Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/1178

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1160 SIXTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Cris. 34-36. 1919. February 25,1919- _34.—An Act Extending the time for the construction of a bridge across

 R mn] th  River gear {and Zgove ghe citiy of Newélrleagis, li0£us1iana, or for the

[r¤i>u¤,Nt.2vo.; co c ono a unn or uma un ersai river in euo stu n ge. _ _ Be it en.acted_ by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United TMQM of §,1,‘;fgng, States ¢éfAmerica in Congress assembled, That the times for commenc- ¤it§.,£&;1gl% onus, mg an completing the construction of a bridge authorized b the v;,;_3g,p_44{,m,,,d. Act of Congress approved A1§;sSt eighth, nineteen hundredy and °d· sixteen, to be built across the issippi River near and above the city of New Orleans Louisiana, by the city of New Orleans, or for constructing a tunnel or tunnels under said river in lieu of the bridgp, are hereby extended to two and five years, respectively, from the date of the approval of this Act. Am°¤d’°°¤*· Sec. That this right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby express y reserve . Approved, February 25, 1919. February25 1919.

 th _35.TAlp AIctrt'£p§1;tend the tixnéa0fortyth¢fIcptnlEt11;u“¢i;&p‘;1' of 3.  across

[r¤b11c,Nc. 271.] e ivero e o e ween Tmll un , o o an o unty, Minnesota. Red mv , Be it enacted by the Senau and House of Re esentatices of the United Ngggé mind; fj States of America in Congress assembled, Tiles the_ times for comb.·i.§;¤g,,t Bgllmgnt, mencing and completing the construction of a bridge, authorized N,,0{§b,p_5,, umm, by Act of Congress approved August eleven, nineteen hundred and sd. ’ sixteen, to be built across the Re River of the North at or near the X village of Bellmont, Traill Coimtly, North Dakota, are hereby extended Ammdmmh one and three years, respective y, from the date of approval hereof. Sec. That ge right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby express y reserv . Approved, February 25, 1919. Feb 25,1919. _[·l§¥Tu*ElTSl3273·l CHAP. 36.—An Act To amend an Act entitled "An Act to authorize the estab- “’“"“°· N°· ""·’ $l§?;$l`§£f 2¤12¤“3““&ZZl§.*¤Rl§ZlL£ZL”“°§ i? T3? “°°"“‘Il D°"2"€“¥""" “"%'.‘£Ei‘l n, a.noeen,anancnamen thereto approved October sixth, nineteen hundred and seventeen. W Risk I Be it enacted the Senate and House of Representatives of the Unncd °' "‘“"*”°'· States of America in Congress assemble , That the Act entitled "An m§‘l°'”*'Y °“°"°¤°¤¤· Act authorize the establishment of a Bureau of War Risk Insur- ·d.4m,p.e1i,.ms¤¤. ance in the Treasury Department" be, and is hereby, amended by ` agcxpg iiheliollpviing neiwgiaragraph to section two hundred and ten _ o tice 0 thesai ct: mgdméixbhiibgnl "Pro·mkled, however, That whenever the commissioner shall bg §,‘j,"‘,§§;,§:€:gf‘;}¤{)*gdl· further investigation or reinvestigation modify the existing awar , ' no reimbursement from the person receiving an allowance shall be regluired for allotments and allowances already paid nor shall any de uctions be made from allotments and allowances to be paid in the E 6 future for any change in award made in previous allotments and mp °”° allowances, except where it is conclusively shown that the person receiving the allowance does not bear the relationship to the enlisted pnandwluch is required by the Act and except in cases of manifest rau ." Approved, February 25, 1919.