Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/1260

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1242 SIXTY·FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 86. 1919. one, one $1,100, six at $1,000 each, one $900; thr·ee copyists; carpenter, $1,000; four messengers; four assistant messengers; four abaolpers; messenger boys—four at $600 each, three at $480 each; in $83 670. ,,,,;°mp°”'y °‘“p1°" Tmirroiianr EMPLOYEES! For the employment of such additional

  • ’°°*» P·1266· temporary force of clerks, messengers, laborers, and other assistants

as m the ]udgment of the Secretary of the Navy may be necessary to the transaction of omcial business in the Navy Department and its bureaus and offices, as follows: D*S”'“°°*i°¤- Omce of the Secretary, $50,000; Omce of the solicitor, $7,500; Office of the Judge Advocate General, $6,000; Omce of the Chief of Naval Operations, $60,000; Bureau of Navigation, $60,000; Omce of N aval ntelligence, $6,000; Hydrogrzpphic Omce, $45,000; Bureau 0 Steam Engmeeringi $100,000; Bureau of Construction and epair, $140,000; Bureau of Medicine and Surgery, $20,000; _ llgureau of gags and Docks, $90,000; ureau o r ance $50 000· PWM. Bureau of Supplies and iéiccoimts, $425,000; salesmen: of em. In all, $1,059,500: Provided, That the Secretary of the Navy shall ,¥§g{§‘j,{·°’°·# ‘° '°““"‘ submit to Congress on the first day of its next regular session a state· Eent showing by bxegus or (pmcesdth; numbe;1 and designation of _ e persons employ ereun er an the annu rate of compensa- Payresrrictim. tion paid to each: Promded {further, That not more than thirty—£ve persons phéll be employed erpuniler at rates of compensation in excess 0 000 per annum o w om not more than ten shall b _ M {xml em(p1oy:d atla gte of compensation in eijgcess of $2,400 per annunfi ` an no more an $4,000 per annum: romided rth Th t d tailed estimates shall be submitted by the Navy Dgipartement in tl; annual Book of Estimates for the Hscal year 1921 for necessary services of the character provided for in tlns paragraph. $°“°**°*’¤ °m°•· Orman or So1.1crron:Sohc1tor, $4,000; law clerks—one $2 500, one $2,400, one $2,250, two at $2,000 each; clerks-——one of class four, two gfézclppg three, one of class two, one $840; messenger, $600; in all, Lf§g;‘;,’_ R°°°'°* Md (Irrrciu or Naviu. Rnooans Arm Lrrmaar: Chief clerk, $2,000; clerks—two of class four, one to be selected from omcers of the Confederate Navy (agent for collection of Confederate records), four of class two, four of class one, two at $1,000 each; co yist; copyist, $720· assistantmessenger; laborer; in all, $21,000. Alllbmployees rovided ‘f)<;I1;;’ydfhr1s§Dpa;·1s;gx·§pcl;il§,al:rbp{;>;)dusively engaged on the wodl: of this s e . ,,,"§$,,‘§}’°"“ °‘ "°* Toward tie collection or copgng and classification, with a view to mgirgaacs or cenet- publication, of the naval recon- of the war with the central powers ' of Europe, including clerical services in the District of Columbia or PWM elsegheigi preparatiop of maps;) and illustrrlations, and oth? necessary r ·, , . mci en expenses, 20,000: r at no erson ll b - Pay ployed hereunder at a rate of compeiisation exlceeding ;1,80g $4;;- annum. ,,§{?§§,°,§§,f°°°‘° Gm Orrrep or Jones Anvocarn Gmmnaaz Two attorneys, at $2,500 each; cluef law clerk, $2,250; law clerks-one $2,200, one $2,000, one $1,600; clerks—one of class four, one $1,300, six of class one, three

8$§ig00 each, one $900; messenger; assistant messenger; in all,

,$‘°‘N¤"=* OW- or Omar- or Nayar. OPEBATIONS1 Chief clerk, $2,250; clerks—one of class four, two of class three, three of class two, three of class one, four at $1,000 each, one $900; telegraphers——chief$1,800, one $1,400, one $1,200, one $1,100; two draftsmen, at $1,200 each;