Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/1358

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1340 SIXTY·FIFTH conennss. sm. III. cH. 124. 1919. ublic quarters and to the same allowances with resyipct to fuel and Eght as those of a first lieutenant when occupying pu lic quarters. For pay of one librarian, $3,000. For pay of one assistant librarian, $1,500. For pay of one custodian of gymnasium, $1,200. For pay of one superintendent of gas works, $1,500. For pay of one c ief engineer of power iplant, whose duties will include those of engineer of heating and vent ating apparatus, $2,700. For pay of one assistant chief engineer of same, $1,100. ger pay 0; thrlcie Esistant engineers of same, $3,600. or pay o eig themen, $6,240. For pay of two oilers for power plant, $1,440. For pay of one draftsman in the department of civil and military e eering, $1,200. ngldlr pay of mechanic and attendant skilled in the technical preparation necessary to chemical and electrical lectures and to the instruction m mineralogy and geology, $1,200. For lpaypf mec anic assistant in department of natural and ex eri- §enta1 gt ilosogilily (to ge gppointgd by the Superintendent ofp the _ nite . ates tary ca em ), 840. ger pay of one qustodian of iicademy buildings, $1,000. ` or pay o one e ectrician, $1,600. For pay of one chief plumber, $1,600. · For pay of one assistant lumber $900. For pay of one plumbesfsphelper, For pay of one scavenger, at $60 a month, $720. For pay of chapelorganist and choirmaster, $1,500. For pay of supermtendent of post cemetery, $1,200. For pay of engineer and janitor of Memorial Hall, $900. For pay of printer at headquarters, United States Military Academy, $1,600. A Fcér pay of assistant printer at headquarters, United States Military ca emy, 1,100. For pay of one janitress, Memorial Hall, $600. For pay of one master mechanic, $1,800. $l§`§)1;) pay of clerk and photographer in the department of drawing, For pay of one stenovrapher, typewriter, and attendant in charac of the library in the department of law, to be appointed by the Supermtendent of the United States Military Academy, $900. or pay of one overseer of the waterworks, $720. tliorfpayzlpf ons engineer og steam, electric, and refrigerating appara us or e ca ets’ mess, 1,200. For pay of one co yist, steno a her, clerk, librarian typewriter, and attendant in the gepiartmentgli iiiodern languages, to be appointed by the Superintendent nited States Military ca emy, $1,040. For pay of one mechanic and attendant skilled in the operation necessary for the prepgration of lectures and of material in the department of drawing to a pointed by the superintendent, $720. For pay of {janitor for bachelor office1s’ quarters, $600. For pay 0 one stenogra her, typewriter, and attendant in the department of English and iiistory, to be appointed by the su erintendent, $840. P Acl$;1éHp5ay$pf9(?£>okbmder at headquarters, United Statm Military For pay of two sewers in bindery, $1,080. lforfay of oneslnlledtpressman in the prmting office, headquarters, Unite States Military cademy, $1,100. Aclgggtpgygggne charwoman. eadquarteis, United States Military