Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/465

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SIXTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. C11. 20. ‘ 1918. 447 which there shall be credited to the United States the amount of the Stggdit *° U”“°‘ cash surrender value of each policy lapsed or forfeited as provided in section four hundred and e even, but not in anly case a greater amount on any policy than the total of the uuplai premiums with I interest thereon at the rate provided for in the po `cy for policy loans. Sec. 413. That the balance in favor of the insurer s all, in each °¤B;¤h;;d°*g°}¢b0g§jj case, be aid to it b the United States upon the surrender by the ` insurer of) the bonds cfelivered to it from time to time by the Secretary of the Treas under the provisions of this Article. _ _ _ Sec. 414. U-'llhat this Article shall not apply to any policy which t§,‘;l;§§§S_”°* ‘“"’°°‘ is void or which may at the option of the msurer be voidable, if the insured is in military service, either in this country or abroad, nor to any policy which as a result of in military service, either in this country or abroad, provides for e payment of any sum less than the face thereof or for the payment of an additional amount as remium. · Sino. 415. That this Article shall apggy only to insurance com- fg}? Q'; panics or associations which are requir by the law under which l0W¤d benefits of Actthey are organized or doipg busmess to maintain a reserve, or which if not so required, have m e or shall make {provision for the collection from all those insured in such insurer 0 a premium to cover the special war risk of those insured persons who are in military service. ARTICLE V. Taxes Arm Pursue LANDS. _ mw me P°bh° Sec. 500. (1) That the rovisions of this section shall a ly when R°PlP’°P°”i Y°‘P°’· any taxes or assessments? whether general or special, fEHing due mam ` duriplg the period of militaiiymservice in respect of real property own and occupied for dwe ger business purposes by a person in military service or his depen ents at the commencement of his perieid of military serylice an still so occupied by his dependents or empo eesarenotpai . (2) %V`hen any person in military service, or any person in his ¢¤’$§iidg,lii°e$i>°i behalf, shall file with the collector of taxes, or other officer whose “"P°“’ "“°S· duty it is to enforce the collection of taxes or assessments, an affidavit showing (a) that a tax or assessment has been assessed upon property which is the subject of this section, (bl that such tax or assessment is unplaid, and (c) that by reason of such military service the ability of suc erson to pay suc tax or assessment is materiall affected, no sale otp such property shall be made to enforce the coz lection of such tax or assessment, or any proceeding or action for such purpose commenced, except upon leave of court granted upon an application made therefor by such collector or other officer. The court thereupon may sta such proceedings or such sale, as "°"°“ °'°°““· provided in this Act, for a extending not more than six_months after the termination of the war. (3) When by law such property may be sold or forfeited to enforce mlgfgjlgggigfxggg the collection of such tax or assessment, such person in military irpwpenysord. service shall have the right to redeem or commence an action to . redeem such property, at any time not later than six months after the termination of such service, but in no case later than six months after the termination of the war; but this shall not be taken to shorten any period, new or hereafter provided by the laws of any State or Temto€%1for such redemption. (4) enever any tax or assessment shall not be paid when due, t,§§s°?§tZt,i;°§;rE£4?l° such tax or assessment due and unpaid shall bear interest until paid at the rate of six per centum per annum, and no other penalt or interest shall be incurred by reason of such nonpa ent. Anylien iplr such unpaid taxes or assessment shall also incliicrle such interest ereon.