Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/1522

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sl INDEX. cli Loryrlgrwa, Pete Lmuwy Wrm, D. 0. i rage. excise tax on sales of, by dealers --..--... 1124 alpegropnation for dxpenses of executing. . . 943 Los A7¤9¢Z{-*3, Cal., _ _ _ cienlply appropriation for ,,,__,,__, 9, 823 aptpropnation for public building .. . . 109 Luquzllo alional orest, P. R., or—1r:§gov€rnent ofgiarbgg .. 259, 909, 1284 L appropriation for maintenance, etc., of. . - 987 m ca ions aut onz .. 259 uzemberg, N tkerlands nd, securigg land, etc., for diversion dam; 909 L approprgtgsn for minigter to _,_,_._____ 519, 1325 COD 6111113 011 . ... yceums, c ure, for silt diversion project . 1284 exempt from special tax _,._. . ...________ 1127 for 1;ipro1ygment of waterway to Long Lynchburg, Va., eac om . ... 910 terms o court at . .,,,,., 505 preliminiry exmination, etc., of harb4;·é5 L cler§’s office __,, , ,________,___________ 505 to em e- ... ,1289 yada.: iwr,8'. C. Loss by Eagchqnge, _ _ preliminary examination, etc., of, to be approprieuosii forgiérmy dgvursing officers,49 855 L Mmade . 263 a roa an in . , ynn, acs., for consulates . . 529, 1335 appropriation for improvement of harbor 251, 1275 for_foreign missions . 521, 1328 deficiency appropriation for A.rmy disbuising agents, abroad and in Alaska 357 M. Loéra of Prtzwgte Properiy, Army Ser1rice,m ndg esigna persona pro rty of 0 cers, M»Sl·reet B e, D. C'., enlisted men, and gfurse Corps, lost, deficiency appropriation for repairs, etc., etlggegince 5, 1917, to be re- M Ckuato, ;>l;re,1§R.3ck Creek 7 orpai or 479880 c mri , . . conditions; without owner’s fault or neg- , appropriation for improvement of waterligence . . . 479, 880 way between leston and ... 906 shipped under orders on imseaworthy M'¢:Cormb, Miss., vessel ... 479, 880 appropriation for public building 109 zrhile saving Govemme1g1pmtpaen5iin479,880 Mc ees Roofs, I;a., bu buildin 109 y common carrier w e ve g appropria ion or pu c .. . . under orders; limit 880 bridge authorized across Ohio River, at. . . 1188 destroyed, etc., by the enemy, etc-. 479,880 McMillan Park Reservoir, D. C'. (eee also limitatioéng bonlaarticles other than re- Water Sprvice, G.), ds 951 quir y w, etc . 880 a ropriation or parking groun .. -- amount, etc., to be determined by Secre— Mcggmwille, Oreg., _ _ tary of War .. - .. . 4 79 sale of part of revested Oregon·Cal1forma by accounting ofliggrs of the Treasury. M M gmx}: Sands to . 1153 payment authoriz . , c urray, . ., _ _ replacement or commutation in time of claims of, for professional services, etc., to dwar,f etch from Army prpjéerty- . 480, 881 ghoctavgzand Chickasaws referred to S3 ten er o , or etermination 0 ecretary ourt 0 aims ... 5 final .,. 480 payment of judgment from_triba1 funds. 583 by accounting officers 881 counterclauns, etc., of Indians admitted limit of time for presenting claims .. 480, 881 in defense Z. :. . 583 Ldeiiciency agproprixptgin for paylipg awards 480 a.llov{ance of offset from coal mlhing 583 ossea, etc., of ersomz ropercy, ary, eases . reimbursement for, due to war, shipwreck, cancellation of leases on noncoal lands 583 etc ,.,,,...,, . 389 procedure; appearance of attorneys for provisions governing . . .. 389 nations and Attorney General ... 583 application to Coast Guard .. 391 adjustment by mutual weementallowed 584 Loudon Cjoumy, Term., _ payment from tribal nds 584 Lggy br¥1ge Tennessee River, Loudon . 1044 M Nsglciijrrty . 1 584 em, erm., c .1 , ., _ _ _ Loudon Coimty may bridge Tennessee 044 appropriation for pemtentxary, maint? 9 86 R' t ,,.,,.,.. :. . . . 1 nance ... 5 , 6 L0uiwille,11`5l,a for penitentiary, construction; use reappropriation for public building .. . . 109 stricted . . ; 680 Lowell, Mass., denciency appropriation for pemtentiary, appropriation for public building .. 109 maintenance . 22, 383, 494, 834, 1040 Lower Brule Indian Reservatrkm, S. Dah., I for penitentiary, guards; salary . 1035 Lgppropriation for school buildings on. 585 g grin érrnyi) _ d cages, 5 o_ _,_au nz or rxgades an L vga.; excise tax on medicinal, etc .. 317 divisions .. 7; u al`ng Oil , ‘i rsonne .. 7 of refined piatroleum may be carried as } llacgfuz llwgs, Army Autmrumb, Lad, stor,e;,sic<;,n passenger vessels- 499 } ap,p);opr1mag1on fo;tpm§(l;as§§§gc££ .. 64, 8;;.2; appropbrgation "for improvement 0g5g13;'69 1283 i deficiency appropriation for Army, war 198 __.__.,,,,,..,,, , l ex nses ... . --- _ ·.----- Lumber (se; Timber). ’ l additionycontracts, etc., authorized for Lump Sum Appropriaubm, purchase, etc., of --·- - ------ 873, 1030 no civil employee to be paid increased pay authorizations for, 1919, repealed . T . . . 1172 from, in any department, within a Maclnnzatq, Navy, year of employment in another . 383 I appropriation for psy 728 112460°—vor. 40—Pr 1--95