Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/429

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410 six*rY-r1r*rH coiaennss. snee. 1. cn. 105. 1917. or beneficiaries of such insurance without the consent of such bened iiciary or beneficiaries, but only within the classes herein provided. ¤1;§{,'§‘.f§.{?i.;:§d:;§.l‘ If no beneficiary within the permitted class be designated by the · ¤·*•d·°*°· insured, either in his lifetime or by his last and testament, or if the designated beneficiary does not survive the msured, the msurance 21*2 E? %’e‘Z.¥'?*‘Z.if.’e “§‘§ w§.$i‘3°3n?1E.P§1§i°i§;JifHi.$]§.?Z§I'%°i‘E§‘.i ` e Cl residence of the insured be entitled to his personal property in case piintegtacyh If no suc}; person sigidvive the msured,a1ihen iiliere shall . ai to the estate 0 theinsur an amountequ to thereservevaliie, if ang, of the insurance at the time of his death, calculated on thel basésh (gu the American Expenenc1eu]'.l`al;l¢:3·li>f gortality ang thrne: _ an on per centum mterest m 0 0 igations un er contract of insurance. n£$Fn.‘1..‘2°"" "’ Sec. 403. That the United States shall bear the expenses er administration and the excess mortality and disability cost resulting from · Premium nm. the haghardglpf war. E'l;1e premiuri;1 Esftesfsglahrpsighe ne; rates based; u n e erican perience a e o o y an mterest a tgee and one-halftper centum per annum. . mifgwigww °°'· Sec. 31104. That tlie period of war and thereafter until con; ' erted e insurances e term insurance or successive terms 0 , m§.°,{§'.‘{"°° M "' due year each. Not later than Eve years after the date of the termina-J i tion of the war as declared by proclamation of the President of _ United States , the ter? iinsurancefshall bgfconverted, without , exammation mto suc orm or orms msurance as may e re- 1 ¤¤*·¤¤¤ *"¢¤*¤· scribed by rdgulationsand as the insured margupequest. Regulatiimsg shall pliiovidel for the right to convert mto o aryéife, twtelxsty ps§ ; m the en cwment maturmg' at six -twoan intoo erus T fogiixs of insurance and shall prescribaegtlie titge and method of payment 7 of the premiums thereon, but payments of premiums in advance shall not be reguired for periods of more than one month each and may be dedhuctgld rom the pay or deposit of the ins1u·ed or be otherwise made at 's ection. ·'¤¤¤“='**'**¤ °¤•¤ Sec. 405. That in the event of dis eement as to a claim under et dkagnemnnts as to . . enum. the contract of insurance between theagrureau and any benehci or

  • ’°•‘·P- ‘“- beneficiaries thereunder, an action on the claim may be brlbldght

‘ against the United States in the district court of the United States in and for the district in which such beneficiaries or any one of them Aaenneys ieee re- resides. The court, as part of its judgment, shall determine and allow "”°‘°°· such reasonable attorney’s fees, not to exceed ten per centum of the amgunt recglvered, to be paig by hgie claimant 031 bellipulfbofuvgiom suc procee `ngs are institute to attorney; an it s e awfull for the attolpnfey or for anyfother person acting las claim agent or ot erwise to as or, contract or or receive any other com ensation remmieum. blecausg of such gcltion. No other compeniation orbfeepslliall bs c e or receive any erson except suc as ma e authorize lfunlshmmt tu vie- byiiiige commissioner {1 regwsations to be promulgated by him. Any ""‘°““‘ pierson violating the piéovisions of this secgpn sléallhlgfl dpemed guilty o a misdemeanor, an upon conviction ereo s or eac and evegy such offense, be fined not exceeding $500, or beiimprisoned at har labor not exceeding two years, or both, in the discretion of the court. ‘ xggréu and mmm Sec. 3. That section eight of the Act entitled "An Act to authorize nnzgenena, the President to increase temporarily the Military Establishment of ·,m;"$,‘(,",f£‘,,‘,Q";Q‘;f°"°" the United States/’ approved May eighteenth, nineteen hundred Aw. 1>-81- and seveéiteen, shalll lip eld and consgrueg tg auth31·¥ze the President; inaccorancewit ter "nsos` t th 'd mggpointments to be thel e£ting!;i11er§c;r1icyfp1gl1(yT;5jd0g1I;](;o§q as ,<;}<§ne& th}; Cliie¥€:>?(%·1ta(if an co an o e ni a es orces in rancelieutenant general each commander of an army or army corps tiinrgaili