Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/380

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SIXTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 79. 1917. 36]. tary road, subject to the use of the United States for postal, military, naval, and other Government services, and also subject to such regulations as Congress may impose restricting the charge for such Govem— ment transportation, having claims against the United States for transportation of troops an munitions of war and military supplies and property over such aided railroads, shall be paid out of the moneys appro riated by the foregoing provision only on the basis of such rate for &e transportation of such troops and munitions of war and military supplies and property as the Secretary of War shall deem just and reasonable under the foregoing prov1sion, such rate not to exceed fifty per centum of the compensation for such Government transportation as shall at that time be charged to and paid by private parties to any such com any for like and similar transportation; and the amount so fixed to he aid shall be accejated as in full for all demands for such service: Amdp provided further, hat nothing m,§g¥U>¤Y*¤¤¤wP¤d in the precedinéprovisos shall be construed to prevent the accounting ` officers of the overnment from making full payment to land-grant railroads for transportation of property or persons where the courts of the United States have held that such property or persons do not come within the scope of the deductions (provided for in the landgrant Acts; for the purchase and hire of aft and pack animals in mgyit md wk ¤¤i- such numbers as are actually required for the service including ' reasonable provision for replacing unserviceable animals; for the v°“’°l°“· purchase, hire, operation, maintenance, and repair of such harness, wagons, carts, drays, other vehicles, and motor—propelled and horsedrawn fpassenger-carryin.glvehicles, as are reépiired for the transportation 0 troops and supp 'es, and for offici , military, and garrison purposes; for dra age and cartage at the several depots; for the hire of teamsters andy other emplo ees; for the purchase and repair of Sm"°’°°°t"’°"‘ ships, boats, and other vase}; required for the transportation of troops and supplies and for official, military, and garrison urposes; for expenses o sailinglpublic transports and other vessels on the Tmsp°m' various rivers, the G of Mexico, and the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, $375,000,000. The Secretary of War is hereby authorized, under such regulations ,0,'§{¤”,}mg{§”P°’§§ cgf and in such manner as he may prescribe, to emfploy such portion of listednmen sauna to the appropriations made for transportation o the Army and its §,l},$fm’“u°w°°h°'°' supplies as in his judgment may be necessary to defra the expenses of travel incurred by officers and enlisted men of foreign armies attached to the Arm of the United States dining the present emergemiy, and that tliiose officers and enlisted men, who may have been per orming duties in this connection, be reimbursed from this appropriation for the expenditures they have already been obliged to ma e. Land- ant railroads organized under the Act of July twenty- P°’,,,*°,,,u°°,’°“*“ds ’“"’ eighth, e@hteen hundred and sixty-six, chapter three hundred, shall 14, P·33§- receive the same compensation for transportation during the existing war emergency of property and troops of the United States as may be plaid to land-grant railroads, organized under the land—grant Act gm of arch third, eighteen hundred and sixty-three, and the Act of °` ’p' ' July twenty-seventh, eighteen hundred an sixty-six, chapter two hundred and seventy-eight, for such transportation during said emergency; Provided, That this paragra h shall not be construed as §g;,°¤_ changing in any other way or for ani other geriod of time the rights and uties of the land-grant railroa first a ove mentioned. WATER Aim snwmzs AT mrrrranr Posrs: For procuring and intro- W“°"· ‘°"°”·°‘°· ducing water to buildings and premises at such military posts and stations as from their situations require it to be brought from a distance; for the installation and extension of plumbing within buildings where the same is not s ifically rovided for in other appropriations: for the purchase angliiapair of gre apparatus, includ-