Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/600

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582 SIXTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. C11; 86. 1918. trustees of the tribes for the current fiscal year at salaries at the rate mw “°°°m°”‘ heretofore paid, and attorneys for the Choctaw, Chickasaw, and Creek C manu of Tribes employed under contract approved by_the President under m.£,l“,, glcsting lsv? {101* Ighe currezgi iistcal yegr: Pciolmded furtherh That tlge retary o the terior is ere authorize to continue uring the ensuing fiscal year the tribal enc? other schools among the Choctaw, , Chickasaw, Creek, and Seminole Tribes from the triba funds of those t nations, within his discretion and under such rules and regulations as ,,,,¥,§}’§,{§§{,§,§_°" ° he may prescribe: And prevailed further, That the Secretary of the

 “n£°i°b’ l1mpd)rw?lmd,ddu¥in%eth0t£Sc!izipy1(i¢Irf6n(ddi;ugfJg:

1e,eeenuneanmneen,oeeuno Chickasaw, Choctaw, Creek, and Seminole Nations available for school purposes under existing law for such repairs, improvements, or new buildings as he may_deem essential for the proper conduct of the

imu.¤. Smlgiil f 0tir::l(iegnvl;1?€h Choctaws, Oklahoma: For permanent

$¤¤¤1**¥· _ annuity (artic e two, treaty of November sixteenth, eighteen hundred ol.7,p.99, Vol.11, . . . p.614. and five, and article thirteen, treaty of June twenty-second, eighteen $,’{’§fl},`l'§1°$?.3;,11, and fifty-five) $3,000; for permanent annuity for support of p.614. hlihilt-horsgmen (artiglye thirteen,dtreat5i o{mtOctober· eig %ee]nth, e' teen un an twenty, an artic e theen treaty 0 une {’,',§?}";}{*§,“é°§»°,;,,,1, twenty-second, eighteen hundred and Efty-five), $b00; for rma- 1>-614- nent annuity for supyilort of blacksmith (article six, treaty of (lidtober gighteentlgveigilitieieln igldred alind twenty,da1;d argc? nine, tg anuary 81119 e teenun an wen-vean 16 human thirteen, treaty of ilune twenty-second, eighteen liundrbd and fifty- v¤1.7,p.25s;v¤1.u, five), $600; for permanent annuity for education (article two, treat P- **1*- of January twentieth, eighteen hundred and twenty-tive, and articlg kmmsml. thirteen, treaty of June twenty-second, eighteen hundred and fifty- v¤1.v,p.zee; vein, five), $6,000; or permanent annuity for iron and steel (article nme P-6**- treatly of January twentieth, eighteen hundred and twenty-five and artic e thirteen, treajg of June twenty-second, eighteen hundred and d i iiftily-five), $320;in , $10,520. ,,,,‘§‘,},,‘}",,,,,,’-‘,*§’,,,,§',$’,;.,Z’?j _ or the salaries and expenses of not to exceed four oil and gas inspectors and necessary c erks and field assistants, under the direction of the Secretary of the Interior, to supervise oil and as mining o%rations on allotted and tribal lands in the State of Oklahoma from w `ch restrictions have not been removed, and to conduct investiga- M tions with a. view to the revention of waste $17 500. E 7 I §;§';‘g}’{.*;,S•,;c'{;;, md That the Secretary of the Interior be, and he is hereby, authorized gmugaaswf lands ¢¤ and directed to sell at a price to be fixed bfy him which shall not be less °““‘ °" than the appraised value, to the State 0 Oklahoma for a game re- Dmd ti serve lands of the Choctaw and Chickasaw Tribes of Indians in Okla- , ’ °“‘ home described as sections one, two, eleven, twelve, thirteen, four- , §E?l1,t}gY6D;§—2li11IBB, twenty-f;>5uigv;wc;nS2y—Hv(p, twegnty-six, town- 3 ee u , range wen · e an sec 1ons ve six seven · e eight, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty, twenty-niue,’a.nd,thirt ’ i . . Y . . Y: PMN township three south, range twenty-six east, contaminlim all twelve Allotmsutsl mq ,,,,. thousand en$t hundred acres, more or less: Prmmled, at any lands 3 °°P‘°d· heretofore otted and conveyed to allottees of the Choctaw and Q Chickasaw Tribes of Indians, or sold at sales heretofore held to i purchasers of tracts of land within said area thus described shall be ChmmS· v excepted from such sale. _ _ · o { Au,,,,,,,,,_., ms, ,0 That all claims against the Cherokee Nation, mcluding clams to be mad W§ii111 ¤i1¤ un aid per capita and e ualization mone which ma n b ’d year. g . . of {gv Y QW 9 Pm un er existing law out o the funds of e_ Cherokee Nation m the ('gréeasmyclcgg t£paHU£i6teél16§tate2 pigeotltgzrwise m theflllmdshofdthe vernm no a r an one ear t te { of the apprtival of this Act, with the supeiinteiident fell-! th; Five » Civilized_ ribes or such other £erson as the Secretary of the Interior may desngnate, and under su rules and regulations as said Secre— e