Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/458

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440 SIXTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 20. 1918. llg·\’<‘}? 8, l9i8· CHAP. 20.—An Act To extend protection to the civil rights of members of lihé . [ gh 6361*] Military and Naval Establishments of the United States engaged in the present war. [Pu 'c, No. 103.] Re it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives 0] the United States 0] America in Congress assembled, c1§ii§ihiie°i1&§°i1°¤’ ARTICLE I. G¤¤¤¤¤1 1>r¤vi=i¤¤¤· _ GENERAL rnovisioivs. k,§, ‘g§, Sec. 100. That for the purpose of enablineithe United States the

 more successfulldy to prosecute and carry on the war in which it 1s_at

war. g present engage , protection is hereby extended to persons in military service of the United States in order to prevent prejudice or inj1u·y to their civil rights during their term of service and to enable them to devote their entire energy to_the military needs of the Nation, and to this end the following provisions are_ made for the temporary suspension of legal proceedings and transactions which may prejudice the civil 1'llghi»S of persons in such service during the contmuance of the present war. }?¤¤¤i¢i¤¤s‘» 0* tems- Sec. 101. (1) That the term " xsons in military service " as used Servieiliiusmluultuy in this Act, shall include the folloewing persons and no others: All my ‘”g“‘“”*“°“S· officers and enlisted men of the Regular Armylgthe Regular Army Reserve, the OfHcers’ Reserve Corpp, and the En ted Reserve Corpsall officers and enlisted men of the ational·Guard and National Guard Reserve recognized by the Militia Bureau of the War Department; ‘"‘“· P· l6· all forces raised under the Act entitled “An Act to authorize the President to increase teniforarily the Military Establishment of the United N I _ t_ States/’ approved_ ay eighteenth, nineteen hundred and seventeen; ‘ °`vy° gum ’°°s‘ all officers and enlisted men of the Navy, the Marme Corps, and the Coast Guard; all officers and enlisted men of the Naval M1 1t1a, Naval Reserve force, Marine Corps Reserve, and National Naval Volunteers h0l;gg>l*;¤{*i¢§;{;é{-iglgi; recognized by the Navy Department; all officers of the Public Health ver. ` Service detailed by the Secretary of the Treasury for duty either with the Army or the Navy; any of the personnel of the Lighthouse Service and of the Coast and Geodetic Survey transferre by the President to the service and jurisdiction of the War Department or Ngm <`<>fr»s ¤¤1<1 of the Na Department; members of the Nurse Cor s· Army field °l°m’°t°` clerks; Held, clerks, Quartermaster Corps; civilian clbrks and employees on duty_with the m1htary forces detailed for service abroad m accordance with provisions of existing law; and members of any olthenpody who hay? heretzfolxie pjr mayshereafteirhlgecome la part of Rgstfimd tv active the mi itary or nava orces o the nite tutes. e term ‘mi itary S€m°°' service," as used in this definition, shall signify active service in any branch of service heretofore mentioned or re erred to, but reserves _ _ A and persons on the retired list shall not be included in the term "perm§,"§?5§;$€;iig;§;‘€g’§)j sons m military serv1ce_" until ordered to active service. The term sew. "act1ve service" shall mclude the period during which a person in piilitary serlyicei isvplisent from duty on account of sickness, wounds, eave, or other a u cause. S€;;§’§€’l§%d °‘ miumy _ (*2) The term " period of military service/’ as used in this Act, shall include the time between the following dates: For persons in active service at the date of the approval of this Act_it shall begin with the Dm, im;.,,;Ed_ date of approval of this Act; for persons entering active service after the date o this Act, with the date of entering active service. It shall T¤f¤"L¤&’i¤¤. terminate with the_date ofdischarge from active service or death vyhile in activ?) servéce, but in no case later than the date when this - ct ceases to e in orce. -F··rs¤¤.~ (3} The term " person," as used in this Act, with reference to the holder_of any right alleged to exist against a person in militar service or against a person secondarily liab e under such right, shall include