Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/1415

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xliv INDEX. Census, F¢mrtemth—Continued. P¤8¢· Census, Fourtemth—Continued. Pmdecennial census period determined .. 1292 interpreters authorized; duties, compensa- 1'0p0l’i»§t be completed and published 292 mon, etc. . . *3... . . . . 1@7 wi in . .. 1 compensation o enumera rsaddigieonal egtéutige force authorized in d etc ... .. ’ . 1297 nsus ce uring .. . ... 1292 residence requirements o superv1s0rs° preference to women, discharged sol- enumerators. ..,.,... - 1297 diers etc. .. . . 1293 payment for services of deceased appointduties oi Assistant Director, appoint- ees ... 1298 ment clerk, and disbursing c erk. . . 1293 special agents authorized; duties, compenadditional bond from disbmsrng clerk. 1293 sauon, etc 1298 salaries established for executive force additional statistical experts ... . 1298 éduripp . .. 1293 to assist supervisors . .. 1298 addition force of clerks and employ- authority, etc., conferred ... 1298 _ ees; pay ratings .. . . , . . . 1293 oaths to be taken by appomtees ... 1298 limit 0 higher grades ... . . 1293 appomtments solely for fitness 1298 employees on mechanical devices 1293 commencement of enumeration of populahereafter (preference to be given discharged tion; termination .. . .. 1298 sol iers,etc.,and widowsthereof,for in cities . . .. _. .. 1299 glgrical positions, in departments, 1293 punishglnglpgs fgc receiving fee for appoint- ¤1a1aomii6}éé,`éd13iéé£{t5 " `éil OEODSGS by Jm¢s£1EJ.'.'fffZZCZZZZZZ.ZZZ.ZZZ me ~—» aminations . .. 1293 penalty for neglect of duty, etc - - .; 1299 to be held in each State. .. 1293 punishment {pr unauthorized commumselections according to apportionment; cation of information, etc. . . . . . 1299 memenger boys, etc., excepted . 1293 false statements, etc - 1299 hereafter examinations for Government po- mms 1*1* °'?1"Z’·11‘*l’°”· 8*}* ······· : · · sitions to be made in State where ap- ummm? gwing 1*1* mfwmhm 1299 Pu,§nt;(?;i°, ___________ ______ __ 1293 an t0lgn$0D1re¢t0r,1$tc. - _ Q. y°u£,”,&x; _____ ______ L __?l???1?; gg? p  ;>rG£1;i1lful hilure, false state- 1299 exmi w not changed . . _ r ····-···-·-·-·-----·----- tubercu persons not eligible; health 1293 1°1;i%§°;1,“l§5P$lt]‘;& °““m°“' 129 sppoinmigntssheriiim t2»`o}12{{»£ ifrititiiif 1293 i¤f¤m:~;i1g¤; g€3g;1h<>t¤1¤.’ ¤p¤r¤¤e¤¤, etc-. 1300 t hn tsfmm ° °blesf . 1293 I ‘’‘'° ‘'’‘' °?¤l1Eed1ni; ca1°:dperamrs€1}?i . 1293 bu¥;§u“;g§Q>‘°’ gpg; 13°° t;mnster¤_£romot1rerbrsnchesofdassified 1294 etc ______________ 1300 ¤°1'Y*°P·-: ·-···-····-·············· ‘1t it wnrtun ‘ , t . 1300 pw ¤¤¤¤¤·¤¤¤- ·-·· - ·---~··--··----· 1294 t.,t.,£’.§‘§‘ti’;..“t§’.§‘m ‘t’,§.,t.,,t,,,, §Z‘?% $,3.; ailing vacancies in regular force by ism- only for statistical purposes . 1300 P°!j¤¤'Y °¤\P1°Y€°° --•-· · -·-· 1294 reports to be kept confidential .. 1300 to ¢¤¤'¤¤¤¤·l#° it °¥P1¤m°¥{ ° · -; ·~·~····· 1294 enforcement of fines and penalties 1300 ¤¤¤ of !'°°mP1*°°m°¤t m ·•~•··-· 1294 authority of Director over traveling, conschpdulos rieetricted; of population: ... gg: t uiigent, other experéalesé. . . L; 1300 ’ ture;1mga` tionan oma ereqmsr ons orprm on gt aglaitihtactures, forest products, and lic Printer ... _ .. 1 301 mines and quarries _ . 1294 mail matter to be transmitted free .. 1301 to relate to ear next preceding enum- penalty for unlawful use of stamp. . , . . 1301 eration ofy population. .. 1295 information to be furnished by executive 1301 cum, manuhcturg cmg], hm epartments etc ... sggwm ____ _ __________ _______ 1295 censusoagricultui·eand1ivestocktobe ¤v¤·=i»¤ •s¤¤¤ ·¤¤¤<>r1=¤<i- - ----- - -·~-··--· 1295 ?{§“ m 1925* °"° °"“" “’“ "°"” ml form, etc., ofinqumes` to be determined by Statistics °fn',°¤‘]‘ ‘‘ f ‘ ‘ Z,i,Eu'sm' ‘ ié ,2,};;, P1'°°1‘°r"‘;"‘_ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘’’‘'‘‘ _ ‘‘‘‘‘‘’ 129 5 collected d every two supervisors and districts to be designated; yum _____________________________ 1301 'I€°¤*1 *891*** *11°"°‘1 1°1' Amb: 1295 copies of population andeggéiculturgl re-

  • 2 ¢ ··--·-··-······~·--·--··-·-·--· mms to tunnsn totes eni-

¤r>p<>m¤¤¤¤¢ !>y_Se¤¤¢=¤:r ¤f Gvmmerces tones, meme- . .. .. 1301 m1m1’°1’ 11111}**9*1--; --·-·· · · - ·; ··--•· 1295 genealogical, etc., data to individuals. . 1302 <__}i¤:ri¢¤l>¤¤;id:~;1¤¤¤;f¤11¤¤sv¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ -·-- use or ugmeys yecetvgaa. qi ...,,,,_,,,,_ 1302 u ies spec . ... · · ‘ ‘ I, · ¤<>¤¤1>¢¤¤=~¤¤¤= Mmm etc ·--·------- 1296 mg et;5°e.f??? , ,’ ,,,__ ETF _ _ 21212 1302 emergency slluwxmca; clerk hire . . 1296 clause _____ _ ______________ _ _ lggg enumerators to personally obtain the in- Census Office, Department of Commerce, formation required y the schedule. 1296 appropriation for Director, statisticians, classification, etc . - ... 1296 clerks, etc . . .. 803 commissions, etc ,. .: .. 1296 for collecting, etc., statistics ... 803 division of enumeration districts -- - . 1296 for special agents, etc ,,.,,.,,.. 803 enumeration of institutions . : ... 1297 for transcripts from registration records, removal of enumerators; correction of re etc ... , ..,,,,,.,,.,,.. 803 turns . 1297 for tabulating machines, etc .. . .. 803