Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/693

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SIXTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 113. 1918. 675 State laws and upon the execution of agreements for the repayment to the United States of all project invesgments; North Dakota pumpixnlg project, Nort Dakota: For maintenance, ,,,g°m‘ D°‘k°°“*‘“'“P' operation, and incident operations, $64,000; Lawton project, Oklahoma: For continuation of investigations, L“"°“'°“"‘ $1,000; _ Umatilla project, Oregon: For maintenance, operation, continua- tion of construction, and incidental operations, $80,000, together °'p' °°' with the unexpended balance of the a propriation for this project ` for the fiscal year nineteen hundred andp eighteen; Kb th Klamath project, Oregon-California: For maintenance, operation, me ’°”g"°°1‘ continuation of construction, and incidental operations, $423,000; Bm, Fomhc S Belle Fourche project, South Dakota: For maintenance, operation, mk- ` continuation of construction, and incidental operations, $262,000; Smwbmy vane, Strawberry Valley project, Utah: For maintenance, operation, Umm ’ and incidental operations, $59,000, together with the unexpended AM, p_ 1,,, balance of the appropriation for this project for the fiscal year ' nineteen hundred and ggghteeng Om D W h Okanogan project, ashington: For construction, maintenance, °g° °S ° operation, an incidental operations, $154,000; Yakima, w,,,,,_ Yakima {project, Washington: For maintenance, operation, con- A1ue’p-149. tinuation o construction, and incidental operations, $645,000, together ‘ with the unexpended balance of the appropriation for this project for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and eighteen; , Shoshone roject, Wyoming: For maintenance, operation, con- S1‘°“"°"°·W"°· tinuation ofp construction, and incidental operations, $400,000, together with the unexlpended balance of the sum appropriated for *‘”“·*’·‘*°· this project for the fisc ear nineteen hundred and eighteen· · Secondary projects: Fbr cooperative and other miscellaneous “°°°"“*”YP’°$°"“· investigations, $100,000; E dit umm Under the provisions of this Act no greater sum shall be ewendéd, od snmnor shall the United States be obligated to expend, during the fiscal '”°“"·°°°· year nineteen hundred and nineteen, on any reclamation project appropriated for herein an amount in excess of the sum herem appropriated therefor, nor shall the whole expenditures or _0bl1g&·· tions mcurred for all of such projects for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and nineteen exceed the whole amount in the "reclamation fund " for that fiscal year; Ten per centum of the foregoing amounts shall be available inter- ,¤i.§‘uj,‘§_°h°”“°°°l° changeably for expenditure on the reclamation projects named; but not more than ten per centum shall be added to the amount appropriated for any one of said rojects; P Hereafter the purchase ofp supplies and the procurement of services ,,,,,,`§{,’§,'§f‘§‘€Z_ °‘ "'""" for the Reclamation Service may be made in open market in the manner common amon business men, without advertising and formal contract, when tithe aggre ate of the amount require does not exceed $50, and when, m tie opinion of the Director of the Reclamation Service, such limitations of amount are not designed to evade the purchase of su plies and the procurement of services under advertising and formal) contract, and equally or more advantageous terms can thereby be secured. n all, Reclamation Service, $9,345,000. _ _ For reimbursement to the reclamation fund the proportionate .r¥$¥:°wI2sad°i°R°s` egrpense of gperation and maintenance of the reservoirs for fur- mkiiggywxgjmgf rushing stor water to the lands in Yakima Indian Reservation, ia Washington, in accordance with the provisions of section twenty- V°l’°°’°'°°°‘ two_ of the Act of August first, nineteen hundred and fourteen (Thirty-eighth Statutes, page six hundred and four), there is approg§l;lii% out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropnatcd,
