Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/1016

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998 SIXTY·FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 178. 1918. and i s, heatin a aratus, furniture, carpets, and mattin ; for llcreight, ezgpregsil charges, advertising, telegraphing, tel; phoning, postage, washing towels, and necessary repairs and unproyements to buildings and heatm apparatus; for the purchase, subsistence, and care of horses and tie urchase and repair of harness and vehicles, for official urposes onlly; for the palvment of duties on imported articles, andp the Dgpartment of Agricu ture’s proportionate share of the expense of the ispatch szglent m New Yer ; or oihcial traveling expenses; and for other misc aneous suppllies and expenses not otherwise provided for, and necessary for the pract1ca and efliciegt wprk o itihgldepartment, $142,500, of which $5,000 shall be imme iatey ava a e. ’ Rm- nmzr nv rim nisrmcr or conumnu. Di§u;·¤§gigg¤d°1:;gghm or numnnves, Dnrnizriumnr or Aemcunrumzz For rent of ‘ buildings and parts of buildings 111 the District of Columbia, for use ` of the various bureaus, divisions, and offices of the Department of Agriculture, $158,689. S°§;le°*g= R¤¤¤¢i<>¤¤ . srarns RELATIONS smzvicn. mfg md di*¤¤¢°*· SALAmns, Srarns RELATIONS Smzvioaz One director, $4,500; one ’ chief clerk, $2,000; one financial clerk, $2,000; one clerk or proof reader, $1,800; four clerks, class four; eight clerks, class three; two clerks, at $1,500 each; twelve clerks, class two; one clerk, $1,260; terra; cakisim 2‘z*;.%0*1~*£°; *b1a;yi¤**;t<:}2r‘;· a , eac ; -one er , a eac · one r or emslide eolorist, $900; larhree clerks, at $840 eacli· two clerks, at $720 each; three messengers, messenger be , or laborers, at $720 each; Eve messengers, messenger boys, or laliirers, at $600 each; sixteen messengers, messen er boys, or laborers, at $480 each; one messenger, messenger boy, or laborer, $360; three messengers, messen er boys, or laborers, at $300 each· one skilled laborer, $900; four laiorers or charwomen, at $480 each; eleven laborers or charwomen, at $240 S pm I wml ea<é1;1n all, $180,980. ST R T ° m 9,, · ENERAL nxrnusns, Arias mnarrous Smzvicnz o ca into

 M0 t ml effect the provisions of an Act approved March second, dighteen

°` ’p' hundred and eighty-seven, entitled “A.n Act to establish a 'cultural V I 12 sm experiment stations in connection with the colleges estaillished III °‘ '°° ‘ the several States under the provisions of an Act approved July $Z3€§i3,°LiZ¥2iL‘»l“'t1Z’§SaZ”Zp°L‘§?{$L'§3’ t2“$h°’ Zl‘°,·,i£§°€8€L`§Pl’lfé , e se e Territories, to be paid quarterly ihladvance, $720,000; ,i0’§,§,°°;‘;,‘;§,pr*}},,,$,*,§;¥}‘ _'lJ`o ctagry into effplct Cgigd procwiisions of rigid Act approved Marsh V¤1·34,1>·63. six een , nineteen un an six entit "An ct to rovi 6 for an increased annual appropriatidn for agricultural expgriment stations and regulating the expenditure thereof," the sums a pol'- Pmim tioned to the several States an Territories, to be paid quarteiil in umn. adyance, $720,000: Provided, That not to exceed $15,000 shall, be EA11<>$r¤:;¤€¤o gggg wd to each State and Territory under this Act: Provided gurtlwf, aimed. at hereafter the Secretary o Agriculture be, and he is ereby, puthorized and diiretp1tedS{-to certify ftohther Secretary of the Treasurgr or payment, an e cret o the reasu is authorized an directed to_pay the apiproprildvlion for the fiscg year ending June V I 24 tlurtieth, nineteen hun red and eighteen, and all future appropria- °‘ ’P‘““· tions, to the Georgia Experiment Station, as authorized by the ACG of March second, eigliteen hundred and eighty-seven (Twenty-fourth V 1 34 Statutes, page four undred and forty), commonly referred to as the °· »P·°'*· Hatch Act, and the Act of March sixteenth, nineteen hundred and