Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 39 Part 2.djvu/951

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INDEX. 2 1 1 3 Revenue Act, 1917—C0ntinuad. ?¤£¤· Reynolds ogg _ imue of three per cant bonds, etc.; not re- peusio;1 gncrzégsgdy T5?9 cgivablqassecurity for national bank Reynolds, Martha A. (waliaw), cuculatxon ... 1003 pcmiom _____________ _ ___________________ 1248 disposal of ·--~ . ·... . ... 1003 Reymzds, sammz ucc., Panama Cana} bonds in addition to . 1003 pension incrggggd ________________________ 1417 redeemable with.i11 fifty years . .. 1003 Reynolds, Seymour H, issue of three per cent certificates of in- pension increased ________________________ 1433 debwdness. . .. 1003 Reynolda, sim A., ` payable within cnc year . . .. 1003 pension increased ________________________ 1215 _ amount increased to §300,09Q,000 ... 1003 Reynolds, Thomas 1, mcome tain; corporsmon d1v1dend pay- 1004 R pe1;u?;1c;n ;ncVr;a.s$)d. . 5 1379 mens .. .. , . . a m czor, . . av, sworn returns to include names of stock- eyngmem; m, ,___ _ , , ,_,,,,___,,,,__ , 1297 holders- .. . . ... 1004 Rfigrwlander, Wu., Revenue Aymis, Intervwl, appropriation for public building . . . . 268 appropriation for salaries and expenses. . 86,1090 Rhoads, Annu E. (widow), a. lowed thirty days’ leave of absence . 793 miop increased __,,,__,,,,,___________, 1421 Revenue Cutter Sermce (sec also Coast Guard), R}£;ede, George, deficiency agpropriatiou for expenses 28, 828 ugiou ,...,,.,,,,..,.. ; .,... 1363 Revenue from ustoms Rlgcele Iahmd, gpgrqpriatiou for . . . : .. 28 gp£r%pria’Eio§l tmiaaing Bt8.Yj.011._ 561, 1173 e cmucyappro na. on orcollectmgn- , a , z , Revenue Ojicrhis, P 'onggncreased 1309 removal from State to Federal courts of Rm Abraham, _ suits, etc., against . 532 pension increased 1567 Remsed Statutes, _ Rum Crops, _ amenQed,4s;_§tion 440 - .. 3 appmprgtion for invcstngatiou of insects 465 B€Ct10l1 ... . ... a. acting . . section 477 ..,. . ... · . - 9 Rue, 1;"I‘€d€7"I;Ck, section 674 ,,,.. . . 252 Pension increased- ... . ... 1281 section 1342 - . 650 RW, Henry Mower, ., _ v section ,,,_ . ... . . 72; ggggptgnce of statue of, from fd! , lm section 7 .. . . . . tatuary ... -., section 3167 ..,,.. . .. , 773 on, ordered printed . _--._Q 1GI} section 3172 .. - - ··-·---.·-·-·- 773 Rice, John A., · \ “ _ A _ . section 3173 . . - - L . 774 pension increased ... . . .» , . . ,_I. . 1505 section 3176 . - . ... . ..-..-·-·-- 775 Rm, Laura A. (daugh¢¢f),_ I . _ { . section 3244 - - - . - -·-·· · 740 pensiqu . . ... . .·..-. . . 1547 section 3255 . .···----.··· - -·-- 788 Rm, Mary (wnlicw) section 3264 ... . ..-.---.-.-· - --·-- 787 pension .-----·-·-- - ··-·----··.· 1404 section 3287 .. . ...-...·-·--- - ----- 788 Ruz, E, section __,, . . ... . ..··..·. gg; R Pgngion }:,e1;cI'6BS&d. ·...··-.·... . . . 1415 section · ..- - ..------ · ------··- we te , section 3354 ,__, . ... . ...---. · · 789 Péngiog increased -..- Z · Z ·--····--.···.- 1459 section 32:6 ___,.. . ... Rm}., Ademah W, stm Wzllwm Parker, 1286 ggctigu 4 ____ , ,,,.. . . . - ..·. ngion i,nC!6889 . · ..·-..· ~ . . .·... . . . section 4464 .. . ..------·· - ---· 918 R5; JcsM_B., section 4465 . ...·.- - -·--·--·-· 918 nsiou 1¤C!'8¤¤•3d -·----· · ·-·-··-··--····· 1440 section 4466 .. . ... 918 “£·E:}nard J. Rei¤s," Suamer, section 4894 ._,... . .. . gg mma or “Gegge W. Peavey " changed w. 916 section 5202 .. - -·------·--··---- · - Ru·}¤¤‘d8` , . section 5234 ______ _ __,.,, . 121 pension increased . . .. 1555 mpeaned, section 4716 ... . .·. 649 Rwharcfs, Emma (dauyhwx section 5193 . . ·- - ----···-· 225 pension --- - ·····--···· - -·········-··- 1328 Revolutionary War, _ Rndnarefs, Gfcorgc J., ‘ establishment of battle field of G\}1}fofd pcnsmn 1¤C1‘G8B6d ------·---—-· · ····-----· 1435 Courthouse, N. C., as a. mxhtary Rwhards, Guy A., _ _ pm-k ______ _ ____ _ ,__,,,,, . . 996 homggfgad awry allowed, m hou of ermnc- 1587 Re; Lguri.9 B., ous se ecuon . _ ._ pension increased . . ..----·--- 1439 may embmqe sivck ¤¤¤11¤8 81'¤¤ --···· · - 1587 Reyes Grrrilzm, Carlos He·v»zh§:{ Cuba, Richtmfsonz Bcngmmn F., may be admitted to Na. Academy for 10 Rpbnmd;>;f1n1 .k . ..---·-·--·-—-- 1323 instruction. . . ..- - -···- · --··-· I · » Reymzdg, Adeline (wwkimu), pension increased --·-------·------·-··-- - 1541 pension increased .. . .. · -·----·—· · 1246 Rtdluflgfvnz GGWW E, 1334 Reyrmlds, Aww E. (mother), , peumon increasvd -------··-··-·-----· - · - - pension increased .-- · --·---· · ··—-·· · - bog R·&;hm-dwn, Levi JQ, Reynolgls, Amos, 1451 pension increased . - -··--·---· · - · - 1482 P911¤§’11}“°"“°d ········· ‘ ’‘‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ '`‘'‘’ R·whar‘ Qlsonz Marah Loruiu (widvuny R‘p"§§£i3;.iK£"r“2md’ .. M ¤¤¤¤~¤ umm ---····················· M Reynolds, Janus P., RW"!/».Au“ A· ("'&d‘””)· B12 pension increased ______________ _ ______,,, 1524 penmon mccause -----····- - ·····—···-·-·