Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 2.djvu/944

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2106 1NDEx. Quartennaster Corps, Army——Continued. Paw- Quartermaster Corps, Army—Continued. Page appropriation for purchase of horses .. 635 deficiency appropriation for rent. aviation limit; contracts, standard required; section, Signal Corps, 1917 . 811 exception ., .. 635 for roads, walks, wharves, and drainage restriction on polo ponies . . . . . 635 at posts . : ..,...,.__.,, 825 for smacks magnum-5 ... 62.5 f<¤ ¤¤¢—·=¤¤¤d M¤¤¢e¤.¤=%$_<;¤· sw- -. --—- *25 National Gum in service iiiciudci _ _ 636 for support of families of ted enlisted _ _ Fort Sam Houston, Tex., additional men; Qlc ~--·-·· ; ·-·--··-·~-- · ··---- 807 · land, 66% f°,.Su(§,P1yd€pOtsY etc ____ 636 bond requirement wa1ved_for officers, not Cana] Zone, ad itioml shelter io,. accountable for public fu11ds,_etc. . . 626 m,0ps_ ___________________________ 636 clerks of, after twelve years of service and fuel and quarters commutation not detached- °t°·· to be kmwu ”'6€ld . aglpwedl hom __________________ _ _ _ _ 636 tigzlprks; a%llowa51cesNe6;c . . 6 . 625 civilian 6mpi9y€€s___·___· _____________ 636 cons X ion 0 , un er a 10 e ense 17 removal of pr1vate_bu.1ld1ngs, Schofield c_ ····· - —---···--·-···-··· : ·--—- _0 Bmw, Hmm ····-·-·- · ·---·-· 636 °$?i'°a f§‘“kF“"z§§?"°$1"“"?°»§iSt‘5‘ {43 for repairs, etc., to specified forts, dam- 6 is 8 en mu 'gm was a is 8 ' . percen es of grades 170 { by Gulf hum°°“°· July 5* 1916* mastertljectricians rated as sergeants or itary post exchanges . · ° for rppgszsgalks, wharves, and drainage ° 637 comimmm (§0€;r:g?1`{épairyrorhby-·.-I lll; md, singer Cassini, v.,-.::.;;;i 637 _ °*m*€;,_}’,; ,*3;;*3;,;%; be appomwd me 6,, med Pm 1° °f Sw F"°·“°iS°°· C°r · · 637 issue of supplies toguflerers irom. il&s f°"°“‘l°· bYidg°°# Alaska ······ 638 designated Southern States .. . . . 435 f°€’h’°rm th° €°h*hPPm°° ···· · ······ 638 loan of tents, provisio etc., for relief of l¤'¤**°*’ °‘?°°*¤ °1¤°¤m; -·-—·-··--— 638 mq · ‘ piRivegiood summa. . . ll fm P°°t hwplmsi °'!m’¤°“°°¤°“ (itc ···· 638 pay clerk may be appointed first lieuten- {<>r;i&f<rr1¤¤sr¤¥;¤¤:(¤;*¤v¤r<i¤-- ----- gx mi __,_________,, s. ,. _,,,;é& 544 °' °“· ·····-- »-su lies may be issued to gsh i_ __ $$5 }'.;‘§%¥.?£”°""’ lla" "" ‘‘‘‘‘ $3 ,,,,,,,1;,,*-“, ‘°‘§;*“°"’§‘¥""5‘}"“;ii$Fé-"*2§‘i0Qi;»*" " 123 for Army Wai Qollege;-nel, etc 639 me;. mem 8 w’ ml cp - f¤¤¤¤¢ <>fb¤¤d1¤gS in D“m'ic°°fC°l“m‘ appropriation for clerks, architect, engibia -------~------ - ·------··-------- 639 users, src,. . 91,1095 for settlement of damage claims 639 deficiency appropriation for clerks. c*·*.. for military posts, buildings, etc ... 285 1917 .. Z . . . 809 for Schofield Barracks, Hawaii .. 285 Quarterma.ster’s Department, Marine Corps. for lgarracks and quarters, seacoast de- 28r Quzzppmgriagiop for maintenance, etc 613. llS9 €HS9S.-.. .. .. . D 877.3 TCG, G., Coastlirtillery, San Pedro, Cal 285 preliminary examination, etc., oi, to he for Fort Mom-oe,_Va ... , Z- . ._ 285 made. ...,... . . -407 for seuoast artillery, Philippines and Queem, New York, Hawaii 286 condemned cannon granted to. ..- 8-10 for national cemeteries., ... . 286 Queenstown, Md., _ _ for headstonesfor soldiers’ graves ... . 286 appropriation for improvement ol, harl»01·. 394 for on of remains of officers and 286 Quest, (wulow), Wil men . . pension increased ... _ . ~- for ingerislent of civil employees dying 087 Qui-nai-alt Qpil-leh-ut4;’tIvndé;zna, fWash.. In 689 a ro ... . .. a roprmuon or suppo , e ., 0 ..-- ·- ·>·¥-» for removing remains from abandoned Quigley, Alioe(wu1ow), posts, etc ..,...,, : ,.. - , 287 pension _ . . .. V - N90 for reimbursement for burial expenses. . . 287 Quigley, Pqtrwk J.. _ for reinterring, etc., remains of Orman pension increased-., ...-·--· - ·------· 124¤ f K. (i-•;6on..i£ .,,., 287 Qumby, Elm J<mes(;wnd0w), 1361 ornatio par .. ... 288 pensionincrease ..-... ` deficiency appropriation forsubsistsnce. . . 29, Qumbl/» $*33*** John G“"d””1 U· S· *l""'!’· 45, 337, 8 · . . . im- regular 2Fp]i66_ _ _ _ _ gg, 33, 45, 3,37, 825, gg to be rear onactive hate: place. . .3 602 for incideu expenses-. 29, 33, 45, 337, 825, 323 GXBIIIIIBUODF reqblgcred, to additions 602 for barracksand quarters 29, 33, 45, 338, 825, 828 , ¤¤r¤¤>¤r, ¤° k P°Y· °‘°·~ ········ so- muspomson. . . ,.. 29,33, 45, sas, 825, szs Qumyl I'}-,. H . din .,68 for headstones for S0l(l1G'8’ graves., .. 29, Q';l'>‘Pm?3§’:*;nl:1‘$:nf%'esP“b 9 b‘u}g,“-ll? ········· ·‘ im. buiiai of indigent soldier, ____ _ _ ?25’ gg payment for labor of Indians on. from 3_3 for disposition of remains of officers, etc- 29, 828 _ tribal funds ---······· · ············· ° ior horses. . . . , . . 45, 337 Qu};9'¤·ul<;{:;nG°°'9¢ Fo VB6 te er stems at mih , -···-· ; ·-·-····- · ················· " or ... ignsss 825 Q¤w¤»_A¤?1(w·dm¤)· - · • ’ ’ pegged 1415 for clothing, and camp and garrison H°¤¤1°”,mc ········· · ·············· squipage. .. . . 1.. 46,338 Qumni, T¤Z¤>¢*·v· d 1- 53 for pay, National Guard ordered into l{€¤¤*°¤_m°’°*]8€ ···················· · · · ‘ O service ... . 337 Quinn, Tim <w¤?<>w), for hospitals .. . .. 338, 825 pension ..·-- . ».-- - 9 —--—»—---- 1363