Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/489

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SIXTY—FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 28. 1918. 471 abatement of nuisances in the District of Columbia by the commis-· $},’{’*,§Q8p”*{*{j*“°”· sioners, and for other purposes, approved April fourteenth, nineteen ’ ` hundred and six, $1,000. For maintenance of disiufecting service, including salaries or D*¤l¤'°°“¤8 °°"*°°· compensation for (personal services when ordered in writing by the commissioners an necessary for maintenance of said service and for purchase and maintenance of necessary horses, wagons, and har~ ness, $1,500. For maintaining and keeping in good order the chemical labora- L°*’°¤*°’Y· tory and for the purchase of reference books and scientific periodicals, $200. For the maintenance of one motor vehicle for use in the pound Pwdservice, $200. _ _ For maintenance, including personal services, of the public Crcmawry. crematory, $500. nnronuaronrns mn CORBECTIONAL INS’l'1TUTIONS. R°‘°'°”*‘°'*°°- Wash1n' Fton As lum and Jail: For revisions, fuel, fo e, harness MC ,,',!“'*, f ******1- and vehic es and ge airs to same, gas? ice, shoes, clot Njgdry goods, t I ° tailoring, drugs ami) medical supplies, furniture and bed , lntchen utensils, and other necessary items, $17,000. For maintenance of jail prisoners of the District of Columbia at www °’ M *"”' the Washington Asylum and Jail, including pay guards and all other necessary personal services, and for support 0 prisoners therein, $20,000. _ _ For conveying prisoners to Washington Asylum and Jail, m- mT{B}’SBfl"" ""’°“' cluding salary of driver, not to exceed $840, and purchase and maintenance of necess horses, wagons, and harness, $1,000. Home for Aged andagfrmz For provisions, fuel, forage, harness I,,§,f,‘}‘_° ‘°' ·*¥°° “'d and vehicles and repairs to same, ice, shoes, clothing dry goods, tailoring, d.n§s and medical supplies, furniture and be ding, kitchen utensils, an other necessary items, including maintenance of motor truck, $18,000. nnmcar. cnanrrms. “°‘”“°‘°’“'“*°’· Central Dispensary and Emergency Hos ital: For the purchase E“'°’”°°°YH°’P“°L and installation of a new elevator in the iilentral Dis ensary and Emergency Hospital, $12,000, or so much thereof as may life necessary. Tuberculosis ospital: For provisions, fuel, forage, harness, and ,,,§`j‘}’°"“‘*°°’“ H"' vehicles and repairs to same, gas, ice, shoes, clothirf dry goods, tailoring, drugs and medical supplies, furniture and be ding, kitchen utensils, and other necessary items, $6,200. CHILD-OARING INSTITUTIONS. ,,°‘£*}d·¢¤¤¤z i¤=¢i¢¤- Board of Children’s Guardians: For maintenance of feeble-minded d,§,§’f""°""“’d°d °"“‘ children (white and colored), $4,100. For board and care of all children committed to the guardian- ¤¢¤·» ¤f ¤h¤· ship of said board by the courts of the District, and for temporary care of children pending investigation or while being transferred frcgn iilace to place, $53,000. uml th f Addm I t ut orit is grante to a , in `tion to e sum o $1,500 °"“ -° _"’° heretofore iiuthorized, a furiizhyer sum not to exceed $4,100 to in- mmmmmmm_ stitutions argudgied to be under sectarian control, fiscal year nineteen hundre an eighteen. _ Industrial Home ehool for Colored Children: For maintenance, S,§‘§,‘f,,'}"3*,,,,$d°c‘},‘,,€ mcluding purchase and care of horses, wagons, and hamess, $6,000. ¤¤,¤¤ · I I I H ul 0 Industrial Home School: For maintenance, including purchase semi. and care of horse, wagon, and harness, $6,000.