Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/1342

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1324 SIXTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. III. Cns. 116, 117, 122. 1919. United States for the uses, pu.rposes, and trusts therein and by this Act rovided. ,,,§‘,§f’°pf,*§,'Q,$‘f,$°§,,§i,‘§,‘{2j Sng. 4. That the said commission is authorised and empowered ew. to receive donations and bewggests, to improve said site, and to erect thereon, when sufficient funbl areilavaila lebfor sgch pmpoieihogher structures of a general pu ic c aracter ut the same s armonize with the memorial, and such striictures when erected shall become subject wholly to sa1d commission and the title to the same shall vest as does the title to said site and memorial and be subject to the same uses, possession, trust, control, and management. "‘m‘““1'°p°"· Sec. 5. That said commission, through its president and treasurer, shallUmal;g, writing, la rgpprthio tlhe Seciigtary of th? Intplmor of the nit tates on the t on ay in ecem er o eac year in which shall be stated the condition of the_ said site and memorial as to_ preservation, and all rece1pts and disbursements of money pertaming thereto. . _ _ _ °m°°”·°*°· Sec. 6. That the officers of the commission shall be a president, vice president, secretary and treasurer, and such other officers, B I tc- agents, and employees as it may deem necessary. "°“'$·° The commission shall have power to adopt rules and by-laws for its government and to provide the methods of voting and the number of votes each State having more than three commissioners shall cast at its meeting. _ _ ‘“”°“°“‘°“°‘ Sec. 7. That the right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby expressly reserved. Approved, March 3, 1919. “°’°""`·*°‘°· orr.u·.117..-J‘ R 1 ‘ A 11 41 d‘ s tu t r th

 11;ua1§omp§rma£o¤g;c:?fi§§p$§•t?;eldi;(iE:YeEs;lii; 3§‘§§$%“§. ;;.0L'.°§rL‘$.?btr§0‘?‘21l'§‘§’&’0u3. wh.?

° " ° VG GED ISC H1 Gl.! B11 I Ol' 113.V ll IBS. Resolved by the Senate and House of Re esentattves of the United ,,,E§PS°°‘R°p““‘°‘ States q£IAmer·wa in Congress assembled, Tl)1/at the Sergeant at Arms wggeggbraggwrycggg of the ouse of Representatives be, and he is hereby, authorized pay atm eaenme to and directed to pay to those Members of the House of Representa· §§,§§"”g my “‘°°“' tiwies of the Sarpy-fifth (gorilgregs wgoshave beeln serving with th; mi itary or nava orces o the United States in the present war wit Germany and her allies, compensation from and after the dag of their discharge from_ military or naval duty at the rate provide by law for Representatives in Congress, igon the resumption and during the continuance of their duties as epresentatives in Congress. _ Approved, March 3, 1919. [H.R.i0gi% 0:*.31 12:;-.·}n Apt go amendfagdl reetnact an Act for the mtablishment of a

 pro onsys m or e istricto cum ia.

. t . 0 . Be it enacted by the Senate and House o Representatives of the United %.i§z5;ii¤¤§i¥t?ii¤)i;` of in Congress assembledf That agxbéct {pr the estab- _`°- »P· ·°m°¤ · s ento apro ation system for the Districto 0 um ia a proved · ed June ttzrgnlty-fifth, nineteenf hundred andf ten;} ge ariiendizd and reenac s out o section one o said ct the followin words: " and, one awitant probation officer at a sala of one thou? , . . IY . sand tyvo hundred dollars per annum, ’ and m lieu thereof insert the followmg: "and two assistant probation officers at a salary of $1,200 each, one of which assistant probation officers shall serve for one year only, and one stenograp er and typist at a salary of $1,200 per annum, who shall serve one year only," so that said section . one of said Act when so amended shall read: