Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/435

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416 SIXTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 106. 1917. employed, with the salary or compensation paid to each, and a staterignt of the digertelnt kipds of property taken into custody and the ` sition ma e ereo .

°§°{;.,}Z Shi:. 7. (a) That every corporation incorporated within the United
 "°“°"°‘ States, and every unincoéporated association, or company, or trustee,

or trustees within the mted States, issiung shares or certiiidates representing beneficial interests, shall, under such rules and regula- D°““’· tions as the lfresident may prescribe and, within sixty days after the passage of this_ Act, and at such other times thereafter as the Presient may require, transmit to the alien property custodian a full list, duly sworn to, of every officer, director, or stockholder known to be, or whom the representative of such corporation, association, comj;lsiny,for trustee hgs reasoniilbllelizause to believe to lip an enemy or o enem resident wit the territory, or a su ject or citizen residing outside of the United States, of any nation with which the United States is at war, or resident within the territory, or a subject or citizen residing] outside of the United States, of any ally of any nation with whic the United States is at war, together with the . amount of stock or shares owned by each such omcer, director, or mt d sm sto’1chkhqlder,dor in whicglis he has_ any interestiist to b t wt d f .,¤..,-y _ e residen may or uireasimilar e ransmi e o F 3, M7 all stock on)shares owned oiiqlgnalniptgy third, nineteendnundred and seventeen, y any eison now an an enem or yo enem S‘°“‘{“‘* *“ '“'“° °‘ or in which any su£ person had an interest; and he may also reqniiid moths , . y . . . . a list to be transmitted of ag cases m whslcgh said corplc;3i1tion,taflssoctn1a- tion, com any, or trustee as reasona cause to `eve at e stock or sgiares on Febru third nineteen hundred and seventeen, P were owned or are ownedrhg such enemy or ally of eney, though _ _ Ermnoons mm to standing on the books m the name of another: Promld , however,

  • ’°"·"*°*°“ °"· That the name of any such officer,_ director, or stockholder shall_be

stricken permanently or temporarily from such list by the alien property inlstodxan when he shall be satisfied that he is not such 1;,,,,1,,, 0, pmww enemy or y o enernyn <¤. or e¤¥>*¤¤ M, wr- Any person in the mted States who holds or has or shall hold or $°mu xiii have custody or control of any propert beneficial or otherwise, alone d¤ames,etc. • • K or jointly with others, of, for, or on ehalf of an enemy or ally of enemy, or of any person whom he may have reasonable cause to believe to be an enemy or_ ally of enemy and any person in the United States who is or shall be mdebted m any way to an enemy or ally of Em,,,,m,m_ enemy, or to any person whom he may have reasonab e cause to beléevego be gnnelnemy (pr (Elf; enemyzhshgll, wiithtsulgzhuexceptiggs an un er suc es an r a ions as e residen s resort and within thirty days after the passage of this Act, or withiin thirty days after such propegly shall come within his custody or contro , or after such de t sh become due, report the fact to the alienpropernyghlgustodian by written statement under oath containing such

,j{,#·"°·· m"“‘” particu as said custodian shall require. The President may also

require a similar report of all property so held, of, for, or on ehalf of,51nd nf all debts sl? awed t0,hq.:·1(y person nqlw cliqfgnaed ais an enemy or yo enemy on e ruary t , nineteen un an s nt : §.'C,°§,'f°,.;,,, mm., to Prmnkled, That the name of any person shall be stricken froiiidalie xiii b° ¤*'*°k°" °“· report by the alien-pro erty custodian, either tem rarily or perli) . P° Emma! Mum manently, when he shall e satisiied that such person is not an enemy · · pjrtglly of ene-gy. ThedP{)es13p£t may ezétend izmeaior the s or repo require y sec on or an a on peri not . exceeding ninet days. a.E°°v}1iiFsliids¤tZ,Q`{§Z (b) Nothing L Act contained shall render valid or legal, or- be §;g,°f,,§’,€g’,§‘_§‘°¤ °‘ ‘·‘*° construed to recogmze as valid or legal, any act or transaction censtitutmg) trade with, to, from, for or on account of, or on behalf or for the eneht of an enemy performed or engaged in since the beginmng of the war and prior to the passage of this Act, or any such act