Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/361

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342 SIXTY·FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Cns. 72—74. 1917. 0¢¢·§¤•;’_’h19i7- CHAP. 72.-An Act the consent of Congress to Webbexs_Falls Railroad , [ __] Company, a corporation, its successors and amine, to construct a bridge across the [Pubns, No. sa.] Arkansas River, between the towns of Webbers alls and Gore, in the State of Okla- R_ Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United figs-§ rivughneu. States of America in Congress assembled, That the consent of Congress '°°" °°'°g'“’Y “’” is hereby anted to We bers Falls Railroad Company, a corporation, mage, We bmraxa, . er d . . . d °““‘ · %'3i‘i‘Z°.$`.i’°§.?§’.‘L2S.3i‘t. E3 E2r‘3°.2S£h'L1‘f.hi2’“.¤...“m‘“‘ir‘iv‘2?- .3}’§'““’s‘£ suitgble to the interests of navigation, at or near the town bf Wegbers Falls, in the county of Muskogee, in the State of Oklahoma, m ac- $,°°*f§,“*;,'f‘g’}; cordance with the Provisions of the Act entitled "An Act to regplate ` the coumthrlrugtion 0 bridlgesdgvgr naivigable waters," approved _ arch twenty- nineteen un e an six. A¤°¤**”'°°*· Sec. 2. That the right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby expressly reserved. Approved, October 5, 1917. October 5,1917. ` [S· 287*] CHAP. ’73.—An Act Granting the consent of Congrem to The Whiteville Lumber [Public, No. so.] Company to construct a bridge across Waccamaw River. . mmm, R,,,_ Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Represeutat·ives of the United Whi¤¤vi¤¤ !·¤¤1¤b¤r States of America an 6'ongress assembled, That the consent of Congress git-$.°;ir:°};{1l$??:?°’ is hereby to The Whiteville Lumber Company 1ts successors an assigns to construct, mamtam, and operate a bridge and approaches thereto across Waccamaw River at a point suitable to the mterests of 11av1gation_at or near Pu·eway Ferry, m the CQUIIUOS of H ¤_ Columbus and Brunswick, m the State of North Carohna, m accordvu. ai, [1.84. ance with the provisions of the Act entitled "An Act to regulate the _

$ODSbtT'l1 I3 of bzgdgeiuover navilgable waters," approved March

wen y- nme en n an six. _ _ Am°°dm°°f Sec. 2. That the right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby expressly reserved. Approved, October 5, 1917. 0°°f’§°{og?17' CHAP. 74.-An Act To amend the laws relating to the denominations of circu-

 lgting Logs? by 3;1;i4;1al banks and to permit the issuance of notes of small deuomma-

’ ‘ ons, or 0 \ll’P08$· Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives ¢y’ the United

’°"§,,"°,];·_ States of America in Congress assembled, That the Act of June third,

gg. or its smug- eighteen hundred and sixty-four, Revised Statutes, section iifti-one 10g:.ud?¤:griii;, pl hundred and seventy·iix}e,1whicg1 prohibits natapnal banlgs fron:1 eing · · furnished with notes o ess enomination t an $5, e, an it is hereby re ealed. R¤¤¢ri¤H¤¤ ¤¤ $1*30.,2. Bfhat that art of the Act of March fourteenth, nineteen $?.i$.° °i is °°t°° r°` hundred, which provides " that no national banking association shall, p,",°'·, 3‘· *’· ‘°· "°‘ after the passage of this Act, be entitled to receive from the Comp- ` troller of the C11ih;o&1cy, or to isspe or reilshsue, or place gn girplulation more than one-t in amount o its circ ating notes o the enemination of $5," be, and it is herebg, repealed. _ _ Denomination so- Sec. 3. That from and after t o passage of this Act_any national

      • °‘**°°· banking, association, upon comphance with the provisions of law

a plica le thereto, shal be entitled to receive from the Comptroller ol) gre Currexzcy, or ftO$§SS\§; orégeianae, ggoplggg in cilrcéilgigon note; in enomina ions o , , an m suc proportion as to each of, said dehominatioris as the bank may elect: