Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/1660

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rmmx. cclmix ' War Rwmuc Act of 1917—C0ntinued. P¤$¤- War Revenue Act of 1917—C0nti1med Rv. mxmxsmnnvz PBOVISIONS—CODtlDu&d. cxmmux. rnov18101¤·s·—continued. - "dealer" defined., . . . 326 repeal of designated titles of - 1149 gllgwgucg for fggghgng of g cent ,,_,_ __ , , , , 326 cgmjimed for collgckiou of · ;<;(;l:\;A;li gdvgucgpgymgntgfggtimgfgdigcgmggud f,3xg5,91‘,c_ _____ ,__,_,_,,,,,...- 1150 mfm:1ar)F8r¢;lg;¤¤xm .. . repeallogtciucreasod mts of p0¤t¤:¤ 011 __,,_,_,_,..,.,.,,,,,,,, 9 rs, ., .,...- ... 1150 Z?e%‘f3¤°2§§££4?’“a§..°’mt“¤‘1m1‘*"-2 ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ 352 ‘°‘””e%”e“$?°p0¤”’ °°""°"· °‘°‘* “'°’°°"* uw penalties: plica le for failure .. 327 ent of extra recel-ots-f1:o1;1`§rsl:·`·lnss certificates nipindelgtedness mc} xmcertified paym postage to '1‘re•su¥y, repealed. fi. .. .1150 . ggggpzgzvggg for mcome and 327 Wtitllg declare; as Revenue Act of 1917 1151 . . ... . . . . ar avenue axes liability for unpaid checks .. 327 ap 1opriationfor,expeuses collecting eu: 779 rosnr. nnzs · . d E ' ° ’ Peng; Z first class matter; addition of one cent an e m ¥iri??:i1g1i.t?f.?? .. LT1. 348 ounce .. . .. 327 d ll to , d u1spec° drop letters, two mnts an ounce . 327 8putyps$ fregmmsurgn for intel-nt:lIS’mwt:)ennl;•e fom} cgrdp, etc? one cent sdditiongl, ,. 327 tg, etc .,...,..,.,,. 348 ettersfrom soldxers, etc., serving abroad, War Risk gnnuuncc Acc ‘ free during the wer . 327 present law mined to marine and sengecond clue matter; mailed bypublishers, men'; insurance ... 398 news agents to subscribers, etc . 327 Directofs powers ind authority specified- 399 porugg otlgy t:h.s¤ aglvertuemelputf, ait ad c employees to be provided re mcrcnnnz y . · ufrm -.. · -.-.»--.--··-- 399 19].8 .. 327 assistgxco o Army and Navy nnuguons. . 399 sdvertnsemenilgortion, zone rates July 1, advisory board for death md 1918, to J y 1 1919 .,.. 327 insurance rates, etc . . ..., .. 399 July 1, 1919, to Jluly 1, 1920 .. 327 pay of members . . ... 399 July 1 1920, to July 1, 1921 .. 328 powers conferred tosecurc testimon , etc.. 399 am! Jluly I, 1921 ·.-·-·-·-·-·..- , 328 goopemtiou of Federal and State 399 mmggnt 0i$h1.S\18 to be Bled by pub· 328 mnsdiction of district courts to compel er W1 pcstrnssief .-·-- - ·-··-.. . stwn 0 witnesses, etc . 399 daily newzpspers deposited in carrier _ allowance of witnem fées, etc. ... . . 399 office or dehvery thereby, not estimates to be submrtted amuull  ». -- 400 . . . . Y {me ... £ ... : . 328 appropnauon ioretendmmshutive nlaries, 400 cuculz on an presen rates m · expenses, . . . . .,,,, country unchaniii 328 apgomtxneuts from civil service eligizone make-ups may required 328 les; exceptions .,,. . ,,,.,.,. . , 400 religious, labor, fraternal, etc., st flat salaries, etc., restricted . . 400 rates; conditions ... - .. 328 for family allowances . . . 400 from July 1, 1918, to July 1, 1919 328 mode of payments from. .. .. . . 400 after July 1, 1919 . .: . . 1 .. 328 for military and naval compensation, etc . 400 evidegge required of no mdxvidunl 328 f mucilgllgtmgypayxtixenwsirom .. . ,... . . . . m pro . or an mv msunnce . . . rate on small editions to one zone .. 328 premiums to be credited to. . 400 zone rates to entire bulk tlxerefor ... 328 _ _ payments to be made from .. . . 400 sent by other than publisher or agent, military and naval pay deposit fund cre- _ etc., at present rates . .. 328 ated; from sums retained ... 400 increased Ent clam receipts to be turned payment of awards frogn . . .. 400 into Treasury general fund monthly- 328 manage status reg§nuo¤{ .. . .. 400 pay of first, second, and third class post- terms efmed, "c d’*; limitation. 401 xgnstcrs not to be increased during 328 "gmndc!lild"; limitation .. t e war ... "£m·eut.’ .. fourtl; class, computed on present rates 329 ‘: rother" sn§i"¤ister" . . .. . o . . . ... ‘ commission officer’* clerk class offices where post- "m:m,’* and "en1isted mnn" . . 401 masters have leave without pay in “0DHSU}l€!!t” . 401 military service, may have addi- "con1m1¤10ner" . . . ... 401 tional allowance . . . . 329 "1n)ury" .. . ... 402 prohibitions against alcoholic liquors in ";:.ifi" - .. 402 postal service Act, 1917, not appli- " tary or forces " ._ . . .. 402 cable to ethyl alcohol for govern- payments {0 for mmorsz ctc 402 mental, scientdic, etc., purposes 329 xnsurance mfcrmauon to be furmshed by wines for sacramental IE5 . . .- .. 4 329 Bureau . . . . . Z . 402 mmm: mx uzxnunxrs recoxgsh of policiesvgeld by 1:1 pmvisi nsrel tin tp. ... .. 'taryorus service cp , GEN rs xunorgovgzogs etc. ... - . ._- _. . . 402 invalidity of zany <;laA;se, etc., not to aiect 338 punishgxxegfl for false statements m claims 402 remmn r 1; ,,.. . . or owances, e . - .. speci2.1p€;;'r1eBE>iare2d1;)ess cfund provisions re— 338 accepting payments after right therefor 409 ., , ,,, . .. ceases. .. - - to take effect on day following passage 338 allotments and family allowances . 402