Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/1547

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OIXXVI INDEX. N al Intell' ence 0 , Nov De tment— PW- Naval Reserve Force—Coni;§nued. _ _ P¤z¤- av (joniguuedjiu y par apg»ropriationiororgamzgng,recrgui¤ng,etc. 713 deficiency appropriation for additional or schools, etc., of mstmctnon for reforce ________,____,__,___,,_ . ,. 202 cruits and. . ... I ... , .. 713 for additional clerks, etc., 1919 . 1032 for_ retainer, 8.Dd_8Qt1V6 servxce pay 728 Naval Magazines, deficwncy appropnauon for war expenses, deficiency appropriation for quarters for tmngpomng enrolled men of ... 204 · marine guard at ... 207 for clotlupg, ctc., gratnpty 204, 486 Naval Militia, for oxiamzmg, recruxpmg, etc 206, 486 deficiency a propriation for ship for Illi- for sc qols, etc., of mstruction for renoxs; Exnit of cost increased 205 crmts and._ .. _ Z . . ._ .. 206 oflicers of, when in service in time of war, enrollment of inend1y_al1ens in msular to serve on courts martial, ebc .. 393 possesswns applying for naturalizafomer limitations repealed- 394 pop ... z ._ .. _ Z ... 84 repeal of all laws relaung to . 708 admmlon to CIUZQDSIJIP vnthout shore Naval Maxim Afaks Divinon, Navy Depart- remdence requuexaent . 84 ment, officers of, when m serv1ce in time of war gp pyiggion for clerks, etc ,_,,,,,,,,, 791 to serve on courts-martial, etc .. 393 ga? miscellaneous expenses . 791 transfer of National_ Nayal Volunteers to, payable {mm "Arming and Equip- · ynthout exammatnon, etc .. 708 ' Naval Mi1it:ia" ,791 Med1ca1 Reserve, and Dental Reserve, mmm ol, to Bureau of Navigation, di- _ Corps .. . . 708 recued 712 rctameregay, Fleet Naval Reserve modi- Naval Oburvawry, ii ... , ... 710 ap priatiou or additional force . 788, 1242 _ service y and remrement not affected- 710 tlgoastronomer, assistants, etc 789, 1244 citizenS"e.£;1ble,for Naval Reserve ... 710 for computations, books, apparatus, no transfer unlesq quahiied for duty on etc 789, 1244 _ combatant slups. . . ... 710 for contigfgent ex nses .. 789, 1244 age lxmtauons, etc., to bqprescribed . 710 {cream gmunegfetc ...,,. 790, 1244 servxce requuement; retamer pay, etch- 710 deficiency appropriation for additional duty afloat in time of peagze fog; termima force _...,, . ... 202 _ tion of gIuty,tet;: ... ,._ ,... e 711 for additional clerks, ctc., 1919 . 1033 umform gratuxtyigo with Navy; 711 for war expenses, repairs, etc , . _. 485 retainer pay restuctei 111 fame of peace. . . 711 for contingent expenses .. . . . 1039, 1165 no deduction oiplothipg gatmty, of mem- Naval Opaatiom, C7nqfo_/Q bers appomted m e Navy in time to have allowances, etc., of General in the of war . 711 Army. - .. 716 age disenrollrne11t_; continuance of active Naval Operations, 0_yiee_of Chiegoji _ service m `QZIHIS of war .. 711 appropriation for additional ores in Navy promotmns in ume of peace limited to

;  787, 1242 lieutenant commander .,... 711

for cl , etc., Navy Department". 788, 1242 in time of war to higher grade by selecdeiiciency isnpmpraauon for additional tion - , . 711 force, avy Department ... 202 below lieutenant commander in ac- Naval Pctrolgum Rcgcrvea,_ _ _ cordance with regulations of Sec~ appropriatmn for investigating ava1]ab11ity retary of Navy . . ... 711 of, on public domain ... 706 order of precedence of officers on active Naval Prison, _ _ duty .. 711 deficiency afpropnauon for equipment, command limited, of omcers of Coast Deetc., o a temporary. . .. L . . 488 fense Reserve or Reserve Flying Naval Record; and Library, Navy Department, Corps .,.._, 711 aptpropriauon for clerks, etc 788, 1242 pay of members in active service to coror prepanng, etc., naval records of war respond with Navy . .. ,,.,..,,_, 712 mth cgntgsl powers of Europe . 1242 members in active service subject to psy restpctxon. . I ... 1242 Navy regulations. ... - 1 . 712 Naval Eacrvatzom, _ _ not in active service permitted to wear deiicnency appmpnatxon for control of dis- uniform, etc. ; responsibility in- Gwq, etc., neu, by Public Health curred ... . . 712 SGYVICQ .·.. 468 unexpended appropriations for and Naval ]?¢M"v¢. _ · _ Volunteers made available for exmiilmum 9·g9hIll1t extended to 55 yarn. . 38 penaes of ... . ... 712 members for general service, Naval Re- Naval Service, Serve Fame. ellgilgle for 710 persons in, exempted from selective draft . . 78 duty on combatant shxlga necessary- 710 Naval Stations (ace also Navy Yards), personnel of Nauonal aval Voluntecm deficiency appropriation for batteries, etc., ltxaugferred to .,.,,__ : ______ : _,,,,,, 708 l for __,,,_,,,_,,,, , , ,,,,,_,,______ _ _ 370 reserv1§ts relesaecgrofglsgchvtei I Naval Stores, f ovem r , , en ve a. ro riatjou or i11VG8t1g8. ' , allowance .. . ... 1203 { pp phandling, etc., of . gl? 992 Naval Reserve Flying C0r§a, _ Mwal Training amps, txansfer of members of atxonal Naval Vol- deficiency appropriation for constmction unteers to . 708 and equipment ,_.,____,_,, , _ 600, 332 Naval Reagrvg Force, _ balances of apgropriations for, covered in. 1174 appmpguunu for transportatxon, etc., en- Naval Training tahims, hsbegl men _ 707 ap ’ tion for California,. , __,_____ , _ _ _ 712 for clothmg, etc., gratmty .. 707 Exiuggaode Island ,,,,,,,_______________ · 712