Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/1631

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oolx INDEX. Subsistence, Arm;;——Continued. P¤s¤· Sun River Irrigation Project——Gontinued. hse. appropriation or Military Academy ration lots in Fort Shaw and Simms townsites, increased . 856 granted Cascade County for schools- 1206 for special diet rations 50, 856 Sun Shades, for advertising 50, 856 excise tax on, bought for use , 1124 for prizes for cooks, bakers, etc. ... 50, 856 Sundry Civil Expenses A propriatiom, for preserving, accounting, etc. ... 50, 856 under the President, lar national security for expenses of West Point cadets attend- and defense ... 635 ing inaugural ceremonies ... 51 under Department of State, for Interallied deficiency appropriation for war expenses, Committee for the Reeducation of supplies, etc . 190, 357, 839 War Cripples ,,, 635 for Transport Service . . ... 190, 357 post allowances to diplomatic and confor meals, etc . . - . 190, 357 sular officers extended . 635 for food, etc., riiie matches 190 under Treasury Department, for public for payments; commutation of rations. 190, 358 buildings 106, 635 for special diet rations, etc ... 191, 358 marine hospitals . 112, 636 for preserving, accounting, etc ... 191, 358 guarantine stations . . 113, 636 for 1919 1028 oast Guard .. . . 116, 640 amount available for developing $31+ Engraving and Printing Bureau .. 117, 641 culture on Army lands .. 1028 miscellaneous; internal revenue, etc. . 118, 642 Subsistence, Na (see Provisions, Navy). refunding two per cent bonds, etc. . . 119, 642 Substitutes for iiilitary Sermke, Indepen ent Treasury, etc .. 119, 642 furnishingof, not permitted, etc ... 78 United States securities, etc 119, 643 Subtropical Fruits, suppreming coimterfeiting, etc .. 119, 643 appropriation for investigations of insects collecting customs revenue, etc ... 120, 644 affecting .. 994 Public Health Service ... . 120, 644 Suburban Roads, and Streets, D. C., quarantine service . 121, 645 appropriation for construction, etc., of prevention of epidemics 121, 645 designated . 926 eld investigations, etc . 121, 645 abandoning part of Piney Branch interstate quarantine service, etc- . . 121, 645 Road .. 927 under District of Columbia, for Columbia for repairs, eu: . 927 Hospital for Women .. 122, 647 deficiency appropriation for re , etc. . . 469 Alien Property Custodian, for expenses. . . 645 for construction, etc.; use of mce 822 Committee on Public Infomation, for all Sugar, expenses .. 646 appropriation for studying problems of Council of National Defense, for expenses standardizing, grading, etc .. 808, 1260 for work of ... 646 Sugar Becta, under Smithsonian Institution, for Naappropriation for nematode work. 1046 tional Museum, etc ... 122, 651 Sugar Cane, National Zoological Park .. 122, 652 appropriation for investigating insects under Interstate Commerce Commission, affecting .. 994 for salaries, etc ... 123, 648 for control of new disease of 1046 valuation of railroads 123, 649 Sugar Plcmt, Board of Mediation and Conciliation, for appropriation for investigations; seed im· salaries, etc . 124, 646 provement 982 Federal Trade Commision, for salaries, developing strains of sugar beet seed- . 982 etc . . ... 124, 647 cane and sorghum sirup production, Federal Board for Vocational Education, etc .. . 982 for rent 647 utilization of by-products 982 Food Administration, for expenses, etc.- . . 648 Sugar Testing Apparatus, Fuel Administration, for expenses, etc 648 appropriation for standardizing, etc. .. 1260 National Advisory Committee, for Aero- Suisun ay and Channel, Caly'., nautics, for investigations, etc .. 649 appropriation for improvement of., 259,910, 1284 United States Tariff Commission, for sal- Suzt Cases, aries, etc . . . 125, 652 excise tax on, bought for use .. . . . 1123 War Industries Board, for expenses, etc- . . 652 Sulloway, Cyrus A., late a Representative in Shipping Board, for all expenses. .. 125, 650 Congress, I Emergency Shipping Fun , for expenses,. 650 deficiency appropriation for pay to daugl1~ authority vested in the President . 651 ter of .. . .. . 26 United States Employee? COHIPQBBSUOH Sulpimtes of Potassium, Commission, for expenses, etc 125, 647 provisions for leasing lands containing Rock Creek and Potomac Parkway (70111- deposits of ...,_ , _,_,__,,,,,,_, 297 minion, for acquirirl-ig lands: - . 126, 650 Sulphur, Mississippi Centenmal xposition, for provisions for increasing supply, produc- transfer, etc., of Government extion, ete., of, for national security hibit to. ._ . _. - : . 126 and defense ... 1009 Ericsson Memorial Commission -.. 126 Sulphur River, Ark., and Tex., War Trade Board, for expenses, . ._ . 652 appropriation for improvement of ... 256, 907 under War Department, for printing mili- Summcrs, Mztalie,_ tary instruction manuals, etc-: . 126 appropriation for on;i»·ear’s gay of deceased temporary employees, pay restncuon. . . 653 husband, M den ummers, late armones and arsenals, etc.._ .. 127, 653 consul general . 1333 detailed plans for quartenng troops, to Sun River Irrigation Project, Mont., _ _ be submitted . ... . l29 appropriation for maintenance, etc., of. . 148, 674 military posts, ele- . . 129, 655 exchange of lands with Montana, for Muddy national cemeteries . 130, Greek reservoir site in . . 1205 1 national parks, etc ,... . . 131, 657