Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/1375

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iv INDEX. Agricultural Food Products—Coutinued. Pun Aids to Nq*vigatio*n-Contingxed. Paso. invitation m Farmeiai National Congress; 1049 appropmauon for, Washmgum and Om. use au orized . 3011 ... . . . 161 War Filfaggge Corporation Act aiu;c;1ded.% 1049 fo1'G1;,m0 Bay, Cuba., light station, Ilan: ' or cans e c ... 686 CO bauhzilgtgyw?  : 1049 for accom} disgrict, depot ... 686 on agricultural products, or 11VO stock, for 1Q>etro1t, M1ch., diinot 686 excepted .. . 1049 for lgght statgon, San Island, Ala- . 686 further, may be required . 1049 for light stamon Spectacle Reef, Mjch. . . 686 salaries re;s?·ict?d .. . 1049 for bmbrose Channel, N. Y., hghted A Ztura rn vmmts `nery, ctc- uoys ...--·.-------.. 686 gzrougzewation gf, for nktional security; and forloe Flqggar Shoal, Qel., gaabuoys, etc. 686 defense  » 276 for fifth dmtrict, 8A;1d1t10l18. g3»S buoys. . . 687 Agrkzeltural Lands in National Forests, for suteqnth distnct, dépot, etc 687 a.p*propria,tion for survey, etc., of. for fflg Signal bell, Nantucket Harbor, c1¤¤¤·?ng' , etc .. vss ...-·---·..-...--...- 687 Ag‘ric?¢l2tural ganizatimw, for_gcnera1cxpcr;se§ ... 687 A exempt fgoim income tax ... . .. 1076 dcHc1c11;§{ apgéqpmtmn for Oconto Harbor 2 {w' laura ts, IS , . 3 oldingiofpersonaljbyfarmielm, y for r§cstabHs1{)ing%0etc., Gulf of Mexico, o armers, ctc. not ecm - amages y s rm .. 496 · . ing 1. ’ . . . 286 for rebuilding; etc., on Atlantic coast, Agnbultural Products, Home Use of, damagod_ ystorm, ctc .. 496, 1036 appmpriaticn for investigating utility and for fifth d1StI'lCt, gps bugs . 1036 economy of, for food, clothing, etc- . 1000 for Saint Marys Raver, 'ch 1036 Agricultural Purposes, establishment, etc., of, authorized 607 loans by War Finance Corporation to light-vesqels fqrgzeneral service, etc .. W 607 batxfhks, eta; on notes for, allowed 1049 second hgstrict; tutuckk<:,a£lgass., electric 07 wi outco tem! .. bell,eas 1*;..; 6 Agricultural Report, third district; Ambrose C1mn1iel;N. Y, . . . _ 607 A apprézprixztgmn for printing and binding. . 175, 700 _ Tompkmqvillaai N. E, Egincral depot, 607 gnbu tum dwols, mnchmr c 0 sn es; . » . . appropriation for reports, etc., can . 999 fourth di¤tric%J0c%'l _ Shoal, Del. . . . 607 Agriculture, - · · b fifth ortsm0?1%rVa., depot . 607 appropriation for investigating _ addrtiousgéas buoys for . .. 608 ‘ of chemistry to .. z . 991 Potomac ver, Md. and Va- .. 608 persons engaged m, necamary to mainw- ei hch district, Sand Island, Ala. 608 nance of Army, etc., exempt from 9 OrIeansvLa.., c¥2§>0t§ .. 608 draft ...,,, 55 nin istrict, irviu s an s, etc . . . . 608 Agriculture and Dive Stock, eleventh district, lépectacle Reef light stacensus to be taken of, in 1925 and every tion, Mich . . ... 608 ten years .. 1301 Saint Marys River, Mich ... 608 subjects of inquiries .,... . ., 1301 post lantern Em, etc. on Lakes Union Agricultuvje, (nwnahbnal Institute of, and W 'ngton, Wash., to be estab- Aappr;>pnaf;;>tr;l;o5qu0l};::é etc 524,1331 A S Hehe]?. .. . 608 grim ture 0 _ nite tutes ir tation, avy, census of, to bq takgn in 192b, etc 1291 appropriation for acguiring site for, etc., gclgedmgles ofllI({_ll11'i€B .. . 1294 Cape May, N. .; restrictions ... 344 irrigation, etc., mcluded .. . . 1294 acquiring additional land authorized. 344 Agua (,?zla{n(e Iwliayn f?ese]·vation,` Caly, condemnation directed, etc .. . ... 344 A;?£§§’,€'}“~‘$§2tf§£%‘.i’;3°“v}Z.§?.j°“°“ ‘‘‘‘‘ 562 i““°“€Q*“°Y?°°‘21‘?°“‘° "°‘“k°“ °“""“‘ m · , . cna. an or . .. 3£pr0g7riat:icn_ for maintenance.: ,. 562 compensation, suit etc 720 A to qmgacum, _ _ _ Aircraft, (see also éii;1 Scrvice,Army), sppmgmtgxaggr th$d diglgigct, mailer .,., 160 appropriation for puxc e, manufacture, 8 or a es a. t vesse ... 160 etc ... 84 §0r ggggvggg Lake service. 1663 A dddciegcy appropriation for, 1919 . 1027 or ear r, wan ,,,___ _ ,,__ 1 · 5 , for Hqmu. Ohio .. . . ._ ... 161 ;,r;>r;{opri;€g¤u for expenses; to be alldtted §0rElc;1gnt Bonixgquen, P. §}.i1l1ght;sta.1;ion(i 161 gram app1;o5>riatious for aircraft pro- 01’ v_ €3g0y · r lg tstati , t' apartments, etc 850 hghts on uéyv lgmskwaper T. . 161 created lairllgllzwedopmenp of groduction of for Fauéporp, Ohxp, nmggroving ..._,,, 161 airqntz in the United mms, etc, , _ 296 iv? gal tH1U¤. B&9h·,N1ghr5; egc., station. 161 numgler authoriieg, fr0¤}1Army and I¥vy , 296 or in owoc 1s., -*0 reakwawr. 161 ci inns ’ c in c airmzm to - fo1‘ Eiwt River: Y., ... 161 poiniv;1 lo; th§President.’ . E 296 for Portage Rxver, M1 ., Keweensw continued during present war- . . . - - 297 Waterway Harbor of Rqfuge . 161 aircraft purchases} production, etc., for for Cape Chula City, Va., 1mpmving... 161 Arm and Lavy, to be su ervxsed Ki P gg; Chesgapeake Bay, eastern shore ...,.. . and HGCCGCI by£é. ... - · .. GI1g’1I1€S, or DMICG, B . or .,_____,_,__ _ gor éndi4;nS;1?%rm5,·g¤§. . i r acqiisitiou, etc. , of msniwfaetm-ing plums or rea on , . station. . or ,. . . . .,,,_ _ ______ _ ______ 397 for radio installations ,0n lighthouse Q contracts for, may be recommended by- . 297 www --···-------·-·-----·--·--- 161 i to bemnde by respective depanmeum 297