Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/1664

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INDEX. ccxciii War Trade Board—·C<mtinued. P¤S¤· Warehouses, Terminalsl qtc., for Shipping Fa- P¤z¤- cable charges from exporters to be credited cilitiea, t0 , 825, 1023 pricrif of service to vessels at, etc., may settlement of claims for losses, etc., in sup- Ke prescribed ..,.,.,.,,,,,_ , , , 915 plyjng manganese, ctq., needed for Warfield, Ky., na.t10112.;d tgefensc during the war, 1274 time e§§enS<;:<§ fo§_bridgix§, Tug €;>r§_of requ€S_ Y --------------. y 1 rw emit . . War with Austraa-Hungary (see also Wax with frggm L -..’ .. it I 296 Germany),. » “Warm Springs A ency, Greg., declaration ofexistence of .. .. 429 appropriation gor support, etc., of Indians cmploymcutpf entire Amy, Navy, etc., of .. . ., 484 _ authorized . T .., 429 Warrant Oficgrs, Navy, _ Wm- with Germany (see also War m Euroge), rank of cluef, of permanent Navy, racmvapprogriatiou for national security an do- 635 ing temporary commgsiuim . 716 ense .. temporary a iutments 0 y Secretary for preparing, etc., naval recorcls of . 1242 of the¥§)§vy . . . . 716 deficiency appropriation for muonal de- of chief, by President and C0 cm 716 feuse . . _ · 429 pay of retired chief, on active Ety since · additional pay of to persons m actiye , _ August 29% 1916 I .. 516 service durmg, on honorable das- reured, on actxve duty smcc August 29, charge, etc., smce April 7, 1917- ... 1151 1916 . . 516 claims for to inhabitants of France, Warren, Ohwb, etc., by erican forces, to be paid, 532 bridge authorized across Mahoning River 392 etc ... at Q ... , ... commander of forces in Fmmge to have Wmmmn Vaq , ¤¥¤k» Bmw g;®¤€m1 during ·-·····- 410 appropriation for public building. ; . . 112 consergatipn of f products, fuel, etc., 276 www River, All, ¤¤¤8 ·---··--··-···--······--··-·· ti f . 1: f. .. . U79 ·»¤mg»,m.,mp¤~vawEmp¢¤y by uml wZ¥’r*32°.}’5q’?.Tb‘L$, ‘I¤}3,1’§‘.¥Z’°"°"‘°“‘ ° foi’¢€¤ i¤ friendly m’°P€$m 0°¤¤U’Y appro riation for improvement of and to be paid, etc-; limit- ..--..-- 705 pruver .., - .,.. ’ ,..,.. isgoos, 1282 declaration of existence of ..., 1 Warwick Rim, ydq _ €mP10Ym€¤t °f enum A¤¤y, N9·YYr BW-: appropriation for improvement of . 253,9%,1277 _ ••£6• ···· ii ·££)é;di•• • • • 1 FOTCSI, Uhh, f 988 . meme 0 u s e . mee e tures ‘ ti majnt mma gc_ ____ Ot, em.1 . . .Z ,.. 35,288, 503,844, 1309 W:§’g‘],’§’,§,?r}"}a,,€§u,(§rp0,,,,,°wy0__ ’ ° ’ ° Tégismtion of male P€Y$°¤S between 8;*3% appropriation for maintenance, ctc., of 988 of 21 and 30, fqr military gervice m- 80 Washington ‘“°h‘”m§t21 y§§‘£i2L‘}??.YYf?.?’.}??Yi FT 557 ¤¤v¤¤¤¤¤¤¤ for ¤·my¤* ¤¢¤¢¤·*· ·=‘·=*‘;§;8 12.1 of personsarlgetweeu 18 and 45, for mili- for agggag ‘‘‘’° ’ {gl tm-V service ‘‘‘‘‘‘'‘'‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘'‘‘‘‘‘’ 955 for marine school expense; - - - l - O - l · · 706 reinstatement of Government employees a {Bement between Or n gf"; who served in,_when diq¢h¤·¤‘z€d -·-· 1164 gr lation etc of Gzioing in ’(`<>lu¤i%¥a removal, etc., of 2.11 ahen euemxes over four- Rivmjaud Qribuwriu consented to 515 teen years old during ... 531 , . . éabk nd T le; shipping charters, etc., placed under con- W“*h*”9’°”‘Ab·’h¥ H‘l*‘°'!/ a ‘ trol of the President 913 gt"?]. S¥’t°m· f . b soldiers’ homestead entry pl'1V1 cages cx- BPPYOPUZUOU 0* cost ° °xt?¤“°“v NW1" 8 851 tended to Service im ________ _ _____ ug] ments, etc., from receipts ... · . . 4 , vessels of alien enemies in jurisdiction to Washington A ueduct (see alao Water Servxce, be immediately mken over, etc., by _ D. C3, _ _ _ the United States .. 75 deficmncy approprmuou for maintenance, 9 War with Spain etc  ; .. apxérqprimiou lvr mm ¤f pay ----- - · - 141. 666 Washington .4y.»1um and mz, D. c., df? €i€¤€Y 8PFT°P¤%UQ¤ for E350 €t€· - ·_· · 839 appropriztiou for salaries and expenses 944 b1'OI1ZG Hléda d§Ol' h3.¥.10D2.1 \1.3»I`d BEIVICB gy maintgugncg, gtc_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 944 in' con `tious . _ .. . { { { fgmil` { ____ 945 perwionsiallvvqed widvwe, etc-, ¤f p<—>rS<>¤¤ sg; glgyggr ;ris0ne;s€? f). 945 _ 5€1’V1¤§ mi €0¤d1Q0¤B_ -·-·--··· · · ;~ ~ 903 for ¤·ansporta,tion of prisoners. ..,., 9-45 w1<1¤w¤’ P€ti;‘”°¤ for ¤°"'*°€ m» m be $20 “ 408 deficiency appropriation for contingent ex- 1 mon , etc . ...· - ··-·- _ ,______________,,,_,,,,,.., 8, 47 WG? W·0Tk€T8, D- C-, _ _ _ for of prisoners. , ,,,..,,... 8, 471, 823 Pf°ViSi0¤¤ for furmshmz t¤¤~“P°¥tZ·¤O¤» for abandoned families of prisoners. 351 home, QU)., to PQYSOHS 1€3V1Hg GIG for ·|;yg_¤gpOy{,g(j0u of pyi50ngm_ _ ,, _,,,_, 471 service from November 11, 1918, to W h· t n B Ou M; Febm vo 1919 . 1052 L?66 ‘” my °- -“” · ~ “*· 1 Wards Island 1 ‘ °‘‘‘ ’ appropriation for 1mprove1}1ent of. 256,908, 128 appropriation for ’¤zwa.I hospital, public 773 I f;°:;g%c0£l":i 1. 112 0 ks- ·----- . ---- · ······---·····- Z-` · _ _ ···*· ··· Wareh01Lsv;,·;ct, Lgnited States, { _ _ TVashing§on, BQ.) C. (see also Dmmct of Co- ‘ ‘ admmqst - um m. , appl-ORn?2?1?..?f.???T? 3 .. (i 1; 1004 appropriation for gublic works, Bellevue TVareh0usl<;lt}?ecez}1>L¤, nays.] ma%=;1ne .--- 723 acceptance 0 drafts, etc., secured by, al- for additional d for navy yard extenicwed Federal reserve member 1 mgvu .. . ...· 7%* banks _,______ _ _______ _ ______,_____ 235 glggulg of gugew, alleys, etc _,,_,__,__ 74,4