Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/118

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SIXTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 22. 1917. 99 Provided, That all technical and scientific su plies for the depart- P'°”*·’9· . ments of instruction of the Military Academy slhall be purchased by Twhmw Supph°S` contract or otherwise, as the Secretary of War may deem best. Purchase of instruments for band and repairs to same; for pur- M¤¤*°¤l¤¤PPH°¤· chase of reeds, ads, strings, and other materials necessary for brass, wood, wind, and string instruments; for purchase of music stands and other equi ments; for purchase of music for military band and orchestra and) for extra parts; and for contingent expenses not otherwise provided for; all to be purchased in open market on order of su erintendent, $1,500. _ Repairs and im rovements to the laundry machinery and appa- Mmm'- ratus in the cadetllaundry, and the purchase of new material, tools, and so forth, to be expended without advertising, $2,500. Repair and purchase of cooking utensils, chairs, tables, and other C°d°* mmfurniture in the cadet mess, and the replacement of same, to be expended without advertising, to be immediately available, $3,000. _ _ ~ For the policing of barracks and bathhouses, $14,000. Y°l‘°“’g· For supp ying light and plain furniture m cadet; bmacks, $2o,oog_ caaetbmwks. For mamtainingfhe children’s school, the Superintendent of the C‘“*d'°“’“°*’°°l· Military Academy eing authorized to employ the necessary teachers, $4,320. For mchase and re air of fire-extinguish1ng' ap aratus, $1,000. "`*'°P'°“’°“°“· Pro':/viided, That sectijon thirty-six hundred and) fortfy-eight, Re- vised Statutes, shall not apply to subscriptions for oreign, {pom- B.S..¤¤<=·3648,p.u& fessional, and other newspapers and periodicals, to be paid or m any of the foregoing appropriations. nmmmos AND enomvns. m,,,,,*"‘§,’f“”‘“ “‘“ For cases, materials, fittings, iixtures, and other appliances, and ;,;§,,§°*‘°¤’§'f,9f¤t¤Il*°°°°m' reprairs for ordnance museum in headquarters building, $1,500. or repairs to ordnance laboratory and other buildings pertaining to the department of ordnance and gunner·y, and materials for roads and walks, and for repairs to machinery and tools, $150. For general repairs to the cadet laundry building, and for emergency incidental expenses about building, to be expended without advertismg, $400. For general incidental repairs and improvements to the cadet store building, including storerooms, office, tailor shops, and sheerepgairing shops $1,000. _ or materials and labor for repairs, alterations, and additions s°l°l°” °°"’"°‘ needed at the soldiers’ hospital, as follows: Purchase of suitable incandescent lights, dmplights, tubing, mantles, and so forth· for paraffin and turpentine for waxing floors; for brushes, paints, glass, putty, and for- general repairs; for materials for rebronzing radiators; and for purchase of flowers, fruit trees, shrubs, plants, and so forth, for hospital grounds, $165. For the repair and upkeep of quarters of the sergeant, first class, Hospital Corps at soldiers’ hospital: For miscellaneous minor repairs and general upkeep of quarters, $50. For waterworks: For the maintenance and operation of the filter W•*¤"'¤*¤· beds, reservoir, and pipe lines, including the tools, implements, and materials required therefor; and for pohcing the grounds and re airing the roads in the vicinity of the reservoirs, filters, and intake clam, and for the protection and enforcement of rules to protect the water supply, $2,500. $75 cérim labor and material for construction of new cadet lalmdry, N""“‘“"’”· For necessary re and re lacements in steam-hea system °•‘°""'· and steam lines and cooking apparatus, cadet mess, For repairs to cadet mess buillding, $2,000.