Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 40 Part 1.djvu/706

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688 SIXTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. C11. 113. 1918. L‘g*‘“*°‘”°"°“°’* Li%1thouse vessels: For salaries and wages of officers and crews of lig t vessels and lighthouse tenders, including temporary employ- ment when necessary, $1,265,000. · §°$£$°§Y$,§t°' Inspectors, clerks, and so forth: For salaries of seventeen lighthouse inspectors, and of clerks and other authorized permanent employees in the district offices and depots of the Lighthouse Service, exclusive of those regularl employed in the Bureau of Lighthouses, Washington, District of Columbia, $380,000. s.$¤»°°ZS;. and G°°d°u° A coasr AND cnonnrro srmvnr. E"’°“’°“‘ For every expenditure requisite for and incident to the work of the Coast and Geodetic Siu·vey, including maintenance, repair, or operation of motor-propelled or horse-drawn vehicles for use in field work, and includin compensation, not otherwise appropriated for, of persons employed in the field work, and commutation to officers of the field force while on field duty, at a rate not exceedin $2.50 per day each, to be expended in accordance with the regiilations P . relating to the Coast and Geodetic Survey prescribed by the Secre- Advances. tary o Commerce, and under the following heads: Provided, That advances of money from available appropriations hereafter ma be made to the Coast and Geodetic Survey and by authority ofy the superintendent thereof to chiefs of parties, who shall give bond under such rules and regulations and in such sum as the Secretary of Commerce may direct, and accounts arising under such advances shall be · rendered through and by the disbursing officer of the Coast and { mma Geodetic Survey to the Treasury Department as under advances s¤pp1»¤,e:e.° heretofore made to chiefs of parties: And provided further, That hereafter the purchase of supplies or the procurement of services outside the District of Columbia may be ma e in the open market in the manner common among business men when the aggregate amount F. ld of the urchase does not exceed $50; Aiia¤€i:p°$°tf can Field) expenses: For surveys and necessary resurveys of the °°j?}j;m_ Atlantic an Gulf coasts of the United States, includin the coasts of 1s¤¤¤ds,¤:¤.,u¤¤n. outl islands under the jurisdiction of the United States? Pm- ·videdr:Il§hat not more than $45,000 of this amount shall be expended on the coasts of said outlying islands, and the Atlantic entrance to Pwnc mms. the Panama Canal, $101,500; _ For surveys and necessary resurveys of coasts on the Pacific Ocean ,,,,,,;,,:1, hymw under the jumsdiction of the United States, $160,000· pur- For continuing researches in physical hydro aphy, relating to harbors and bars, and for tidal and current oiiservations on the coasts of the United States, or other coasts under the jurisdiction of the United States, including extra compensation at not to exceed $1 Ser day for each station to employees of the Lighthouse Service C wh e observing tides or currents $16,000; °“°m°°‘ For compilation of the Coast Pilot, including the employment of such pilots and nautical experts in the field and office as may be M " necessary for the same, $5,600; em°?§`$l° °°°"”" For continuing magnetic observations and to establish meridian lines in connection therewith in all parts of the United States; magnetic observations in other regions under the jurisdiction of the United States; purchase of additional magnetic instruments; lease of sites where necessary and erection of temporary m etic buildin ; continuing the line of exact levels between theaglilantic, Paci%:, and Gulf coasts; establishing lines of exact levels in Alaska; determination of geographical positions, by triangulation or traverse for the control of ederal, State, boun ary, and other surveys and engineering works all parts of the interior of the United States and Alaska; determination of field astronomic positions; for continu` gravity observations; and mcluding the employment in the field aliig