Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/564

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546 SIXTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 69. 1918. prescribed by the naturalization law and regulations, and such oath may be taken before any court of the United States or of any State authorized by law to naturalize aliens or before any consul of the __ United States, and certified copies thereof shall be sent by such m§§§,$'§§” pmm court or consul to the Department of State and the Bureau of ·*”*°» P- W- Naturalization, and the Act (Public fifty-Eve, Sixty-fifth Congress, apprxivgd October fifth, nineteen hundred and seventeen), is hereby _ _ repea e . p§°},$,‘S§2IiS0i°§L‘i§§',€$ "‘Thirteenth. That any (person who is serving in the tlgaegg ‘ ‘°’°°’ dung or naval forces of the Unite States at the termination of the existing ` war, and any person who before the termination of the existing war may have been honorably discharged from the military or naval services of the United States on account of disability incurred in line of duty, shall, if he applies to the pro er court for admission as a citizen of the United States, be relieved) from the necessity of proving that imgznediately preceding the date of his application he as resided contmuously within the United States the time required by law of other aliens, or within the State, Territory, or the District M tu o Columbia for the year immediately preceding the date of his mmsaeuiim m petition for naturalization but his petition for naturalization shall e suppforted by the affidavits of two credible witnesses, citizens of the nited States identifyingmtghe petitioner as the person named in the certificate of honorab e barge, which said certificate may be accepted as evidence of good moral character r uired by law, and ll: shall comply with the other requirements ofutihe naturalization w." L¤W¤ *°P°¤l°d· Sec. 2. That the follow1ng' revisions of law be and the are ppiiiili,”3s°rlC'mw'2174' hereby, repealed: Section twenty-one hundred and sixty-sixy and V md Mmm twentyjone hundred and seventcy-four of the Revised Statutes of céqigmaee qmusm. the United States of America an so much of an Act a proved July “°;3gi_,8 p_,,,_ twenty-sixth, eighteen hundred and ninety-four, entitled "An Act ’ making provisions for the naval service for the fiscal year ending June thu·t1eth, eighteen hundred and ninety-five, and for other purposes," being c apter one hundred and sixty-five of the laws of eighteen hundred an ninety-four (Twenty-eighth Statutes at Large, page one hundred and twenty-four), reading as follows: "Any alien of the age of twenty-one years and upward who has enlisted or mieiy enlist in the United States Navy or Marine Corps and has serve or may hereafter serve five consecutive ears in the United States Navy or one enlistment in the United States Marine Co and has been or may hereafter be honorably discharged, shallrb; admitted to become a citizen of the United States upon his petition without any previous declaration of his intention to become suchand the court admitting such alien shall, in addition to proof of good moral character, be satisfied by com etent proof of such person’s V0, 38 M service in and honorable discha e fiiom the United States Navy ° ’p` or Marine Corps;" and so much ei? an Act approved June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and fourteen, entitled "An Act making appropriations for the naval service for the Escal year ending June tliirmeth, mneteen hundred and fifteen, and for other purposes," being chapter one hundred and thirty of the laws of nineteen hundred and four. teen QThirty-eighth Statutes at Large, part one, page three hundred and ninety-two), reading as follows: “Any alien o the age of twentv. one years and upward who may under existii law become a citizen of the United States, who has served or may]-hereafter serve for one enlistment of not less than four years in the United States Navy or Marine Corps, and who has received therefrom an honorable discharve or an ordinary discharge, with recommendation for reenlistmerd or who has completed four years in the Revenue—Cutter Service and received therefrom an honorable discharge or an ordinary discharge