Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/1293

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SIXTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. sm. III. ons. 94, 95. 1919. 1275 manner b said Secretary: And provided further, That the settlement S°, °*‘°*¤°¤* ¤° W *0 of any clajim arising under the provisions of this section shall not bar u°°mvhw'm` the United States Government through any of its duly authorized agencies, or any committee oi Con ess hereafter duly appointed, from the right of review of such settiirment, nor the right to recover ;,,1},$,‘{°'“’ “‘ °“° °' any money paid by the Government to any party under and by virtue of the provisions of this section, if the Govemment has been defrauded, an the right of recovery in all such cases shall extend to the executors, administrators, heirs, and assigns of any party. R t C That a report of all operations under this section, including receipts °p°" ° °°°`°s°' and disbursements, shall be made to Congress on or before the first Monday in December of each year. N . dm 0, That nothing in this section shall be construed to confer jurisdic— eoiuhjum °° tion upon anircourt to entertain a. suit against the United States: Promo Pr ed fart , That in determining the net losses of any claimant vaiqeko be sammthe Secretary of the Interior shall, among other things, take into {¥§’,,§,,"‘° ‘*°°“"'“’““¤ consideration and charge to the claimant, the then market value of aply ores or minerals on hand belongigg to the claimant and also·the s va e or usable value of any mac ° ery or other appliances which may ge claimed was purchased to equip said mine for the p e of complying with the r uest or demand of the agencies of thd1gi>(:em— ment above mentiongdl in the manner aforesai . Approved, March 2, 1919. CHAP. 95.-An Act Ma]¤.ng' a riations for the construction, re , and 1i1alc1i.1.i3ig?` preservation of certain public workdlgrliorgivers and harbors, and for other ppur.;>roses. Be it enacted the Senate and House Regn·eaentat·i#vea o the United . States of Ameribcid in Gbwg-ree.: ae.sem.bM?That the fol1ow£g sums of p£“p}’r§';{'.f¤`l,°°'°°' "' money be, and are here y, appropriated, out of any money in the '1‘r·easury not otherwise appropriated, to be immediately available and to be expended under the direction of the Secretary of War and the supervision of the Chief of Engineers, for the construction, completioéi, repair, and preservation of the Public works hereinafter name : Tenants Harbor, Maine: Completing iniprovement in accordance T°°‘"”H°'°°" 1** with the re ort submitted in Rivers and arbors Committee Document Numbered 12, Sixty-second Congress, third session, $18,750. g Boston Harbor, Massac usetts: For maintenance, $40,000. B°"°"‘"“°‘ Gloucester, Beverly, Salem, Lynn, Pgrmouth, and Provincetown nE,lY“°°’°°" °‘°‘· Harbors, Mystic, Malden, Weymouth ore, and Weymouth Back Rivers, and Dorchester Bay and Neponset River, Massachusetts: Weymouth Fm For maintenance, $2,000· completing improvement of Weymouth rum. Fore River, $183,000; ior improvement of Beverly Harbor in accordance with the report submitted in House Document Num~ bered 220, Sixty-third Congress, iirst session, and subject to the conditions set forth in said document as modified in the report printed in Rivers and Harbors Committee Document Numbered 8, ixty-third Congress, second session, $61,500; in all, $246,500. p Pollock Rip Shoals, harbor of refuge at Nantucket, New Bedford ,,§°%;_B·‘P S"°‘“· and Fairhaven Harbors, Fall River Harbor, and Taunton River, ' Massachusetts: Continuing improvement and for maintenance of Pollock Rip Channel, $200,000. . R, Providence River and Harbor, Pawtucket River, Newport Harbor, ,,,§f°§ifi§{‘°° V" harbors of refuge at Point Judith and Block Island, entrance to Point Judith Pond, and Great Salt Pond, Block Island, Rhode Island: P wmcmmm For maintenance, $1,500; completing improvement of Pawtucket ° ' River in accordance with report submitted in House Document Numbered 1283, Sixty-fourth Congress, first session, $91,160; com-