Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/508

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490 SIXTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 28. 1918. pumps arid wharlyes, wpter; strap fqr} bedding, mattresses; néattress covers ows s eets· urniture or ovemment uarters an repair of samigpacking and drating officers’ allowance ofcbaggsgge on change of station; deo orizers, lubricants, disinfectants; an or all emergencies and extraordinary expenses arising at home and abroad, but impossible to anticipate or classify, $1,180,000. I¤*°'i°*D°P=`**¤¤°¤*· DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR. gigléglgm 0, bum. Capitol Building and Grounds: For labor and_material for the pro-

  • ¤8°¤¤¢’°¤¤dS· tection of the Capitol Bmlding and Grounds, including the Senate

and House Office Buildings and the Capitol Power Plant, and for emergencies and for each and every item mcident thereto, $10,000. Qgécgipgglgighsding Court of Building: For labor, materials, furnitiu·e, and for ' general repairs, to be expended under the direction of the Superintendent of the Capitol Building and Grounds, $550. mam ummm:. 1m>1AN smnvron. - S°l*°°l¤· For support of Indian day boarding, and industrial schools in Supp°"’°t°` addition to the Igleneral and specific agprcgpriations made for that ` purpose in the dian appropriation ct or the fiscal year nine- ,,m,_m_ teen hundred and eighteen, $250,000, or so much thereof as may sugggiggts restriction be neglqssaryz tizmnged, That tl? oggation of the oggepttembeg ,, , ‘_ seven nme n un an s een ('I'h1rt_y-_ _ a u es a H9 P HL Large, page seven hundred and forty-one) limiting annual expen `tures for support and education of pupils in Indian schools to mm .i2°° *Z°t’aa°"‘€i1°“’ is l2"°b’h“S£3d°d.% °h° £?>°?»%$3“’f‘lt§§°‘2.g une e mne en un an eig een: r u That no part of this sum shall be expended upon improvements oi used to increase the compensation of employees. roam. rnnnrroar or Amsm. pfg§.?“°"““ °°m‘ Insane of Alaska: Authority is granted the Secretary of the In- Payment at insane terior to ipa; from the appropriations for_the care an custod of "",f,]’;’j’;jL;_ ,5,, m insane, A as a, in the sundiiy civil appropriation Act. approved june twelfth, nineteen hundred and seventeen, and the deficnenc appropriation Act approved October sixth, nineteen hundred and seventeen, to The Samtarium Company, of Portland, Oregon, the sum of $420 per capita per annum for the care and maintenance of Alaskan insane patients during the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and eighteen. ommgxmisumy. omonoorcar. smzvrzr.

 '¤*“°’°* '°· For continuation of the investigation of the mineral resources of

i Alaska, $75é000, to continue available during the fiscal year nineteen hundred an nineteen. m$§;§§{Yl';l§_!L$,;*jga,{g' For the examination and classification of lands requisite to the em 'determiiiilation ogdgheir tslqitability for pularged giomesligeaig, stockraising omeste u c watering p aces, an stoc vewa , as required by the public land laws, $200,000. ys Mi¤¤SB¤r¤¤u- BUREAU or MEYES. loffffllug a°¤°¤¤*$¤l· Authority is granted to pay from the appropriation contained in Ame. p. ssa the Act entitled "An Act to prohibit the manufacture, distribution, storage, use, and possession m time of war of explosives, providing regulations for the safe manufacture, distribution, storage, use, an possession of the same, and for other pu1'poses," approved October