Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/1276

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1258 SIXTY-FIFTH corrcmrss. sms. III. os. se. 1919. juster of admeasurements at not to exceed $2,100, purchase and exchange of admeasuring instruments, traveling and incidental ex- C _ penses, $3,500. _ _ _ Pf’,§}fQ§{‘*`§2*,§§?s°”g°'s· $2ggr purchase and repair of instruments for counting passengers, ,,,M§,§}’§,c,,b°,§§$gga‘{§§; Enforcement of navigation laws: To enable the Secretary of Comkgjkt 1261 merce to provide and operate such motor boats and employ thereon ’p` such persons as may be necessary for the enforcement, under his direction by customs officers, of laws relating to navigation and inspection of vessels, boarding of vessels, and coimting of passengers Pmming 0 at on rlexcursgin iblpaigs, $42,000. f C to 1 ta _1 _ Y ‘ o ena e e ecre ary o ommerce employ, mporarr y in $ii¤;é(iii1§¢;t excursion addition to those now provided for by law, such other persons as may be necessary, of whom not more than two at any one time may be employed in the District of Columbia, to enforce the laws to prevent overcrowding of passenger and excursion vessels, and all necessary e enses in connection therewith, $18,000. ¤,T§§'§§§°§,m;'§s'f,'§{S°?` X€Vireless-communication laws: To enable the Secretary of Com- 3,,V°f·,§§· P- 62** "°'· merce to enforce the Acts of Qongress "to_ require apparatus and 3%:, pi 1261. operators for radio commumcation on certam ocean steamers" and "to regulate radio communication" and carry out the international radio telegraphic convention, and to employ such persons and means as may be necessary, this employment to include salaries of employ- ees in the District of Colum ia not exceeding $8,050 traveling and subsistence expenses, purchase and exchange of instruments, technical books, rent and all other miscellaneous items and necessary e enses not included in the foregoing, $45,000. S’°“°"'°’ Bum"- XEUBEAU or S*rANDAm>s: Director, $6,000; pliysicists-—chief $4,800, one $4,000, one qualified in optics, $3,600, thee at $3,600 each, two at $3,300 each, four at $3,000 each; assistant to the director, $3,600; associate physicists—five at $2,700 each, five at $2,500 each, four at $2,200 each, seven at $2,000 each; assistant physicists——twelve at $1,800 each, fourteen at $1,600 each, eighteen at $1,400 each; chemists——-chief $4,800, two at $3,500 each, one $3,300, one $3,000; associate chemists—three at $2,700 each, three at $2,500 each, one $2,200, four at $2,000 each; assistant chemists—four at $1,800 each, four at $1,600 each, six at $1,400 each; physical chemist, $1,800; laboratory assistants-—twenty-three at $1,200 each, eighteen at $1,000 each; laboratory helpers-—two at $840 each, four at $720 each, four at $600 each; aids——fourteen at $900 each, sixteen at $720 each; twenty laboratory apprentices, at $540 each; editor, $2 500; secretary, $2,200· proierty c erk, $1,800; storekeeper, $1,000; librarian, $1,600; chiei cler , $2,200; clerks——one of class four, three of class three, three of class two, eight of class one, seven at $1,000 each, seven at $900 each, two at $720 each; two telephone operators, at $720 each; office apprentices——four at $540 each, two at $480 each, two at $420 eac ; six elevator boys at $480 each; mechanicians——chief and foreman of instrument shops $2,400, one $1,800, one $1,600, one $1,500, two at $1,400 each, five at $1,200 each, six at $1,000 each, one $900; machmist, $1,200; shop a prentices——two at $720 each, two at $600 each, three at $540 each, three at $480 each; lieutenant of watch, $900; twelve watchman; skilled woodworkers—-—foreman of woodworking shops $1,500, one $1,200, two at $1,000 each; skilled laborers——three at $840 each, six at $720 each; draftsman, $1,200; photographers~—·one $1,400, one $1,200; packer, $840; two messengers; assistant messenger; superintendent of mechanical lant, $2,500; assistant engineers—one $1,600, two at $1,400 each, tliree at $1,200 each, one $1,000, one $900; two pipe fifters at $1,000 each; ten firemen; glass_ blowers—one $1,600, one $1,200; glassworker, $1,600; expert opticran, $2,000; electricians—one $1,400, one $1,200, one