Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/28

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SIXTY-FIF TH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Cr-1. 3. 1917. 9 a ement to be made with Eastern Dispensary by the Board of Ciherities, $1,500. _ Tuberculosis H Tuberculosis Hospital: For provisions, fuel, forage, harness, and pim. °S` vehicles and repairs to Same, gas, ice, shoes, clot in , dry goods, tailoring, drugs and medical supplies, furniture and bedgding, k1tchen utensils, and other necessar items, $2,000. F b _ Board of Children’s Guardians: For maintenance of feeble-minded dm? l°`"“”d°d °hu' children (white and colored), $4,300. C For board and care of all children committed to the guardianship of ‘"°’°*°"°‘°m°'°“‘ said board b the courts of the District, and for temporary care of children pending investigation or while being transferred from place to lace, $23,000. Xuthority is granted to pay, in addition to the sum of $1,500, here- i,,,,,I{‘,,'{f,‘}§°,,sY° mmm tofore authorized, a further sum not to exceed $3,600 to institutions adjudged to be under sectarian control, fiscal year nineteen hundred and seventeen. Industrial Home School for Colored Children: For maintenance, C,§{‘,§1,,",‘§*(§§d§f,{’,f’°"°’ including purchase and care of horses, wagons, and harness, $1,500. Industrial Home School: For maintenance, including purchase and S§,'$,‘§}‘s"""’ H°‘"° care of horse, wagon, and harness, $3,080. Hos ital for the Insane: For supgprt of indxent insane of the Dis- I”‘"g°"" ‘“’“°· trict oi') Columbia in Saint Elizabet s Hospit , as provided by law, $40,000. Writs of lunacy; For writs of lunacy, including the same objects I‘“““""‘“’· S ecified under t `s head in the District of Columbia appropriation get for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and seventeen, $2,500. W Workhouse: For maintenance, including superintendence, custody, °m’°°°°‘ clothing, guarding, care, and support of prisoners, and so forth, includin the same objects speciti under this head in the District of Columliia appropriation Act for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and seventeen, $8,600. Emu Small parks: For the condemnation of small park areas at the P"k"‘ intersection of streets outside the limits of the origmal city of Washingfton, fiscal year nineteen hundred and fourteen, $8.60. empor services: The limitation on the amount to be expended if°it',‘£,?,"¥,$’,,’f.*,Y,*,§ for personIir?services authorized by section two of the District of "°'·°°·P·”*» Columbia appropriation Act for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and seventeen is increased from $74,000 to $78,500. Reformatory: For construction of roads, grading of sites, and other R°'°"'““°"" development work, fiscal year nineteen hundred and sixteen, $20.75. Judgments: For payment of judgments, including costs, ainst J"°""°""‘ the District of Colum ia, set forth in House Document Nufigiered Two thousand and tWenty-nine of the Sixty-fourth Congress second Emwtm session, except the jud§nents with interest and costs in favor of Samuel T. Kalbfus and dward S. Wood, $6,877.95, together with a further sum to pay the interest at not exceedindg four per centum on said jud ents, as provided by law, from the ate the same became due untillilhe date of payment. , One-half of the foregoing amounts to meet deficiencies in the appro- ,,?,$‘,l,i,S'Y°m mm priations on account 0 the District of Columbia shall be paid from the revenues of the District of Columbia and one-half from any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated. Washington Aqueduct: For operation, including salaries of all dxishmgtm Mw necessary employees, maintenance, and repair of the Washington F'°m'°‘°”°'°“"“°· Aqueduct an its accessories, including) the same objects specified under this head in the District of Colum ia appropriation Act for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and seventeen, $10,000, to be paid out of the revenues of the Water Department.