Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/503

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SIXTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 28. 1918. 485 CONTINGENT nxrnnsns. For stationery, furniture, newspapers, plans, drawings, drawing C°nu°g°°t¤P°DS°s` materials, horses and wagons to be used only for official purposes, including rental of stable· purchase, maintenance, repair, operation, or exchange of horse—drawn passenger·carrying vehicles, automobile mai wagon, including exchange of same, street car tickets not exceeding $250, freight, expressage postage, typewriters and complut machines, and other absolutely necessary expenses _ of the l%avy Department and its various bureaus and offices, $140,000; it shall not be lawful to expend, for any of the offices or m{$g,=F£;¤¤¤ g_9ug¤n;¤f bureaus of the Navy Department at Washington, any sum out of W ' appropriations made for the Naval Establishment for any of the ptuposes mentioned or authorized in this paragraph. nrmzocnarmc omrrom. HY"'°¤"'P’“° °m°‘ For purchase and printing of nautical books, charts, and sailing “°*°"’“"·°“°· directions; copperplates, steel plates, chart paper, packing boxes, chart portfolios, e ectrotyping copperplates copperplates; tools, instruments, power and materials for drawing, engraving, and materials for aa? mounting charts; reduction of charts by p otography· photo hographing charts for immediate use; transfer of photolit ographic and other charts to cop r; purchase of equipment for the storage of plates used in maliifiig charts and for the storage of Hydrographic Office charts and publications; care and re airs to printing presses, furniture, instruments, and tools including the purchase of such additional printing presses as may be necessary; extra drawing and engraving; trans- P,,°,°hm,',,¤, ating from foreign languages; telegrams on public usiness; prep- ` aration of pilot charts and their supplements, and printing and mailing] same; purchase of data for c arts and sailing directions and other nautical publications; books of reference an works and periodicals relating to hydrography, marine meteorology, navigation, surveymg, oceanograp y, and terrestrial magnetism and to other pro essional and technical subjects connected the work of the Hydrographic Office, $50,000. NAVAL OBSEBVATOBY. N•val0bservatory. For apparatus and instruments, and for repairs of the same, $250. *PP•'•**”·°*°· For repairs to buildings, fixtures, and fences; furniture, as, Cvntiuzentaxpensas. chemicals, and stationery; freight (including transmission of public documents through the Smithsonian exchange); foreign postage, and expressage; p ants, fertilizers, and all contingent expenses, $750. For uel, oil, grease, pipe, wire, and other materials needed for the maintenance and repair of boilers, engines, heating apparatus, electric lighting and power plant, and water-supply system; purchase an maintenance of teams; maintenance, repair, exchange, or operation of motor truck and of horse—drawn assenger-carrying vehicles; material for boxing nautical instruments for transportation; paints, telegraph and telephone service, and incidental labor, $2,000. For cleaning, repair, an upkeep of grounds and roads, $1,000. G¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤<¤¤•·*=· NAVAL ESTABLISHIIENT. N"?- corvrmcnxr, NAVY. °°°““g‘*”’· nelesandex- For 8ll Mqergerrcies and extraordinary expenses, exclusive of personal services rn the Navy De artment, or any of its subordinate bureaus or offices at Wa£ington, District of Columbia,