Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/634

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616 SIXTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. · C11s.· 104-106. 1918. or persons within the permitted class of beneficiaries as would under the laws of the State o the residence of the insured be entitled to his personal property in case of intestacy. If no such person survive the msured, then there shall be npsid to the estate of the insured an amount equal to the reserve v e, if any, of the insurance at the time of his death, calculated on the basis of the American Experience Table of Mortality and three and one·half per centmm interest in full of all obligations under the contract of insurance." Approved, June 25, 1918.

iélilj G.¥AP. 10%·;aAne1.:;:'t To amend an A? entitled ‘_‘An Act to promote the safety of

°__-1- —6m0€@&D V 1111 CID. COEDIDOII 'IB]1 ` [P°w°’N°' N6'] intgrstllte commerce to eq1Ii19p their locomldiiwges withesafe and siiigge gosggl anld ggpurtenances thereto, " approved February seventeenth, nineteen hundred and VCD. Be it enacted by the Senate and House 0 Representatives of the United accmmm. . . . b0i3rSt.isytE>rmwm¤uv¤ States of America in (Jongress assembled? That the Act entitled "An. vg? 22; p_ ,14, Act to promote the safety of employees and travelers upon railroads ¤¤¤¤*°°· by contipelhng common carriers engaged in interstate commerce to equip e1r locomotives with safe and suitable boilers and ap urtenances thereto, " apdgiéoved February seventeenth, nineteen hundred samaimcuca and eleven, as amen , be, and is hereby amended as follows:

 “"° _ "Amend section threeso as to Saivide that the salary of the chief

mbt:r:4ha·lg>e $5,000 per year; salary of each assistant inspector . 2 Por yeah °“""°“"’*"“"‘ _"Amend section four so as to provide that the salary of each dis- » tnct inspector $3,000 per ‘year." ,_,,,1}',‘{,,§'£"§' '“°‘"°“' Sec. 2. Nothing herein contains shall be construed as amending, altering, or repealing any of the other provisions of said sections. Approved, June 26, 1918. • June 27, 1918. ·

 cnar. 10§.—An Act {rc authorizqthe secretary ci are rumor to issue a ace: to

[ru¤uc,No. 177.] G. H. Beckwith for certain land within the Flathead Indian Reservation, Montana. Be it enacted by the Senate and House 0 Re esentatives 0 the United ml3ibli¤°,:$l°i(fl°°R°°` States qf_America in Congress assembled, Tat the Secretary of the Gg'}°B°c;,°,$,°,‘,;$Y°°°° Interior is hereby authorized to convey by deed, at the a raised prince, to G. H. Beckwith, two certain tracts of land in the Flldthead dian Reservation and town of Saint Ignatius, Montana, lying in the southeast quarter of the southeast quarter of section fourteen, town- Dem tb ship eighteen north, range twenty west, Montana principal meridian, P "‘ separated by a public highwaylsnrty feet wide, and described_as fcllows: The pomt of beginning A of the first tract is south eighty· nine degrees and forty-six minutes west four hundred and sixt -three and one-tenth feet from the 1/128 corner found in lace on the east line of said section fourteen and north eighty-nine dggrees and forty. six minutes east thirty-three feet from a. 1/128 corner, which in turn IS north no degrees and twenty-two minutes west eight hundred and twenty-six an seven-tenths feet from a 1/128 corner found in place on the soutlhdine of said section (fourteen. Thence from point of beginning " ’ nort no degrees an twent —two minutes west fifteen an eight-tenths feet to ‘ B," thence I1<;‘th fifty-six degrees and thirty-seven minutes west three hundred and seventy-seven and sur-tenths feet to "K," thence south no d ees and twenty-two mmutes east four hundred and sixty-two eil? eight-tenths feet to "L," thence north eighty-nine degrees and thirt -five minutes eemt Y three hundred and fourteen and three-tenths feet to "Z," thence north no degrees and twenty-two minutes west two hundred and