Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 2.djvu/938

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2100 INDEX. Public ]i’uildings»—Continued. PMB- Public Buildings-—Continued. PMS- deficiency appropmation for Hiawatha. deficiency appropriation for Stamford, Kaus ··.-. 17 Tex ... 19 for Honey Grove, Te; . . . 18 for Statesboro. Ga ... 19 fo1’ Hono 11111, Hawaii, quarantine sta- for Tarentum, Pa, ,,,,,_._, , ,,.,,_,, , ____ 19 tion .-·... . 803 for Taylorville, Ill .. 19 for Hoopeswn, Ill . . . 18 for Titusville, Pa .. 19 for Hornell, N. Y .. . ... 18 for Twin Fells, Idaho ,___,_,_,__,,_____ 19 fo!' Hl1l1'1l>0ld¥i, TGHI1 . 18 for Van Wert, Ohio . 19 for Huntington, Ind ... 18 for Vancouver, Wash ... 19 fol‘ J3·¤1€8t0WI\, N. Dak . 18 for Vernon, Tex 19 for J as a.r, Ala . . ... 18 for Wahoo, Neb; ..., 19 fo1‘ ll, MOM . 18 for Warrenton, Va .. . .. 19 for Klrksvllle. M0 --..-. . ... 18 for Washington, D. C`., central heating, fol‘ Laconia, N. ... 18 etc., plant .. . . . 19 fol' L3 Crowe, WIS .. 824 oice building for Interior Department 19 foI' L8 Junta, C0l0 . 18 Bureau ,of Engraving and Printing 803 Y0! Lancaster, Kg .. 18 for Washington, Ga. .,...,,., 19 for Las Cruceg, . Mex . 18 for Washington, Ind . . , 19 fOr Lgzurel, MIB ..-.. 18 for Washington, Iowa ... 19 fOr L1J1C0ll1, N€br._ .. 18 for Waterloo, N. Y .. 19 Y0! Little Falls, Mum ... . ... 18 for Water Valley, Mis . 19 for L1ve Oak, Fla ... 18 for Wagnesville, N. C .. 19 fol‘ Logan, Oh10_ . 18 for We b City, Mo .. 19 for McComb, Miss ... 18 for Wellsburg, W. Va, ... 19 for Madison, S. Dak . 18 for West Point, Ga .. 19 for Maquoketa, Iowa. .. 18 for Willow, Cal .. . . 19 for Manco, S. C ... 18 for Wilmington, N. C 803 for Marlin, Tex . . .. 18 for Woodbury, N. I . 19 for Martin, Tenn . . . . 18 for Yoolzum, Tex . . 19 for Maryville, Term . -18 for repairs and preservation. . .. 20, 29, 824 for Media., Pa ... 18 for vaults, safes, etc 20 for Mena, Ark . . ... 18 for operating force ... . .. 20 for Merrill, Wis . ... 18 for operating supplies . 20, 824 for Middletown, Conn ... 18 for fuel, lights, and water .. 29.824 for Middletown, Oh.i0 .. 18 for furniture, etc ... . . 29.824, 828 for Minneapolis, Minn . . ... 803 ] for mechanical equipment . 29, 824. 828 for Missoula, Mont . . 18 for eneral expenses ... 29, 824, 828 for Moberly, Mo . . .. 13 for geating apparatus .. . 824 for Montevideo, Minn .. 18 for assistant custodians and jzmitors. . 828 for Mount Pleasant, Tex 18 Augusta, Ga., allowed extension of time for for Mount Vernon, N. Y . 18 amount due on old post office, etc., for Muskegon, Mich . 18 purchased by .. : _ 728 for Nacogdoches, Tex .. 18 Calumet, Wis., mineral nghts on site, refor Naugatuck, Coxm 18 served in title . 37 for Navaeota, Tex ... 18 Dayton, Ohio, sale of old post office ... 13 for Neenah, Wis .. . 18 Madison, Wis., sale of present building. for New Braunfels, Tex . 18 and purchase of site and erection of for Newburygort, Mem . . ... 18 new one authorized 742 for Orlando, la ... 18 National Archives Building, D. (‘., requirefor Palatka, Fla . . .. 18 ment for inspection, etc., in Europe for Pittsburg, Tex . 18 repealed ... 241 for Pottstown, Pa. ... . .. 18 Newark, Del., exchange of present, for new for Pulaski, Va . . .. 18 site ... 60 for Quitmau, Ga . . .,.. . 18 Paris, Tex., limit of cost increased 1196 for Reading, Mass ... 18 Pittsburgh, Pa., enlargement authorized. . 1197 for Redfield, S. Dak 18 Pittston, Pa., acceptance of site with minfor Richfield, Utah .. 18 ing rights reserved 947 for Ridgway, Pa .. . 18 Public Buildings Commission created torecfor Rockville, Conn . ... . .. 19 ommend. etc., Government owned for Rogersville, Tenn .. 803 buildings for all Fublic offices, etc., for Roseburg, Oreg .. . .. 19 in District of Co umbia. 328 for Rumford, Me . ... 19 Sandusky, Ohio, purchase of new site and for Salamanca. N. Y ... 19 construction authorized- ... 14 for Salem, N. J ... . . 803 appro riation for ... I4 for Sanford, Fla ,... 19 sale ol) present building on occupancy of for Savanna, Ill ..,,,,._.,,.,,,, 19 new ,, 14 for Seymour, Conn . 19 York, Pe., gale of present, authorized 444 for Shelby, N. C.: .. , . . . 19 Public Buildings and Grpqnds, D. C'., _ for Shelbyville, ky ... . 19 appropriation for addmoual pay, officer m for Sidney, Ohio . ... . .. 19 charge . . .. 623 for Skowhegan, Me . 19 for superintendent, clerks. etc., office for South Bethlehem, Pu ...,,.. 19 of . .. 93, 1097 for South Boston, Va . .. 19 for foremen, gardeners, etc ... 93, 1097