Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/159

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140 SIXTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 27. 1917. Hospital. For hospitsfi $1c1udin§Et5h%rne objects specified under this head rmapwaam. fo1p·:1;·6tS¤6g]St;0muon ol merhberh of @19 h°m°¤ $1»500? his h d B¤r•¤r=- For j§c]udjf;g$té]go0?);:)me objects specified under thea f th c , ; _ _ . hm- Olhorafarrg, incluldailng the sdme objects specified under this head for th¢iuC:]1itral}(i;m5(1j1(;>h, $16,000; $2 . am:. ’ ’ · 5 wm , H t S rings, South Dakota: For g'?"’E“p??‘$,°°” cuHB¤Batt£l°cXpmM0\mSaSm£ljbu ut{n;i;3s)a;)ir;e ldbjects specified under this h ad f th Ce 1*8-116 , i 3 , . . suwstnn. cFo1}(g;bsi?;téenIdte;alm;[§ludi1.;1g ;;1§€g·5n° °bJ°°*° SP°°*H°d und"` the l'.168d G r 1 i , . H°"’°”""’· F3: (lig( li}1; inclgd·1;xiT‘gt(§1(;aOsame objects specified under this head { c y v i , . . nospam. 0lir§;·°hg;l;g;]l,]§nr3ll:;(%1m§31ghg0s)ame obgects specified imder this head ’1‘¤¤¤v¤·¤¤<¤- fo1l§‘or°tra.1:]i1sporta&lis ol meinbeis of the home, $5,000; _ Remus- Fr&rep:%pig£ including; tggo same objects specified under head for $1 , 5 . . F•¤¤- thlior ilsgm, the same objects specified under this head for tl1¢inC$tra.l Branch, $5,000; ‘ · 68,000. _ cnomn or an ‘ Clot.hi¤®1for sllkgramgies; For cllxgtblzing, underclothmgijlénlats, ::;;,2, bootssh, , ; rma _,maces_o, _ and iippliine?cesS0cemplil>Jyied?‘iind for use in the ta11or_ shops, silo _, and shoie shops, or otl;e§5l6n<:)1[1;3 shops m which any lnnd 0 e or aired, . ¤¤¤}¤¤¤¤¤¤·o¤. ]?>fmxil1anagegi) President,’$4,000; secretary, $500; general “""*°°°` treasurer, who shall not be a member of the board of managers, $4,500; inspector general and chief surgeon, $4,000; assistant general treasurer and assistant impector general, $3,000; assistant mspector general, $3,000; clerical services for the offices of the president, general treasurer, and inspector general and chief surgeon, $14,500* clerical services for managers, $2,700; traveling expenses of the board of managers, their officers, and employees, including officers of branch homes when detailed on ins ection work, $10,000; outside relief,

  • ‘3°*ti°g“* *3"°§reXp¤m°‘“°“lp %§“?&‘“"i°'l’u, ?Z$i333"’ °°1°g”“"“’

o er mei en uses, · in . ,,,,’§‘&" ,§','},,,g‘¥{?,,g‘,?,T mThe Secretary of War is authori’zed_imd to report to Con- ¤¤¤•¤- gross, not later than January first, mueteen hundred and e' hteen, what branch or branches of the ational Home for Disabled Vdlunteer aaldiers, if auy,_ be <‘:hiseqntmuet<;v{1l;thp1ut prejudice to the care of e erso enti to mission e ome. · Inpall, hgntional Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, $3,898 900: £'{""'°· ,,_ Provided That no part of the foregoing a pro riations shall be mm ex ended for any om at any branch of the Nlintional Home for P PMP · Disabled Yo1unteer_Soldiers that maintains or permits to be maintained onélts pretrnisesta bpir, canteen, cig other place where beer, wine, oro erm xica ¤· uorsareso . mi}: °’ "'°"'*°*' State or Territorial houhles (iop disabled soldiers and sailors: For vu.¤¤.v·¢¤¤. contmuang aid to State or Territorial homes for the support of disgbled tvgvunttger soldiers, lI;0G:)§fo wéith the Ariat approved ugus en ·seven , un an e' t ’ ' ,,m,"_ all classes of soldiers to the Nation•i?hH%E§f<ii· ummm Volunteer Soldiers, $1,030,000: Provided, That no part of this appropnation shalllpe appomcgad tvohany State or Ternitorial home 5:116 H , maintains a ar or can n ere mtoxicat rr : mites. bm M- Provided further That for any sum or sums co1lH;.ctedqi11i)l:n_yl1i·nas1i’ner from mmates of such State or Territorial homes to be used for the