Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/363

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344 SIXTY-FIFTH CONGRESS.— Sess. I. Cns. 77, 78. 1917. °°*f’;°‘2g5§°"· Act To provide for the acquisition of an air station site for the [Public, No. 62.] _ • Be it enacted by the Senate and House o Re sentatives o the United i’}§,‘},{,§",.,§,§g;,{;,,,,,_ States of Arrwrica gin Congress asserntblei Thx; the Secrelaoary of the gnuglanaxw •lr M- Na? be, and he is here y authorized to acquire, b purchase or p.,,,‘,p,m, con emnation mcluding all easements, riparian and, other riphts appurtenant thereto, for use for naval purposes the tract of and situate at Cape May, New Jersey, lying between ljrinceton and Kansas Avenues and the water front and g;pe_May Avenue, comprising, exclusive of Penuslylvama Avenue, whi mtersects the tract and IS to remain a pub c thoroughfare, approximate] fift -seven and seventy-three one-hundredths acres, or such enlarged aria for which he may be able to contract within the appropriation, and there is hereby appropriated, to be paid out of any moneym the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the actiluisition of said property and of all ,m,m_ easements, riparian and other ri§€ts appmtenant thereto, the sum odaxpenditures limit- of $150,000: romded, That the cretary of the Nalvfy shall author- 1ze the payment of no part of this sum, except for pe ecting the title A mth, 0, ·dd,_ and dredging Cold Spun? Harbor and the entrance thereto, in order mn? lands without to make it more availab e for naval pu ses: And provided further m°"°"d °°°°' That_the Secretary of the Navy be, andpllie is hereby, empowered his discretion to acme, if possible, additional acreage without increased cost and W1 the appropriation herein authorized, and to Cmdmmmm m_ exact guarantees for the maintenance of the electric railwa now memos. running through the above-described land; and power is llereby cuoanfprreidluptpnf the Seslretary of the dNal;nyd1t•odcondemn the said _ c 0 an or nav aviation an u ses th °°“‘“"°’“· New Jersetg coast adgacdnt Cold $pring Harbgr;rg.(1id til)? Sec? rettxilrytlpf C: Naiy rsllerpbg girsactceél, m conducting his negotiatipiis w1__e pe_yeasa mpan tomat"tt oblgpation existing between the United Slrthtes antll E2 (gags Ma; Re Estate Company, executed by the said company Jtme twenty- lfifth, mncptgen hundred anfd sixlwien hpndbtihat this tiorgract shall not ere re asawaivero 61 er eo ti t the miiie of the used sets. g“ °“ ° ° °°mP““" °' Approved, October 6, 1917. castes mv . '. CHAP. 78.-A A G _. ‘ _ •

 eee oompa, to statict‘3‘i.'i{’§gJ*§$.§2.“?°t2‘t?itiL°i%§§°w*£.‘*ii?v2°$}“’°' P‘“"'“’“’gh

Riygw, 1;,,,,,,,,,, Sugjsif) cgenate and H0*ll§¢;10_fI_1§eprtl&1sentatives of Fg United i · "_ i S _ rn ongresaassem _ at econs t cegimmngigmjig IS hereby granted to the Gilmer-Plttsburgh Coal Cdaidipgnyf mugs, c»u¤¤»,w.v•. successor and assigns, to construct maintain, and cfperate a bridge and approachesthereto across*_the_li1ttle Kanawha _ iver at a point smtab e to the mterest of navigation at or near Gilmer Station on Qmmmm the Coal Qolge Railway, m the Gountypi Gilmer, in the State V0, 3,,, ,,_ ,,,_ of West V1rgm1a,1n accordance with the provisions of the Act entitled An Act to regulate the constructnon of bridies over navigable xm dm t waters, approved March twenty-tlurd, mneteen undred and six.

  • °“ “ · Sec. 2. at the right to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is hereby

expressly reserved. Approved, October 6, 1917. `