Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/26

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SIXTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 3. 1917. 7 objects specified rmder this head in the District of Columbia appropriation Act for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and seventeen, $750. Mm wmcm For an additional amount for maintenance, care, and repair of Mammuimcaew. automobiles, motor cycles, and motor trucks, acquired for the District of Columbia, that are not otherwise provided for in the District of Columbia appro riation Act for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and seventeen, mclirding such personal services in connection therewith not otherwise authorized in the District of Columbia appropriation Act for the fiscal year nineteen hrurdred and seventeen as the commissioners shall in writing specially order, $2,645. · _ For purchase of enamel metal or other metal identification number V°‘“°’°“‘¤- ta for horse-drawn vehicles used for business purposes and motor veilicles in the District of Columbia, $775. For the employment of field party and incidental expenses in v“"'“““"°Y“· making survey and computation relative to vaultlprivileges, $2,000. _ Benning Road and viaduct: For an addition amount for the R°“ "‘* ob`ects set forth in the appropriation contained in the District of V0, 38 ml Columbia appropriation Act for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and ’ p` ' fifteen, for constructing a suitable viaduct and bridge to carry Benning Road over the tracks of the Philadelphia, Baltimore and Wash- F<¤¢»x>~350- ington Railroad Company, $35,000, to continue available during the fiscal year nineteen hundred and eighteen. , The appropriation for Benning Road viaduct and brid e, con- B°°P¥”°P"‘°“°°- tained in the District of Columbia appropriation Act for the fiscal · year nineteen hundred and Efteen, is continued available until the end of the fiscal year nineteen hundred and eighteen. Bridges: The sum of $11,000, or so muér thereof as may be nec- “S“°°*B‘“’¤°· essary, of the appropriation for the replacement of two trusses and floor of the M Street Bridge across Rock Creek, fiscal year nineteen hundred and seventeen is made available for repair·s to the east abutment the lacing of new handrails, and the renewal of the wood flooring of saidibridge. Electrical Department: For an additional amormt for the purchase F“°'°*°'“‘l’°‘°°·°*° and installation of ten iire·alarm boxes, and urchase and erection of necessary poles, cross arms, insulators, pinsfbraces, wire, cable, conduit connections, posts, extra labor, and other necessa items, $500. Pnsmc scnoonsz For allowance to principals, inclulihn the same §,“,*,;',§{°,;°{}j’°“· objects specified under this head in the District of Colum%>ia appropriation Act for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and seventeen, $1 000. lior longevity pay, includinlg the same objects specified under this 1·¤¤s¤vi¢y· head in the District of Colum ia appropriation Act for the Escal year nineteen hundred and sixteen, $115.28. For fuel, gas, and electric light and power, $64,608.50. F“°*· °*°· For additional amount for the construction of an eight-room addi- P•**°**¤ S¤¤¤¤i- tion, including assembly hall, to the Petworth School $15,000. For additional amount for the construction and equipment of a T,§&§2“§§§m{°“““’ foundry at the McKinley Manual Training School, $5,000. _ Commsra Insrrrrrrrox ron rim DEAF: For expenses attending the ,,,.D,,§'§,,,,“f‘d d“”‘b “" instruction of deaf and dumb persons admitted to the Columbia Institution for the Deaf from the District of Columbia, under section forty-ei§ht hundred and sixty-four of the Revised Statutes and as B·S·»¤°°·*8°*»P·°*2- provide for in the Act approved March Hist, nineteen hrmdred and V°*·3*»P·8“· %ne,hand under a contract to be enteredhinplo wigh the said institution y the commissioners, $2 175, or so muc thereo as ma benecessary. Metropolitan Police, Elarbor Patrol: For fuel, constiiuction, main- H°'b°° p°°°l’ tenance repairs, and incidentals, $550. Fire department: For fuel, $4,625. H'°d°p°"m°'"‘ Health department: The limitation on the amount to be expended H°““’ "°¥’°'*'“°°*· for personal services from the appropriation for preventing the spread O