Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/1592

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INDEX. (ggxxi P bl` c' Dimswn' ‘ , Department A °- Pm- , . " °°°;Jf2Z`;q-c4;¤e¤uec¢;$l oid mf oawsw, va., Q M appropriation or gen expenses; es o appro riat° f' ‘ land i · photogrsphs. {sto- - - 9 ----------- _ ··-· 996 Pmanggt Corps post at? 724 for expense ofgrmtmg, etc., food s¤mu· Quapaw Iquhgm Agency, Okla., Pubhba buowzmm ··-~···-·--······ 1047 Qgpwpgsbtion i<zivl<;mmon schools . 581 _ _ , , . _ - paw 1 am . . pravmonsto remedy waste, etc., m distd· apirglopriation for fulfilling treaty with . 578 _ bution of . . . ... 1270 7 probate erpensee. .. 581 periochcals, etc., not specrfdeally author- Quammme Dwtnets for Plant Disease: and gzed by Congres, not to be imued 127 Imect Puts, ereaftp . - 0 appropriation for enforcing regulations gov- Puablo Indiana, N. Mex., eruing .,... 1005 appropriation for attorney for . . . - .1. . . . 575 Quarantine Dwtrids, Live Stock Puebrlbs, Jfzug Mezwo, _ _ asprppriationior establishing, etc., ... 977 appropnation for .. 562 on of t1ck infested catt1e_ in ports Puget Sau;nd_N¢wal Statwn, ash., _ belowsouthermforiinmediateslaughapproparzrladtirqn for power plant, etc.; 725 I ger . .. _ .. . . 275, 1048 tional , . . .··--· · · · mea mspec requiremen govf fuel storage . 726 . .,.,, L ,.,..,,,,_,,, 275, 1043 deiggiency approgriation for telephone ease- Quar¢m¢ien!e¤Sm:iu, _ ments to eyport radio station . 208 appropriation for ngaintenanoeapay, etc. 121, 645 Pagz¢Sougul, Wash., _ AeHc1engyapproprmt1o¤ip¢mamtenance.. 6,468 appmp;r11g;.)mt;n¤yfor tuuprovement ogkoaraeio 1285 iunugatron, etc., expenses levied 6 u wa ers , against vemels .. . ...,. preliminary examination, etc. to be made ’ Statzimi, ` [ . H g f to Grays Harbor from. . 1290 apprupriautiiogléoi Omg., 113 Eéy bngzlgnnmf K _ Rivergnlt Lime Ilapck. ssc mnzqw §r1eans` ``°°```` 1 113 ee: O1" n vc m ... - . . _ Iirittle Bock totggnta by . I 295 ’ im plumbing, etc ..,,.. , Pulaski a., . ver, boarding v a propriation for public building .. 110 fgrr Ship Isl‘:nd Miss., boardmglaunch. 113 Pugneyville, N. R, .for Charleston, C [ .. ...- 636 appro%?.t:iour for improvement ofmlhagg, 1284 {or galvggsn, Tai; . . . . . . .

. ... or ew eans, ...

Pwwiri Macbi ,C'enru•0j7iw, forP`rtT wnsendjWash .. 636 appmygriatignnigr pnuclaeeii constructing, 804 for Rceedyolsland, k MR; . . . . . . 636 t ., o ourteen ensus -... asu-uctmnwor ons er · Pungo Révgr, r _ corection of Supervising Architect 636 appropriation for improvement of rights of for repairs and preservation .. 118, 637 way from Albemarle Sound to. . . . 254 for mechamoal eqmpment for . . . . 113, 637 7 • • • • • • ’ • ’ 1 t P'$$°{.‘?.i'{.'L?.f%Z.i"£a}°°cifi.?f’£¤°§.{'p“"’"’“’ sm 1252 .1.S§’§i'§§,?‘2$$¥0°§m¤’·°‘*sa zznrm ‘‘‘‘ 11;,7121* 645 Purchasing Oficcr, D. C'., Fla ... . ... . 5 a t' for, d puty, clerks, etc . 918 { Boston Man. buildings, ctc 349 Pu:¥;pPr?oE’;1mLa(12for 6 of 992 ig%oetoxg];l;{raf¤.,'l{roarding, etc.,ve;‘s:l;é7 ` tio° io es a. ...

P;) cIb of Service". 992 io
(Sapp; Charleh, Va., boarding, etc., ’ 826

e crency approprm 1An orexpenses, e¤· - v ... ... .-... ..·. -.·.. { . .. -.. 32 381 841 { Ready Island Del .. 349 1025 assistan(::e I3? rutuq neon service eh- ’ rg; savannah, o{ . . -, _ .. 350:1025 Pur eials in administering ... . . 992 ¢0!1§t.!\1Ct10P_W0f§;c\1i;1t€‘§gIt;- direction of Su- 350 sea, pervmng . 1 . ` tax be tfo use . 1124 od . tc. buildings at designated Pzitxglisgay girlie Eur? r _ mm_ ®r%Vai· Department direction": 1025 memorial at, placed under_Perry’s Victory Quarrzwt, _ _ _ P au Ce4ntennm;V2o,:ummon . » . - 1323 excise gn Eroducts of, using prohibited 1138 u u gmey, ., _ ... . . agaprogriation for support, etc., of Indums 587 Quanksh use of explosives at 386 $. .. . .·· •·--- -·-· -··--·•• d ii ’ y appropriation for support, etc., Qwrricsof the Un·itedStatu, ° °°f.`Lu.K§°.{° ... sz censusofi1:·’•ihl;{stal;onm_1§¥20,otc gg Hm, usus es o m umee . m3·I;&{»r pmur mm num Govern- ww rslzctowvrooodiog vw ·--···—~·-··· 1294 mem ____________________ _ __,_____ 1326 to active ...··- - --··· 1295 Pyramid' Lake Ind Reservazabn Nev. Quart!} , . _ appropéiatiou fxnextending, letc., ’il’!'lg¤- 575 (1851811 tgz ggnrgont. m$Y be modmedv *6* 242 pygm, Ompi, Arma;. f ·· i· · mpgypmdgc. approprmtronorcler etc.,otB¤¤<> "'°"”".‘§’.3§, ttm., ..?‘““‘, i.. ...12...1 security mw M p_o of the myos-·»··¤.  ;;;;;;_{¤;,gg »me¤°i;`¤t°%•$f°.§`$Lk'i6é for psy of o¤1i¤=¤<;f¤¤¤¤; 1¤¤s¤*g;Y-,§·id*5· $52 producing, etc., for Govemmentuse for commutation quarters, G ·, B 46 853 duringthewu _________ _ ____ _ _____ 1274 CIGIKB ·- - ·----···-- ····· -•···· v