Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/1032

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1014 SIXTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Cns. 190, 191. 1918. (:§°???rRg{ gig CHAP. 190.--Joint Resolution Authorizing the readmission to the United States of ——-—i-— certain aliens who have been conscripted or have volunteered for service with the (Pub- R°s·· N°· *‘*·l military forces of the United States or cobelligerent forces. 1=¤¤¤,i¤*s*¤i¤¤¤f¤¤i¤¤¤- Resolved by the Senate and House o Re esentattves of the United vii: or omqmiii States of America in Congress assembtgld, 'lzliat, notwithstanding the °‘“"°" *’°"‘?’“ ‘"‘° provisions of section three of the immigration Act of February fifth, have served in armed _ , , f¤r`<;¤{-39 875 nmeteen hundred and seventeen, excluding from the United States .42;;, p.%34. alipns who are hlkely to become fi public chargto, 0]; who are physically de eotive or w 0 are contract a orers or w 0 ave come in consequence of advertisements for labor printed, published, or distributed in a foreign country, or who are assisted by others to come, or whose ticket or passage is paid for with the monoy of another or by any corporationil association, society, rolunicip ity, or foieign lgovernment or w 0 are stowaways or w 0 are i iterate iens awfully resident indthe Iz`hnited1States when ahleretofore or lheréafteril enlisted or conscripte or e II11 'tary or nav service 0 the nite States or Aiiennsieests as- of any one of the nations cobelligerent of the United States in the §§§f’*j“,§‘, present war; and aliens lawfullcy resident in the United States who enemy ¤¤¤¤¤y· avg enhpted fortserlwiiole withl pIecho&Sg>vak, Polish, or othlor indepen ent orces a tac e to the mte tates or to the army or navy of any! one of (pho cobelligelholrots of the Umyteol States in the present war w omay urin orwit one year aftert etermination of tho] war sippéy for readmigsion to this country, after being honorably ischari or granted furlough abroad by the proper military or naval aut oiitiols, or after being rejected on iinaipuxammation m connection wit their GBIISI tment or conscription s within two

g:g{,°ugf jxars aifterlthegfertziiixhation of this war, be reagmittedil  that may

mmm 1811 0 cit er _ e oregoing escriptions w 0 woul 0 erwise e $l}:C:;llgBd• sicgtihon fof gm innlpigratiop Act on the groolnd a 6151 oic un c e ee e—mm e ep eptic insane or as had one or more, attacks df msanity, or im the ground that he is o.fll.;<}§1;d with (ponstitutional psychopathic inferiority, tubercul0sis,ba oa me or angerous contagious isease or mental defect shall 0 readmitted if it 1s_ proved that the disability was acquired while the alien was serving m the rnilitaiy or naval forces of the United States or of atny one of the natiogs co (plligegent of Eheil Sltstes infthe resen war or in an in epen ent orce 0 the ereinbc ore §',§"§;‘,,°°‘§;’,§"g,, ,,, described, if such alien returns to a port of the United States within ¤·g;*6,_m P_ m two years after the termination of the war; and that the head tax ' provided in the immigration Act of Februaiy fifth, nineteen hundred

 seventeen, shall not be collected from ions readmitted into the

United States under the provisions of this resolution. Approved, October 19, 1918. October 21, 1918. __E’;Ein c¤u·.1oi...A Aevr or mem' · · for [mt., se as cms me to .e..E¤ at-i‘ér‘.`1..m°F»‘€¤?ae ist, .§”.;.3£§.`?"2£.’}..**2‘,‘?ir‘$’..‘?t;'}.‘.?."“‘°“` i Be it enacted by the Senate and House 0 Re esentatives o the United ·i·)0;°§’l§i:ig»::er, States of Ameriea in Oonyreas aesemblei Tgiit the Secreiari of the $,,,,8,,,,,;*,,, dmggf Interior is hereby authorized and directed upon pro er app `caticm, to issue patent to school district numbered nine, of Siimders County, ,,m,“_ Moutaneg for block eight, d6S1g[18tBd·8.S "Publio reserve," upon the usitrexgorgionfor me- approve plat of the town site of Dixon, Montana: Provided, That · txt e to the land so granted shall revert to the United States if the said school district attempts to alienate or use the land for otherthan school purposes. Approved, October 21, 1918.