Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/420

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srxrrrrrrn corvcnnss. sm. 1. cs. 105. 1917. 401 " (4) By a duly verined copy of the church record of baptism of the children; or "(5) By the testimony of two or more witnesses who know that the parties lived to ether as husband and wife, and were recognized as such, and who shal%state how long, within their knowledge, such relation continued: Provided, That marriages, except suchas are mentioned {Z§§'g,‘;’°,§; 1,, -,y by in section forty-seven hundred and five of the Revised Statutes, shall 18% go dggiuggah be proven in compensation or insurance cases to be legal marriages n.s.liec.4ios,p.s1a. according to the aw of the place where the parties resided at the time of marriage or at the time when the right to compensation or insurance accrued; and the open and notorious illicit cohabitation of a widow who is a claimant shall operate to terminate her right to compensation or insurance from the commencement of such cohabr- Pm ti t_ tation: Provided further, That for the IPUIPOSG of the administration °d_ ump on mp of Article II of this Act marriage shal be conclusively presumed, m the absence of proof, that there is a legal spouse livin if the man and woman have lived together in the openly acknowlrgiged relation of husband and wife during the two years immediately preceding the date of the declaration of war; or the date of enlistment or of entrance into or employment in active service in the military or naval forces of the United States if subsequent to such declaration" _ _ In_Articles II, III, and IV of this Act unless the context otherwise T°*¤¤°°¤¤*¥¤¤d· u1res— ml (1) The term ·cm1d· induces- "°’*”*" " (a) A legtimate child. " (b) A c `ld legally adopted more than six months before the enactment of this amendatory Act or before enlistment or entrance into or employment in active service in the militatrly or naval forces of the United States, whichever of these dates is e later. " (c) A stelpchild, if a member of the man’s household. " (d) Ani egitimate child, but, as to the father onliy, if acknowledigpd by instrument in writing signed by him, or if he as been judici y ordered or decreed to contribute to such child’s support, and if such child, if born after December thirty-first, nineteen hundred and seventeen, shall have been born in the United States, or in its insular gohssessions. _ " (2) e term ‘grandch1ld’ means a child as above defined of a "°'“*d°‘*“d·" child as above denned. " (3) Exceipt as used in section four hundred and one and in section I·*¤“°”°¤· four hundre and two the terms ‘chi1d’ and ‘grandchild’ are limited to unmarried persons either (a) imder eighteen years of age, or (b) _ of any a e, if insane, idiotic, or otherwise permanently helplem. " (4) 'lghe term ‘parent’ includes a fat er, mother, grandfather, Qfgmtégg grandmother, stepfather, and stepmother, either of the person in the 'p' ` service or of the spouse. U " (5) The terms ‘brother’ and ‘sister’ include brothers and sisters ,,,,_?}‘°“‘°’"“°‘ “**" of the half blood as well as those of the whole blood, stepbrothers and stepsisters, and brothers and sisters through adoption. _ " (6) The term ‘commissioned officer’ includes a warrant officer, S°"““'“‘°“°° °‘“‘ but includes only an officer in active service in the military or naval forces of the United States. _ " (7) The terms ‘man’ and ‘enlisted man’ mean a person, whether mQ;§’}“" °' “°'”'“°° male or_female, and whether enlisted, enrolled, or drafted into active service m the military or naval forces of the United States, and include noncommissioned and petty officers, and members of training camps authorized by law. _ “ 8) The term ‘en1istment’ includes voluntary enlistment, draft, "E"1's°'“°”*·" and enrollment m active service in the military or naval forces of the United States. _ " (9) The term ‘ commissioner" means the Commissioner of Military “°°""“*“"’“°"” and Naval Insurance. 112460°·——vor. 40-—r··r 1——26