Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/1303

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SIXTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Ch. 95. 1919. 1285 tion is made by the United States for the further prosecution of said project. Sacramento, Feather, San Joaquin, and Mokelumne Rivers, and °,§°°&*{¤°¤“ Rmb Stockton and Mormon Channels (diverting canal), California.: Con- " ` tinuing improvement and for maintenance, $222,000. Coquille, Coos, Siuslaw, and Yaquina Rivers, and Coos, Ya uina, °°°’ B°"·°’°‘·°‘°*· Tillamook, and Nehalem Bays, Oregon: For maintenance and continuing improvement of channel over the bar at Coos Bay, $121,000; for improvement of Cegguille Bar and Harbor in accordance with the report submitted in ouse Document Numbered 207, Sixty-fifth Congress, first session, and subject to the conditions set forth in said document, $64,000; for improvement of Coos Bay in accordance with the report submitted in House Document Numbered 325, Sixty-fifth Congrpss, first session, $130,000· for improvement of Yaquina Bay Y•qui¤• my ma and arbor in accordance with the report submitted in House Docu- H°"’°" ment Numbered 109, Sixty-fifth Congress, first session, and subject to the conditions set forth in said document, $100,000· in all, $415,000. The project for the improvement of Tillamook Bay, Or on, is hereby Tmnmmk pwlwt modifie in accordance with the report submitted inailouse Docu- m°°m°°‘ ment 730, Sixty-fifth Co$ress, second session. Columbia and lower illamette Rivers below Vancouver, Wash- ington, and Portland, Oregon, and mouth of Columbia River, Oregon ma omg. »' ` and Washington: Continuing improvement and for maintenance, $595,000. Willamette River above Portland and at Willamette Falls, Yam- mw*§§$:,#°bN‘g’;{•] hill River and Clatskanie River from the mouth to Clatskanie, Wiéh. ` Or on; Cowlitz, Lewis, and Grays Rivers, and Skamokawa Creek, W :,For maintenance, $70,100;>improvement of Skamokawa Creek in accordance with the report su mitted in House Document Numbered 111, Sixty-third Congress, nrst session, $1,800; iuP.iig$71SiiO0·d d b Ol Sea tl An P' * S°‘““’ ‘° et rm an its tri utary waters, ia., the, acortes, 'gf · ° ·· Port Gamble, Tacoma, and Bellingiham Plla11il>lbrs, Lake Washington wm ‘ Ship Canal, Snohomish and Skagit ivers, Swinomish Slough, waterway connecting Port Townsend Bay and Oak Bay, Colum ia River between Wenatchee and Kettle Falls, Washington: For maintenance, $27 ,000; for maintenance of East and West Waterwa , Seattle Har- W““’"”Y’· sm"'- bor, in accordance with the report rinted in Senate Ilidcument Numbered 313, Sixty-fifth Congress, third session, and subject to the conditions set forth in said document $40,000; for the maintenance of Duwamish Waterwav, Seattle Harbor, to a depth of twenty feet and to a width of one hundred and fifty feet at mean low water as far south as Eighth Avenue South Bri ge, $40,000: Provzklcd, That §;';f{[§{,m no art of said appropriation shall be available for said purpose until ` said)im rovements shall be completed to project dimensions to said point: Erovided further, That local interests shall furnish a place of m£§{§j*,,,§f °‘°°g°° deposit for the dredged material and the bulkheads necessary to _ confine such material; for im rovement of Skagit River in accordance Sk"g“ R""· with the report printed in Ilouse Document ,Numbered 935, Sixty- _ _ third Congress, second session, $30,000: Provided, That before work R°“°" °‘P""°°‘· on this roject is commenced, the repprt shall be referred to the Board of Engineers for Rivers and Har ors for review as to whether the project should be modified to meet existing conditions or whether com itions of local cooperation should be imposed; completing im- A¤¤¤°*°¤*·W°¤¤- provement of Anacortes Harbor in accordance with the re ort subrmtted House Document Numbered 1117, Sixty-fourth Congress, tirst SBSSIOH, and subject to the conditions set forth in said document, $89,000; for improvement of Port Gamble Harbor in accordance with Pm °°'”m°’ wm" the report submitted in House Document Numbered 851, Sixty-fifth Congress, second session, and subject to the conditions set forth in said document, $12,000; in all, $238,000.