be advised, if not obtained by diplomatic action.... cadets at large to Military Academy to be selected by......... number from "honor schools' West Indian Islands ceded by Denmark 737 1132 placed under direction of.. appointment of governor, etc. 1132 62 proclamation to issue on payment for. 62 etc.... 1133 .....