Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/1662

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INDEX. ccxci War Risk Insurance Acg—·G0ntinued. Pam War Risk Insurance Act-Continued. Pasepaymentg not agmgnable, ctcl, except compensation to female nurses to be in clmms of United Statesagamst. allot.- lieu of rights under Federal om- _ ments, eyc ... 1 609 _ _ _ ployees’compeusationAct .. 613 dmhonprable cggscharge, etcg to f::rm111at.e 609 mjunes c¤;used by other persomg. . 613 msurm com usa on, e ... tio damag to be a¤¤1gn' $§1%·;>1fAct d . : 613 ac gnigdd State? or pmsecutedd 0 ent; an y cgmpansatmq .. 61 individual . . ...,... . . . 613 apphcable jo al] enhsted men; msular c0m;>e¤satjAn barred ou failure .. 613 comp cxccpgom E ..·..-.~······· 2 ig use gmgcmpw rwvvered by United 4 _ ···- · ·; ···-~······· . . 61 amounts establmhed; wnfe aegarated by beneficiary ... 614 from husband, or former vnfe dr 610 conditional beneticiary to asign or . _ vo_rcod_ . . _ .. pmsccute action 614 xllegmngate cluldren . . . 1 . . 610 compensation barred on failure . . 614 fo1’¤1§f1 wxfecgdévcirced to have fauuly 610 use é> tgcdywdiregouwglered by United OWU! \1 D0 ···---- · --········· _ ta or m V1 ... . 614 unallotted mrtiou qi pay of enlist»ed man regulations to be made . . - . 614 _ HEY dewmwd 00 his credit . t . . . 610 _ computation of comp`?/usatiou . ... 614 mgegamwiglabyadge 011, at rate for Umtad 610 no duties of at or Navy De- 614 11 ·······----- - -·-···-··· partm_ ents as pagmeut of, to enlisted man or bene· insurance pmvjipions for persons in service. 614 _ ciary . . 1 .. 610 time for applyjlgf after enlistment, etc, . 614 family allowances m0d168d . ... _ . . 610 application erred if disabled or dy- Class TA, to mfe 01: children; former wxfe mg in service without one. . 614 dnvorced. .. . . Z . 610 allowance in death caaeamodiii .. 615 Olaq B, to other relatives .. 610 payments limited; apportionment. .. 615 cluldren, or husband of a woman 611 effecpive as of October 6, 1917 .a. 615 " payrgmtp Eder Clans B; reqmrements 611 ¥6rey{0;:1s(§aa)i;11:)e11;1t:sn0t a&ected . _ family qi a . If. . . . 611 term§eandb¢i10¤1L&ldti01;s•di ie 615 mvesugatxon ca n 0 y u . . , .. d allotments ... ... ..- paymests under, to designated beneii- 6 5 etermination 0 amoun . .. ciaries . .. 1 modified allowances made eiective in 240 monthly installments . 615 July 1, 1918 611 alternative contracts for, authorized 615 compensation payable fg: death of officexp, basis ofed calculating ; deductions ex- 615 enlisted men an female nurses m cep service .. . 611 changes oi beneficiaries; limitations . 615 exchéded for personal rggcouduct, etc- . pmvisiogs if no beneficiary dwig?it;1.- souu ness on entrance . marine an seameu’s insurance ame . . effective as of October 6, 1917 .. 611 insurance of vessels of friendly Bags, to widow or children .. _ .. 611 freight, moneys, etc., operated _ y to dxeandeut parents; limitations modi— 619 Shipping Board or chartered by cm- 897 ,,,.,,.. - .. .. eng. . burial ex uses ... . 6 12 of caigoea in such vgsels. .. 898 allowed ffri.§5widowhood . 612 against loss 0 e, etc., by mk of war, of §"°""%° £‘°"·°‘° ‘·‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘· S}? .M.0;‘;‘°*°b0.,d”· "” rmma n, e ... - _ · apportionment bletweentgiidow and chil- 612 ance authorized to asnst Bureau; 898 dre tin us y et.c.. . ‘ uties pay etc z . Z . :.. to w1d0:$3¤mc¤$;°wdowé» . . 612 of two pe;·sonn’ gldlled un accxdeut m- compensation for disability modified .. 612 B\1!'3!1C6;dl1$l6§, pay, etc . . 898 mul digability, individual ... - 612 claims disputed to_bc demdod by dxstnct with wife, or wife and children ... 612 court in admxralty . . . . 898 with dependent parentsa compm¤;iuses 3 Secretary of the Treas- 898 mn` 'n mm t tten ance ury cw ..·.-··--·····-·-- _-;~~- Sggcific igzwange gat $100 a mouth; marine and seamen’s insurance fprovmxous none for attendant . 612 suspended when necesmty or, ceases. 898 determination of monthly allowances I within six mouths after end of the war, 898 modified ,.,..,, . ,. . 6 3 iuan event . . ... apportionment if wifgd or childmu not Ee¤diugcL.inTi<;·1i¤m1?k1q§.e•i;n0taKected. 898 living ’th disubl Emerson . 613 ureau exten to 3 outstanding depeudentwE1usb;1;fd inc udéd in pm- 613 C!Bim%€?|';§1’0? Y@·!;5 --·· · ·-··--·· " " " ,,,,,,,,,,..,...,. meamngo e 0war’ ...- -_ ---·- wowwaglgemfcgr depeimdeut theffec- allotments of enlisted men discontmued tive as of October 6, 19% ... 613 July 1, l918, to be resumed . _ . .- 1212 nouassiguability, freedom fromefttach- 613 paymgcnta duected on former authonty, 1212 ment taxation, cbc., repeal .. e .--.-.. no compeueatiou while recenving service arreamges deducted from ugonthlyaguy or retired pay (i 613 to be paud on resumption of ot- 1212 tuities, etc., for d th in service, an ments ... _ .. _ ... gm pension laws, nz ap licable to per- £amjly_a1bwances; 1f awards mochiied 011 sons in service Octoger 6, 1917, qr mxgesugauou no rexmbursemeut geeugeriug thereafter, or to thexr 613 gyed, for amount already paid, 1160 wi ows, etc . .. accrued rights not affected . 613 thrvugh hud, GW-, 0109PWd ····-- · · ·· 1160